Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius starts when the vernal equinox point moves out of constellation Pisces Age of Aquarius from astronomical perspective.
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You have a very important role during this time. As the opposite sign of Aquarius, your energy is also being strongly activated now. What is most crucial is that you use your tremendous gifts of magnetism, charisma and creativity in service of the greater collective good, rather than falling pray to temptation for self-aggrandizing.

The more you focus on how your actions impact your partnerships, the groups you are a part of, and the world at large, the more opportunities you will see to be of assistance. Then you can claim your place as a central force for positive change through your inspiring leadership and strong network of connections.

Your role in the Age of Aquarius is subtle but powerful. As a careful, observant and hard-working soul you can accrue much power and influence during this time, as others appear to blindly stumble through the chaos.

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By watching and seizing opportunities that present themselves, you could find yourself with access to political and financial elites. Influencing important people and situations with your prudent and rational perspective, can help steer the course of history in very meaningful ways.

Take care to only invest, personally and financially, in situations that are a true match for your priorities. As the peacemakers and negotiators of the zodiac, you have a central role to play in uniting people across different countries, cultures and boundaries.

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By engaging with others to come up with solutions together, you play a pivotal role in calming the deep fragmentation and negative cultural projections that have done so much damage during the Age of Pisces. Using your articulate language skills and natural sense of justice, you can build bridges where there has previously only been mistrust.

This work is crucial since mutual trust and strong alliances are necessary underpinnings of a functional collaborative era.


Your presence and your power is seen and felt strongly during this time, and others are looking up to you. Using your innate confidence and networking skills to help you achieve your aims, your work provides a real and lasting impact on the world. You are a visionary who is not tied to old-fashioned concepts about how things should be done.

What Age Are We In Now?

Because of this, you have an important role to play in envisioning future technologies and social institutions. Being open-minded to different people, perspectives and opinions helps you to find the most innovative and promising solutions to the many problems at hand—and working with lots of different types of people allows you to learn and grow in exciting personal ways as well.

If you can dream it, you can make it happening in the Age of Aquarius, and you are at the forefront of these bold and courageous ideals.

The Aquarian Shift: What will be Different?

What can you do to help make this transition into this new age of information and consciousness? Here are some suggestions:. Have a daily spiritual practice. Every spiritual tradition has one thing in common: This can be many different things: It is not important what you are doing, but that you do something almost every day, and do it with an intention to let go of your blocks and focus your consciousness. Kundalini yoga and meditation are the most powerful tools that I have found, but everyone must find their own pathway and collect the tools for their own toolbox.

There is so much happening that can trigger these emotions: If you understand that these emotions are all symptoms of the Aquarian shift, then you can go through them without losing your center. You have the power to change your life. You are responsible for your happiness and grace.

The Aquarian Age is all about empowerment and consciousness.

When does the Age of Aquarius begin?

Be a source of light. The more people who consciously choose to embrace the Aquarian shift, the easier this transformation will go for humanity. It is a spiritual truth that a small percentage of people who have shifted their consciousness can influence the rest of humanity. If you are reading this, then you are most likely one of these pioneers.

Age of Aquarius

Find a way to spread your light: Welcome to the Aquarian Age! Santokh Singh Khalsa is a chiropractor in Pasadena, California. He is also the director of The Awareness Center, where he has taught Kundalini Yoga and meditation to thousands of people since He is the master teacher for the Awareness Center Level I Teacher Training program and has trained hundreds of yoga teachers. He practices yoga and meditation without fail every day of his life and eats a healthy vegetarian diet.

With his white beard and sparkling eyes, many of his younger practice members call him "Santokh Claus" during the Christmas season. Aquarius is the sign of the masses. As we head into the Age of Aquarius, astrology is now available to the masses via computers and technology. So here you are, reading on your computer something I wrote about astrology on my computer. You and I may never meet — other than cybernetically.

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But we can connect through electronics, another area associated with Aquarius. This is an example of how popular culture can confuse our impressions. The pointing of its north pole moves in a relatively small circle, so our pole star changes over time. What also changes is the degree in the zodiac circle of constellations where the Sun appears to rise at the spring equinox each year.

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