Suzanne Somers Get Skinny on Fabulous Food

Editorial Reviews. Review. "I got skinny on fat," claims Suzanne Somers. It sounds too good to be true--a weight-loss program that lets you "eat.
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And because I give my body real foods, my hunger is satisfied and I am meeting my body's nutritional needs. In the last six years my weight has not fluctuated by more than five pounds. This is not another diet full of empty promises. First of all, diets are about deprivation. We simply don't get to eat enough food, or enough of the right kinds of food, to satisfy our bodies' needs.

Let's look at what happens when you restrict your calories from, for example, 1, to 1, calories a day. Since your body is used to running on 1, calories, it must make up for the missing fuel source by burning off first your glycogen and protein stores and then your fat reserves to provide you with enough energy to get through the day.

See a Problem?

This initial burning of fuel is why you will lose weight when you cut your calories. Glycogen is stored with water, and therefore weighs more than fat. The scale may reflect a substantial weight loss due mostly to the loss of water, not fat. That's what the term "water weight" means.

But the human body is a remarkably complicated and adaptable machine. As your glycogen and protein stores are being depleted, your metabolism will actually slow down to keep you from starving to death. It's a survival instinct. Your body adapts to survive on 1, calories, or less fuel than it needed before. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Some amazing Somersize success stories! As I grew older, I joined my overweight patients by becoming 23 pounds overweight myself. In March I started the Somersize program and in three months I lost 23 pounds and reached my goal.

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  • Suzanne Somers' Get Skinny on Fabulous Food by Suzanne Somers |

Since having such great success personally I have placed many patients and friends on the Somersize program. I am thoroughly convinced it is the way to go. My self-esteem diminished to the point of wondering how I could end the vicious cycle.

Suzanne, little did I know the key I had prayed for was right in front of me--I wish for others to grab ahold of your words. Now pounds, I have a happier heart, mind, and, most of all, body. We had twin boys 3 years old and at the time I had absolutely no energy to keep up with them. Now, 15 months later, I am 70 pounds lighter and Kevin has lost 80 pounds. This is a way of life for us now. I have lost 34 pounds by just eating according to your book.

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During menopause I started putting on weight, which was a new thing for me as I was pretty thin when I was young. My blood pressure rose until I had to be on medication, but has improved so much that I feel like a different person. Learn more about Suzanne Somers. Other books by this author. I enjoyed this book.

Suzanne Somers' get skinny on fabulous food

I got a lot of health tips from it that I will be incorporating into my diet. Mar 09, Linda Coss rated it it was amazing.

An incredible eye opener on the REAL way to loose weight. I've lost over 40lbs in 3 months!! May 03, Mckinley rated it it was ok Shelves: Carol White rated it liked it Aug 29, Mum rated it liked it Feb 25, Connie Fletcher rated it liked it Feb 25, Sheena rated it really liked it Aug 15, Betty rated it liked it Sep 25, Andrea rated it liked it Mar 26, Paul Meade rated it it was ok Feb 01, Terry rated it liked it Mar 04, Becky Sanders rated it really liked it Jul 21, Melissa Newland rated it liked it Jan 01, Virginia Campbell rated it really liked it Jul 13, Liz Belton rated it liked it Nov 10, Trish Gilsdorf rated it liked it Feb 20, Kathy rated it liked it Jan 07, Wendy rated it liked it Feb 10, Sidana rated it it was amazing May 24, Ellen mulligan rated it liked it Jul 17, Jill Gilmore rated it liked it Aug 31, Michele Hughes rated it liked it Oct 16, Some amazing Somersize success stories!

As I grew older, I joined my overweight patients by becoming 23 pounds overweight myself. In March I started the Somersize program and in three months I lost 23 pounds and reached my goal. Since having such great success personally I have placed many patients and friends on the Somersize program. I am thoroughly convinced it is the way to go.

Suzanne Somers' Get Skinny on Fabulous Food by Suzanne Somers

My self-esteem diminished to the point of wondering how I could end the vicious cycle. Suzanne, little did I know the key I had prayed for was right in front of me—I wish for others to grab ahold of your words. Now pounds, I have a happier heart, mind, and, most of all, body. We had twin boys 3 years old and at the time I had absolutely no energy to keep up with them.

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Now, 15 months later, I am 70 pounds lighter and Kevin has lost 80 pounds. This is a way of life for us now. I have lost 34 pounds by just eating according to your book. During menopause I started putting on weight, which was a new thing for me as I was pretty thin when I was young.

My blood pressure rose until I had to be on medication, but has improved so much that I feel like a different person.