Improvised Munitions Combined with Field Firing for the M16A2 Rifle

Improvised Munitions Combined with Field Firing for the M16A2 Direct Support Maintenance Manual For Machine Gun 5 56mm M W.
Table of contents

Army gave him his chance. They sent him to Vietnam where, between August and July , he flew more than 1, assault missions. In Chickenhawk, Robert Mason gives us a devastating bird's eye-view of that war in all its horror, as he experiences the accelerating terror, the increasingly desperate courage of a man 'acting out the role of a hero long after he realises that the conduct of the war is insane,' says the New York Times, 'And we can't stop ourselves from identifying with it. Try Google Play with Chrome. Department of Defense May 29, This manual provides detailed explanation of manufacturing munitions from seemingly innocuous locally available materials.

This edition offers simple instructions, enriched with a large number of illustrations, on various techniques for constructing many different weapons and devices made of materials that can be bought in a drug or hardware store or found in a junkyard. The instructions are presented in a way that even people normally not familiar with making and handling munitions can use them.

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Documents from same domain. Heal Your Sick … www. Machine Guns and Machine Gun Gunnery www. Although he couldn't rank him as a friend, they certainly had been friendly. Both had fought as allies in the legislative gun control wars in Alabama over the years. Phil was never shy about what he thought of the ATF , which is probably why they had come to take him that night. About a week before the battle, Phil had come to see Kraut at his house. It was a big favor, and it involved a huge leap of faith and trust for Mark Mueller.

He had taken it. Still, if the Feds knew that he had given Phil his design, they would have come for him already. So Phil must have taken that secret to his grave. How Phil put it together that he had been working on them was easy, Mark now understood: I just figured that if I hadn't been so damn cautious all these years, that might be something I would have done. It don't take Sherlock Holmes.

Phil had done the rest himself. Then, as now, Mark was the closest thing the Alabama Constitutional Militia had to an ordnance officer. He had demonstrated everything from the utility of dummy rifle grenades in training to how to manufacture a thermite device to take out an M1 Abrams tank. Anything that slowed down the people who had started the Waco atrocity and made them more cautious was a positive social good as far as Kraut Mueller was concerned.

Both agencies had tried to entrap him over the years with a variety of scams and provocations, most of them unimaginative if not stupid. Mueller had evaded them all, and for a fellow of his political stripe that was saying something.

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The Feds always had a theory that a gun enthusiast with political opinions was just this side of a terrorist, and the Clinton administration made sure that their FBI stooges kept close track of militia folk. The irony that the Fibbies spent so much time spying on the militias that they let the September 11 conspiracy get past them was not lost on Kraut.

They were just federal bureaucrats working toward retirement. But for the most part they were guys who joined after a stint in the military or the local cops and who thought they could do some good fighting bad guys. Oh, some of them resigned out of principle, but darn few. Mostly they turned into the guys who, when ordered to do something patently unconstitutional like the Waco raid, saluted and put on their raid gear. Meet them in a bar, and you could get to like them. Because they showed at Waco and Ruby Ridge, and now at the Battle of Sipsey Street, that they were ready to take yours.

Not only that, but they'd kill your wife and kids as well and be unapologetic and unrepentant afterwards. If Sipsey Street proved anything, it proved that , even if the Feds had gotten more than they bargained for. No federal prison for Mrs. Mueller's son, that was for sure. But after Sipsey Street, Mark Mueller was sure, the dynamic had changed.

The gloves were off now. Phil Gordon's spectacular resistance had changed everything. There was only one access door to the stairs from the inside, and it was both steel and triple locked. You could only get to the door by passing through the private office of the owner, which, because he handled lots of cash in an average business day, was equally secured with alarms, steel doors, controlled access and bulletproof windows.

In fact, the building had been constructed just four years ago with just this dual-purpose in mind. The hard-working owner was one of the few patriots Mark knew who had money to burn, for most of the other militiamen and women were poor as church mice. Clair or Winston counties. They are also effective as signaling agents, for screening effect, and as an incendiary against inflammable targets.

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They are similar to hand grenades, but have greater range since they are fired from the muzzle of the rifle by use of a special blank cartridge. Certain types are much more powerful than hand grenades… Rifle grenades are versatile weapons and can perform many jobs if the right grenade is used for the particular task at hand. They may be fired singly or in groups, at low or high angle, and they can cover the dead space between the distance you can throw a hand grenade and the minimum range of mortar and artillery fire. In any case, for his purposes, Kraut was already sold on the military utility of rifle grenades.

It helped that he and his friends really had few other choices. The United States Army had dropped them from the inventory toward the end of the Vietnam War in favor of a 40mm grenade launcher, first the M79, then the M However, the militia had no mortars, anti-armor rockets, artillery or direct-fire cannon.

But what the militia did have a lot of were rifles-- bolt action and semiautomatic rifles. And some of those rifles had military spec flash hiders on them that doubled as rifle grenade launchers. There were rifles chambered in 7. There was also a variant of the Soviet SKS rifle chambered in 7. There were also rifles that could be fitted with grenade launching attachments like the venerable Springfield and the M1 Garand of WWII issue - both chambered in. So there were plenty of grenade-launching platforms in militia hands. It was also legal to own such a rifle for the moment anyway and you could go out to a range, a pasture or an old strip mine and launch grenades, as long as they were inert practice grenades.

You simply take practice rifle grenades and launch them with low-cost blanks at your targets to perfect your aim. After shooting them, you go down range, pick them up and shoot them again. Mark had the charge data for 7.

Improvised Munitions Combined With MK 19, 40 …

In bold black letters it read: HPC 4 37 grs. Part of the problem was that the M31, painted blue like most US training munitions, was made of sheetmetal and the fins were prone to tear off after just one use. Even if you had the means to rebuild the fins, by the second or third use the warhead would break away from the launching body tube and all you'd be left with was a pile of junk. That was if you could find it. The grenades got lost as often as not unless you tied a three foot long piece of fluorescent engineer's tape to the tail and stationed a spotter out in the impact zone.

So between militia training usage and the fact that no M31s had been made since the Sixties, that well was about dry. They were still available if you looked real hard, but the price was exorbitant.

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This was unfortunate for improvised munitioneers like Kraut because the M31 lent itself to reactivation, especially because the shape and composition of the training round was perfect for the shaped charge necessary to be an effective antitank round. Powder Burns' book, "Improvised Rifle Grenades", was a tutorial on rearming an M31 with a shaped charge of home-made C4.

The shaped charge principle had first been discovered in by Charles Edward Munroe, a professor of chemistry at the U. While working at the Naval Torpedo Station at Newport, Munroe found that that if a block of guncotton with letters countersunk into its surface is detonated with the lettered surface against a steel plate, the letters are indented into the surface of the steel.

Likewise, if the letters are raised above the surface of the guncotton, by detonation they are reproduced in relief on the steel plate, embossed and raised above the neighboring surface. In other words, the greatest effects are produced on the steel plate at the points where the explosive material stands away from it, at precisely where explosive waves from different directions meet and reinforce each other.

Munroe found that by increasing the depth of the concavity in the explosive he was able to produce greater and greater effects on the plate until with a charge which was hollowed out all the way, he was able to punch a hole completely through the steel plate. Later ordnance scientists would learn that the effects of the shaped charge was independent of velocity - that is, it was unimportant if the charge was laid next to the steel plate or fired into it at great speed. The important thing was that for any given size and shape of charge, there was an optimal point above the steel plate called the stand-off where the effects of charge were maximized.

In addition, it was critical to locate the detonator at the center of the rear of the charge, so as to focus the resulting explosion.

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Finally, the conical cavity at the front of the charge must, for maximum effect, be lined with a ductile metal like copper. When the explosive is detonated the liner is deformed into a high velocity molten metal jet which is capable of penetrating armor plate. Minor changes in any of these three factors: While an unlined shaped charge would work, it was far less efficient for antitank work than a similar lined charge.

Phil Gordon's improvised rounds had been unlined. Mark intended to line his. Mueller studied the tables in "Evaluation of Improvised Shaped Charges", then put his micrometer on the sheets of copper, alloy and aluminum that he had been able to scrounge at the industrial surplus supply store on 41st Street in Birmingham. Mark jotted the measurements down in his journal. He would use all three in the prototypes to see which worked best. Weight was also a critical consideration. Kraut had come to the conclusion that the M31 was going to be best for antitank purposes. But if the larger goal of a "universal fed discourager" was to be met, he would have to find a design that could be produced by anybody from the stocks at their local hardware or building supply store.

Kraut had about inert M31s, new in the cardboard shipping tubes, stashed in a friend's barn up in Blount County, courtesy of a trade he'd made ten years ago with an itinerant surplus dealer. His ex-wife got the kids, the furniture, the car and the house, he got the military surplus, the alimony, the child support and their three legged-dog.

In retrospect, there was no doubt that his ex-wife, as ex-wives often do, got the better part of the deal.

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Still, Shorty clung to the comforting thought that the three-legged dog, which of course was named "Lucky", had a sweeter disposition than his ex-wife. But just as the supply of M31s had pretty much run out, the Israelis came to the rescue. These dummy grenades came with removable launching body tubes and tail fin assemblies so that if one piece were damaged in training, it could be repaired with a new part. But that wasn't the beautiful thing about these Israeli grenades. The beautiful thing was that in addition to the six complete assemblies, the white wooden crate that Numrich shipped to you held 40 extra plastic fins and 32 launching body tubes.

And it was the launching tubes and fin assemblies that Kraut coveted. Improvising a warhead, whether it is anti-personnel or anti-tank in design, is one thing. Mueller was already pretty good at that. But what was beyond Mark's abilities was a low-tech way to duplicate the intricacy of the fin assembly and the stout metallurgy and critical tolerances of the launching body tube.

What the Israelis through the good offices of Numrich Gun Parts Corporation had provided was six training grenades and the makings of thirty-two more improvised rifle grenades. Not to mention the fact that the six rubber dummy grenades were so stoutly designed and built that they hardly ever tore up in routine training.

Compared to the M31 sheetmetal dummies, the Israeli rubber grenades were indestructible. Six months ago, when he first understood the potential of the Israeli kits, Mueller tapped his friends for enough money to buy ten of them. In the intervening weeks, Kraut had figured out how to adapt the fin and launching tube assemblies to common pipe fittings which enabled him to adapt them to any kind of warhead he could design. What he was doing now was putting all the elements together, including the explosive charges, into test prototypes. By doing so, he was violating federal law.