Values in Sport: Elitism, Nationalism, Gender Equality and the Scientific Manufacturing of Winners (

Is our fascination with sport winners fascistoid? Questions Values in Sport: Elitism, Nationalism, Gender Equality, and the Scientific Manufacturing of Winners.
Table of contents

Values in Sport

The Rules of the Game The Scientific Manufacturing of Winners Schneider and Robert B. What is Wrong With Doping? Selected Champions Christian Munthe. Factfulness Hans Rosling Inbunden. Skickas inom vardagar. How will sport keep pace with current scientific and biological advances? Is the possibility of the 'bionic athlete' that far away and is this notion as bad as it might first appear?

Is our fascination with sport winners fascistoid?

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  • Values in sport: elitism, nationalism, gender equality and the scientific manufacture of winners.

Questions such as these and many others are posed and examined by the contributors to this volume. Some are sceptical of future developments in sport and demand radical reforms to halt progress, others are more optimistic and propose that sport should adapt to new advances just as other realms of the cultural sphere have to. Some of the topics examined here, such as the genetic engineering of athletes, and the significance of the public's fascination with sport winners, are being discussed for the first time, whilst others such as sex segregation, nationalism and doping are being revisited and reintroduced onto the agenda after a period of suggestive silence.

Doping and Anti-Doping Policy in Sport.

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Sport, Culture and Advertising. Law, Immunization and the Right to Die.

Values in Sport: Elitism, Nationalism, Gender Equality, and the Scientific - Google Книги

Through the Eyes of a Concerned Liberal. Pain and Injury in Sport. Sport, Rules and Values. Boxing, Masculinity and Identity. Inclusion and Exclusion in Competitive Sport. Longevity and the Good Life. On Sport and the Philosophy of Sport. A Global History of Doping in Sport.

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Modern Biotechnology in Postmodern Times? Social Problems and Issues. Youth Culture and Sport. The Body in Culture, Technology and Society. Sport and the Social Significance of Pleasure. The Jurisdiction of Medical Law. Physical Culture, Power, and the Body.

Selected Champions: Making Winners in the Age of Genetic Technology

Ethics and Governance in Sport. Living with London's Olympics. Categories We Live By.

Deliberation, Democracy, and the Media. The Global Politics of Sport. Applied Ethics in a Troubled World. Recognition Theory as Social Research. Biomedical Research and Beyond. A Theory of Race. Freedom and Equality Routledge Revivals. The Nature and Prospect of Bioethics. Sport, Power, and Society. Decline and Revival in Higher Education. From Reasons to Norms. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.

Gender Equality in Sports: Men vs Women

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