BAIT! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program (911 Reloaded Series)

BAIT! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program ( Reloaded Series ) by Jennifer Tschirhart Simpson, Beth Tschirhart Hill Terrence W. McMillin Esq.
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Why does the car argument fail? Because a gun is a tool designed solely for the purpose of killing. A car was designed to get you to work, transport goods, ect, ect.

61 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Surprised shooting victim"

I for one wish they would come take your guns. If your so scared of people take a karate class or something. To answer a previous question asked here by Anna, the only way to not know if you were shot twice is if you are drunk or high. They put on suits, ties, and dresses and spend their entire work days looking for ways to do what Jw wants them to do. I have dealt directly with these people while working in the firearms industry for many years.

Fools with guns will always make headlines, just as fools with keyboards will. JW — Do you wish to take my freedom of speech as well? How about my right to assemble and petition the government for redress? The fallacy of trying to parse the bill of rights and pick out which ones you may not agree with is that they are interdependent.

How does your argument work for the people of Paris — they have pretty strict gun laws there, correct? I will, however, continue to defend our constitution, which guarantees us the right to do so. Bradley … you make a fair point and I misspoke — you are correct that there are indeed anti-gun zealots who would get rid of all guns if they could. They are small in number, utterly unsuccessful in their feeble efforts, but you are correct — they do exist.

Any attempt at rational gun laws i. You guys win every time.

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I am willing to give up my 2nd amendment rights if to only protect 1 person from a gun. JW — I believe you just illustrated the problem — while you are free to give up any of your freedoms, you do not have the right to deprive me of mine. These are Constitutional Rights we are talking about here.

The rights of your fellow Americans are supposed to be dear to you, and be defended by all. Do the grabbers attack those who chgoose to stand on street corners and give sermons exercising their first amendment rights to free exercise? Do the grabbers here challenge the right of a muslim woman to wear her hijab on the job at Safeway? If the government really wanted to clean up the problem go after gangbangers with gunbs, felons with guns and drug dealers with guns.

We could clean up darn near the whole problem pretty fast with existing laws. Why is nobody asking why the laws are not being enforced? My guess is the prisons are already full. I have owned guns for 52 years without incident. Why single us old honest geezers out when we KNOW who is at the core of the problem. Thomas W … please do explain which existing laws you believe are not being enforced?

Talk:Orlando nightclub shooting/Archive 5

So please do explain which laws you are referring to. Hold on Rusty, let me apologize. The person who wants to carry a gun or the person who would like to live in a society free of gun accidents and violence. Is it not my right to walk down the street without being shot or assaulted with a firearm? They just want your money, and they have cruise missles. You want to protect your freedoms? Where were all the people with their guns protecting me from the patriot act?

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You would like to cite Paris? So your solution is what, open gun stores? How many accidental deaths, shootings, ect do you think they would then have a year? We kill many more than that here with our guns of protection. Time to shut down the ammo factorys, then wait.

Life Outside The Federal Witness Protection Program. March 25 2014

It may take years but it will run out eventually. The car analogy, as already eviscerated by JW, laughable attempt. A 30 round mag could definitely be considered reasonable a limit to a freedom. That would be, by definition, delusional. When you feel like your life is in danger without the ability to murder at your fingertips — I call you a coward.

When you feel like someone yelling at you warrants murdering them, I call you a coward. If the shoe fits. If you think otherwise, reread your manuals, retake your classes, you are wrong. Paranoia and ignorance rule their arguments. Meanwhile, in San Bernadino, CA… another mass shooting. Upwards of 14 dead, more wounded. Comment by Sue — 9: If you make guns, sell guns, promote guns, carry guns concealed or unconcealed, legally or illegally, I am going to assume for my own self defense that you are a criminal with intent to murder or do bodily harm whether or not you plan to use it only to defend yourself.

If you are christianly bent, I doubt Jesus would want you packing. So my wife, myself, my mother and father, and all of my loved ones are licensed to carry firearms concealed me in 37 states and you assume we are all criminals. Please forgive me for not wanting to die at the hands of violent felons and armed terrorists.

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I see no issue with people who would like to be able to protect themselves and their loved ones. There are a lot of improvements we can make — better mental-health care laws, better screening, working on standardizing fingerprint-locks, etc.. I believe if all the guns were gone we all would be safer. So I offered a realistic solution, stop the manufacture of ammunition. Then you can keep your guns and your stockpile of ammunition.

Surely you can see how thin that argument is. You mention that mass shootings have been happening for around 20 years — I would say longer, but much more prevalent nowadays. What else coincides with that time period? I think most people would be in favor of that — as well as improving background checks and mental health checks for gun ownership.

Traffic WC Weather Forums. West Seattle Crime Watch: Surprised shooting victim November 30, 1: Surprised shooting victim" Oakley34 November 30, 1: WSB November 30, 2: Wendell November 30, 2: False November 30, 3: Anna November 30, 4: Eric1 November 30, 4: Seattlite November 30, 4: False again November 30, 4: MotorMike November 30, 4: Paul November 30, 5: WSB November 30, 9: Mark November 30, South Delridge Resident December 1, Bradley December 1, Antizark December 1, 5: M December 1, 6: HelperMonkey December 1, 8: Just Sayin' December 1, 8: Sue December 1, 9: Robert December 1, 9: Rick December 1, Rusty December 1, Born on Alki 59 December 1, 2: Jw December 1, 4: VofM December 1, 5: Bradley December 1, 8: Textbook pdf downloads free Women in Educational Management: Amazon ebook download Begin Hairdressing and Barbering: Free audiobooks in mp3 download Esomgquba NCS: Learners Book by - PDF.

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