A Squirrel Planted an Acorn

This large beautiful coffee table book is sure to be a conversation starter as you take a journey through years of history and the settlement.
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Why Do Squirrels Like Acorns? | The Children's Museum of Indianapolis

Not to mention erosion and natural disasters. I really enjoyed reading the article and the point of view and information is entertaining and interesting. From my readings, I think that thousands do grow into trees each year in the United States alone Dude that is awesome! Even with only thousands that is still a few hundred in every state!

Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world

Absolutely true, If Peanuts would grow up North here in N. I would have acres of them growing each year. They love to come knocking on my back door for multiple treats daily just to bury them in mine and all the neighbors yards. I also read that they are one of the most trusting animals in regards to humans. I have them running from the tree tops when they see me now!

Acorns as Food

They literally sit on the back of my porch chairs looking in the door to see if I am there. They have gotten so bold as to tell my cats to get out of the way so they can pass them on the porch. It cracks me up everyday.

Squirrel Cam- The Chipsters look for the Perfect acorn!

Thank you for reading! My goal for my writing is always to either educate or provide some humor, and in rare instances I am able to do both! I am glad you liked it! This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the second half of Dec See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Dec 01 - Part II.

You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post. If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment. I wonder how many of the forgotten burial sites are due to the squirrel getting eaten? My dog and cats used to catch and eat them almost every day when we lived near some. Not to put a darker side on the post. I really enjoyed it! Damn, if only squirrels can survive in a tropical country like mine Reforestation then would be not difficult.

That image really caught my attention! Good job, these kinds of posts always bring a smile to my face. Learn more about and upvote to support linkback bot v0. Flag this comment if you don't want the bot to continue posting linkbacks for your posts.

  • A Squirrel Planted an Acorn by Amber S. Higgins | Blurb Books.
  • Pursuing Priscilla;
  • Squirrels plant thousands of new trees each year simply by forgetting where they put their acorns.
  • How squirrels plant acorns – Laidback Gardener!
  • Albumleaves, Op. 124, No. 16, Schlummerlied (Slumber song), piano/violin.
  • .

TIL that squirrels plant thousands of trees per year simply by forgetting where they hid their acorns! A couple other interesting facts about squirrels: Squirrels can smell food under a foot of snow. Their front teeth never stop growing. Newborn squirrels are born blind. Squirrels pack on weight to stay warm during the winter.

The Wildlife Benefits of Acorns and Oaks

Squirrels will adopt a baby squirrel as their own if they find one that is abandoned. Live well my friends! Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Trending Trending Votes Age Reputation. Haha do the ones with the white stripes smell bad? Not a polar bear, nor a Grizzly, but a black bear in Quebec, Canada.

Those are just as vicious! How close have you been to one? Thanks for sharing this with us: Your welcome, and thank you for reading!

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Haha yes I did! I think you are right! In South America they imported beavers from Canada. When an acorn crop is especially good, deer may produce more twin fawns , thanks to improved nutrition. A failed acorn season can cause wildlife populations dependent on acorns to decline.

How squirrels plant acorns

A single oak tree can produce thousands of acorns in one season. My patio in autumn can become covered with acorns, like a carpet of crunchy ball bearings, and a walk in the backyard can turn into a gauntlet of pelting acorns, stinging to head and shoulders. The blasted acorns are everywhere. Which raises a point you may find interesting.

Wild things have two strategies for ensuring that they produce enough offspring to keep the species going—individuals of some species mature fast , produce a lot of young, and die soon think mice or rabbits ; in other species, individuals mature slowly , reproduce slowly, but live long think of African elephants, with their two-year gestation period usually resulting in a single calf, with females beginning to breed in their mid teens and preferring to mate with males older than 40, and adults sometimes living into their 70s.

Long life tends to equal low birth rates, because the individuals have time over the years to produce at least two offspring that mature and reproduce. The reason, of course, is all those animals feeding on the nuts. The mighty oak tree is a sitting duck. This Bill Saves Wildlife in Crisis. Urge Congress to Support It. Our beloved wildlife ambassador has been creating lifelong connections with nature for generations.

Written by Roger Di Silvestro. Get Outside , Students and Nature. Garden Habitats , Students and Nature.