Death, Burial and Rebirth in the Religions of Antiquity (Religion in the First Christian Centuries)

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Created good by Ahura Mazda as free moral agents, men and women are on a journey, benefitted and battered by the forces of good and evil. In Canaan and Mesopotamia the prevailing thanatology is somber. Men and women were created as an afterthought, slaves of the gods. There is neither judgment nor reward here or hereafter--at best any afterlife is a shadowy existence.

For the pre-exilic Israelites, humans and their universe are created good, but their theology of death is laced with ambivalence. The funerary archaeology raises a question, "Are the dead, dead? Because of the Israelite conviction that creation is completed and perfected by the creation of humans the sixth day , the cults of the dead presuppose that the dead have an intercessory relationship with God. Sheol awaits most at death, but two humans, Elijah and Enoch, are taken alive into heaven, the ancestral gathering place.

The biblical authors, however, are restrained about place and description, because of the ease with which their Mesopotamian and Canaanite neighbors used the cults of the dead to manipulate the gods. Restraints loosened gradually during the Second Temple period. Epitaphs begin to evince "a blessing and the hope of life after death" Resurrection begins to concretize the hope, as the author of the Book of Daniel and the increasingly numerous pseudepigrapha and their authors testify.

1. Introduction to Roman Architecture

The reason lies at hand: A series of Jewish revolts, short-lived victories like that of the Mac-cabees and the Hasmonean dynasty, and long-term defeats like those at the hands of the Romans. Ray Kurzweil , American inventor and futurist , believes that when his concept of singularity comes to pass, it will be possible to resurrect the dead by digital recreation. In their science fiction novel The Light of Other Days , Sir Arthur Clarke and Stephen Baxter imagine a future civilization resurrecting the dead of past ages by reaching into the past, through micro wormholes and with nanorobots , to download full snapshots of brain states and memories.

Both the Church of Perpetual Life and the Terasem Movement consider themselves transreligions and advocate for the use of technology to indefinitely extend the human lifespan. A zombie Haitian Creole: Zombies became a popular device in modern horror fiction , largely because of the success of George A. Romero 's film Night of the Living Dead [42] and they have appeared as plot devices in various books, films and in television shows. The monsters are usually hungry for human flesh, often specifically brains. Sometimes they are victims of a fictional pandemic illness causing the dead to reanimate or the living to behave this way, but often no cause is given in the story.

As knowledge of different religions has grown, so have claims of bodily disappearance of some religious and mythological figures. In ancient Greek religion , this was a way the gods made some physically immortal, including such figures as Cleitus , Ganymede , Menelaus , and Tithonus.

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In his chapter on Romulus from Parallel Lives , Plutarch criticises the continuous belief in such disappearances, referring to the allegedly miraculous disappearance of the historical figures Romulus, Cleomedes of Astypalaea , and Croesus. In ancient times, Greek and Roman pagan similarities were explained by the early Christian writers, such as Justin Martyr , as the work of demons, with the intention of leading Christians astray. In somewhat recent years it has been learned that Gesar , the Savior of Tibet , at the end, chants on a mountain top and his clothes fall empty to the ground.

Lord Raglan 's Hero Pattern lists many religious figures whose bodies disappear, or have more than one sepulchre. Traven, author of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre , wrote that the Inca Virococha arrived at Cusco in modern-day Peru and the Pacific seacoast where he walked across the water and vanished. Perhaps, this is also to deter the practice of disturbing and collecting the hero's remains. They are safely protected if they have disappeared. The first such case mentioned in the Bible is that of Enoch son of Jared , great-grandfather of Noah , and father of Methuselah.

Enoch is said to have lived a life where he "walked with God", after which "he was not, for God took him" Genesis 5: Elijah vanishes in a whirlwind 2 Kings 2: After hundreds of years these two earlier Biblical heroes suddenly reappear, and are seen walking with Jesus, then again vanish.

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The last time he is seen, Luke From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Resurrection disambiguation. The Fourth Lateran Council teaches that all men, whether elect or reprobate , "will rise again with their own bodies which they now bear about with them" chapter " Firmiter ". In the language of the creeds and professions of faith this return to life is called resurrection of the body resurrectio carnis, resurrectio mortuoram, anastasis ton nekron for a double reason: Paul never says that the earthly body becomes immortal".

They believe that Christ's post-Resurrection appearances on earth were on-the-spot manifestations and materializations of flesh and bones, with different forms, that the Apostles did not immediately recognize. Their explanation for the statement "a spirit hath not flesh and bones" is that Christ was saying that he was not a ghostly apparition, but a true materialization in flesh, to be seen and touched, as proof that he was actually raised. But that, in fact, the risen Christ was, in actuality, a divine spirit being, who made himself visible and invisible at will.

He needs no human body any longer A Study in Magic and Religion Ware: The Encyclopedia of Religion: Life of St Columba. Archived from the original on June 29, Retrieved June 29, Encyclopaedia of Islam Online. Judaism in Late Antiquity: Jewish Views of the Afterlife. Retrieved 2 December Rejuvenation Research 11 2: Tipler, The Physics of Immortality: The Fabric of Reality: Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.

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Retrieved December 10, Giulio Prisco December 16, Retrieved 6 July Futurisms - The New Atlantis. Clarke, Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, Millennium [i. How technology is redefining death and the afterlife". Michael Paterniti, Driving Mr. Causes of death by rate Expressions related to death Natural disasters People by cause of death Premature obituaries Preventable causes of death Notable deaths by year Unusual deaths TV actors who died during production.

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Death, Burial and Rebirth in the Religions of Antiquity

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