Hiking, Cycling, and Canoeing in Maryland: A Family Guide

WELCOME TO Hiking, Cycling, and Canoeing in Maryland: A Family Guide! I decided to write this guidebook because so many people have asked me where to.
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On the way back, both canoes paddled the cut-through.

West Virginia

We saw water birds, I think Blue Herons flying by. There were several different water plants including swamp rose mallow hibiscus , arrowroot and wild rice.

Top Outdoor Activities in Maryland, United States

Mataponi Creek is pretty well known by the locals. You can rent a canoe at Jackson Landing and start there or you can rent one from Patuxent Riverkeeper and put it on your car and drive and put-in at Selby Landing. I had not realized that the Patuxent Riverkeeper rented canoes and camping gear until meeting the folks who were camping at Site This is a nice creek, I want to go further upstream next time to explore a little more.

For apres paddle refreshment, there is a at the intersection of Rt and Croom Road along with a Bojangles and a CVS for snacks. Our fellow paddlers preferred real ice cream to ice cream sandwiches at , so we actually traveled to Largo Town Centre for ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery, which is 20 miles from Selby Landing.

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  • American Mythos: Why Our Best Efforts to Be a Better Nation Fall Short.
  • Mataponi Creek, Upper Marlboro, MD | Family Canoeing Around Washington, DC.
  • The 10 Best Outdoor Activities in Maryland - TripAdvisor.
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Create a free website or blog at WordPress. This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: I would say it is a good place to get ice cream TO GO, not a particularly nice place to hang around and eat the ice cream.

It is not a big canoeing place, but a nice place to go with young kids who are not all that into the canoeing in the first place. It has a similar lake, beach and they rent canoes and kayaks as well as pedal boats. This is a map of the outfitters listed on this page. Shepherdstown Pedal and Paddle W. Front Royal, VA We did not rent canoes or kayaks, but the place rents all of that. They have about 5 canoes to rent and more kayaks to rent.

Book series tells you how to explore Maryland

There are two port-a-potties, and up the road a little bit by the playground there might be real toilets, but we did not investigate. Those we did buy while we were there.

This is a tidal river that flows into the Potomac River. It is very popular for fishermen. It reminded me a lot of the Patuxent River at Jug Bay. There was a dock and boat ramp for trailered boats. There was lots of arrowroot growing in the river. There were quite a few boats out, lots of kayaks, some canoes, and some stand-up-paddleboards. It was certainly not overrun with power boats and was pretty quiet. And according to my reading this is a speed restricted part of the creek, and we found there were no motor boats speeding along, they were all going very slowly.

Looking at the map, I thought it would be best to go upstream to where it gets narrower that is left at the put-in. But we did not paddle long enough to get to where it narrows. We probably paddled up a half hour before stopping for lunch. The place we stopped was an island in the middle of the creek made mostly of stones that looked like they were dredged up and put there.

There is a sign that says the Nature Conservancy has something to do with that island. It is not a flat island, like one would think, but a tall pile of rocks which once you climb to the top, gives a nice vista. There was a nice pebble and shell beach which the kids played on for quite awhile. Our group consisted of 2 canoes, 1 kayak, 5 adults and 3 children, ages This time for entertainment we brought our regular array of pool noodles, but I had bought three Super Soaker squirt guns with us.

I was hoping the other family would bring some squirt guns too, but alas, I had to give my super soaker to one of the children, as there were not enough for the children and the adults. The water is rather tan, which I think may be tannin in the water. It sort of looks like the color of water on the Lehigh River in Pennsylvania. The kids had fun attacking each other with the squirt guns and creating attach plans on the island as well as swimming out from the shore a bit, before it got too muddy.

On the way back we stopped on river left and found the remains of what looked like two barges. Even though we went upstream to get to the island, on the way back it felt like going upstream again. We saw some Great Blue Herons and some snakes in the water.

Strategic Trails Plan

There were quite a few fisherman and when we came back to the put-in take-out , there was a fisherman there with several huge fish gar fish, snakehead, and carp. This was a nice family paddle. With the wind and not having paddled since last August, it was pretty tiring getting back against the wind. But it sure was nice to be able to buy some cold ice cream bars at the return. Both are south of the first traffic light. The BBQ is great, and the servings are massive at both places. And if you want your ice cream and burgers. But it is a nice place to have ice cream after a day of paddling.

Back in , Natural Capital did a great job of locating rental canoes and kayaks around the Washington, DC area. I have updated the information and added some additional rental places. My list in by state and county. Canoe and kayak rental is a seasonal business, so check the canoe livery before going out there. The season is usually some time in May until some time in September. Each place is different. There certainly is a big price spread for renting a canoe around the area.

Trails | MNCPPC, MD

But all in all there are quite a few places to rent canoes and kayaks in the area. I still miss Swains Lock Livery , which closed about 10 years ago. NW, Washington, DC You can launch at the Riverkeeper site or take the boat on your car to another launch site. You can rent overnight too for camping on the Patuxent River.

Reston, VA Contact the book shop by calling We offer tours and custom events as well! We offer competitive group pricing and are able to work out discounts based on group size. That does not appear to be the case. This puts the whitewater canoe industry, outfitters and summer camps at a real loss. The three-layer polyethylene and one layer plastic are heavier and do not retain their shape as well.

Some are hoping that this will spur someone to invent new materials to replace Royalex. So might be the last year you can buy a new canoe made out of Royalex. That means the cost of used Royalex canoes might increase as they become more valuable to those who love Royalex. It is manufactured in Indiana.

Royalex came to the market in Before that, aluminum canoes were standard in the whitewater industry. So if you are thinking of buying a canoe, new or used, this year may be the year to get one of the last Royalex canoes ever made. Where can you learn to canoe? Well it is not as easy as it used to be.

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Often children get to learn to canoe at camp or in Boy Scouts or in Girl Scouts. It is harder to be an adult looking for canoeing lessons. Of course, one way to start is to know someone who already canoes and is an experienced paddler. But as a beginner, it might be hard to tell if your friend or relative really knows what he or she is talking about. Owning a boat, does not make a person knowledgeable about canoeing.