Destined For Success: Dream Bigger

They don't know if their dream is something they can really achieve or if they're destined to fail. Related: 7 Steps to And they can be big dreams, not that all dreams have to be huge to be worth pursuing. They just need to be.
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Success comes to those who believe in themselves and are not carried away by circumstances and situations. You can always gain knowledge and become an expert on any subject if you have the will to do it.

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Therefore, if you want to be successful, you must first decide whether you are ready to face difficulties which will inevitably arise on your way to success. Once you make up your mind, no obstacle can stop you from reaching your goal. You will always find ways to deal with failures along the way.

7 Signs You Are Destined for Greatness

If you have the will, you will find the way to success. Your destiny lies in your own hands. Only you are responsible for your future. Many of us wait for someone to come and rescue us from our plight. The wait is forever because no one will ever do what we must do and we must do it now. Commitment to a project, idea, philosophy or concept is a must for success in life. The answer to all your questions lies within you alone.

You have to discover the truth on your own without waiting for an external agency to help you. You must grab opportunities with both your hands. Edison failed a thousand times before inventing the light bulb. The way to success is paved with failure. No great person has reached the pinnacle of success without failures in life. In fact, greater the success, more the number of failures Those who give up after facing their very first failure are unsuccessful.

The secret to success lies in your ability to be enthusiastic and positive when faced with difficulties. Your unflagging passion in carrying on even after repeated failures is the cornerstone for success. You must have the drive and energy to reach your destination despite the hurdles in your path to success. This does not mean they are successful people. In fact, you will find them everywhere — nondescript, boring, uninspiring and lifeless.

You will certainly face difficulties but you will get many opportunities if you try and do something. These opportunities will eventually lead you to success. Overcoming fear of failure and beginning your journey with a positive attitude will certainly result in victory. Scientists and visionaries look beyond the normal and invent something new, which never existed before. These inventions were but a dream come true. On the other hand, normal people ask questions about what they see and never try to find answers to what may be. To create something new, to discover or to invent, you must be able to dream.

Only a fertile and productive mind is capable of finding answers, while the common mind struggles with questions. We go through the motions, doing just enough to sustain our lives. We do ordinary things and get ordinary results to lead ordinary lives.

On the other hand, successful people do extraordinary things by pushing a little bit more than usual. They put a spoonful more of sugar which makes their life all the sweeter. They drink just a few more sips of nectar than ordinary people to become legends. Time is a bad master and a willing slave. If you wait for the right time when everything is perfect, you might as well wait forever. In fact, time will never be right for a person who waits for the right time. You must marshal resources and put your plan into action. You will never be able to learn swimming unless you jump into the water first.

Another word for waiting for the right time is procrastination. These are mere excuses which you give yourself. You postpone taking a decision because you are afraid of the consequences. Do it now without waiting for the right time. The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. You are defined by your thoughts. You either think that your glass is half full or half empty, though the level of water in the glass remains the same.

The pessimists and the optimists are looking at the same reality. The only difference is their outlook. Life is full of opportunities as well as failures. Looking at difficulties as opportunities will lead you to success. If you look at the difficulties within opportunities you will fail. Changing the way you look at situations can change your life for the better. Life is tough and you have to face it — there is no other option.

The problem is not that there are problems in your life. Everyone goes through tough times.

Dream Big Quotes

Bigger the goal, larger the problems. You must be resilient. You must recover quickly from a fall, get up, brush the dust from your clothes and move on. Success comes to those who are not the quickest or the fastest but to those who have the grit to go on despite difficulties. Everyone gets knocked down but those who get up, again and again, eventually win the game of life.

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The world is divided into two — those who wish to change the world and those who believe in the status quo. It takes courage, determination and extreme confidence to believe that you can bring about change. But beyond these abilities you have to be insanely committed to a cause to revolutionise and transform lives.

You must be radical in your thinking if you wish to leave a mark on this world. Most of us have to silently slip into our grave, unheard and unwept. Success and failure are part of life. The choice between embracing either is yours. Some people give up as soon as they face failure.

They never taste success. The other type of people never allows failure to stop them from trying. They eventually succeed because they focus on the end result. Their determination and resolve is strong enough to accept failure as a part of life and not be overwhelmed by it. It finally boils down to your belief system — either you look at the mountain top or at the steep slope. Some of us are naturally intelligent or physically strong in comparison to others.

However, not all who are endowed with higher intelligence or good physique succeed in life. Those who succeed usually display passion for what they do. They have intense desire to succeed in whichever field they choose. They follow-up with hard work and tenacity. Talent is only a small part of success. The larger part of success consists of persistence and dogged pursuit despite obstacles and difficulties. When you set out on the journey of life, you will face great difficulties and also immense happiness.

You will also be faced with situations which seem insurmountable. You can either face these problems and overcome them or succumb to it. You have no redemption once you accept defeat. It will signal the end of your productive life. But you have an alternative — not to acknowledge that you have been beaten and go ahead with your lofty goals as if you had come across a nasty bump on the road but have crossed it.

This will allow you to continue your journey to success. Many of us think that life would have been wonderful if only we had escaped facing tough situations. This desire to have an uneventful life is like asking for a totally boring and humdrum life. At the same time, your life will be a sequence of meaningless events.

On the other hand, if you treat your life as an adventure, your life will be full of interesting episodes and incidences which you would cherish and remember. Your life will have a meaning and purpose. You are your own master. You have the supreme ability to carve a life which you desire and cherish.

Circumstances will come and go but faith in your own self will remain for ever. If you believe that you are at the mercy of fate and destiny, you will forever flounder in the ocean of self-pity and unhappiness. Life is all about your decisions and has nothing to do with your circumstances. Have you ever observed how a grinder mixes the ingredients? It keeps grinding till the solid becomes a fine paste. Life is like the grinder. You have to keep at it long enough to get the desired results. You must be present where you are required to be present.

You must do whatever is expected of you. You must keep grinding till you get what you want. Success means hard work. Success means not giving up. Success means showing up all the time. It is natural that we look for people who agree with our opinion, thoughts and actions. You like to hear good things about yourself. It gives your ego a big boost. This is also true about your reading habit. You should have eclectic taste if you wish to learn something new. Initially some of what you read may be unacceptable or irritating to you because it goes against your thinking, but eventually you will come to accept people and ideas which provide a different perspective.

This will enhance your life and provide fresh impetus to your ambitions. I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. Einstein had a lot of inspiration and coined a number of inspirational quotes. Seeking help from others is easy — everyone does it. The only way to learn is to do it yourself. You will read, explore and experiment when you are compelled to do a task alone. You will become self-reliant and this will boost your confidence.

Instead they remain followers. To do something new, you have to walk on your own. Failures are often masqueraded as excuses. We blame others, circumstances and even the evil eye for our mistakes. The blame game is extremely harmful to us. We must try to find genuine reasons for our failures. If we hide behind excuses, the truth will never be exposed and we will continue to make the same mistakes again and again.

We must accept and acknowledge our failing. This will enable us to avoid making mistakes in future. There is no alternative to trying. Even intelligent and smart people fall into the trap of inaction. No pain no gain. You must go forth and venture. You must put your best foot forward. You must shoot if you want to hit your target.

You should not worry about whether you hit or miss the target. Your aim must be true and your intentions must be honourable. Rest will take care of itself. This law needs no explanation because all of us have experienced it. Pushing a stalled car is difficult but it rolls on merrily once it is set into motion. This law is true for ideas, projects and work too. You have to decide first and the rest falls into place. You have to overcome the inertia in your mind.

You simply have to build on your ideas once your project takes off. The secret to success lies in finding the right direction. You have to apply your mind and all your energy towards a definite goal. You must have focus and definite direction. Your must have clear well defined goals. Your success is guaranteed if you know what you want and go for it relentlessly and persistently.

On the other hand, diffused goals and directionless action is more likely to result in failure. Our life is full of regrets. I should have bought that house when it was half the price it is today. I should have gone on holiday to Paris when I got a hefty discount. We look at past events and wonder if we could have done things differently, but we never take action in the present. Rather than thinking about what could have been, we must look at what we can do now. This also means that you should live in the present. The past cannot be recalled and the future is unknown.

Only the present is in your own hands. You must enjoy and savour every moment without regret. People want to avoid responsibility. They want to take the easy route. As a result they end up doing nothing. The root cause of a life without achievement is the fear of criticism. What will people say?

Will my reputation be spoilt? There will be failures on the way to success. People will laugh at you, bully you and taunt you. You have to deal with such negative reactions. Successful people act on positive advice and reject negativity. If you want to be somebody, you have to take criticism.

You can choose to be a nobody and avoid criticism and derision. The choice is entirely yours. There is a definite process to become successful. This is called the success formula. The first step towards becoming successful is to decide what you wish to be. Every tree began its life as a seed. This seed germinated and was nurtured and watered to eventually become a tree. Success is like the tree and the idea or initial concept is the seed. You will become what you decide to be. The permanent defeat of life comes when dreams are surrendered to reality.

It is just that you think so little of yourself. These are great dreams, but they never even get out of the box. Stories were full of hearts being broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream—whatever that dream might be. People break so easily, and so do dreams and hearts. They are already within you — just reach deep into yourself! Utopia today, flesh and blood tomorrow.

But I am convinced that as long as you and I follow our God-given dreams, they will never kill the dream. You will become what your vision is. Hunches are usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level. Action without vision is a nightmare. All big men are dreamers. Some of us let these great dreams die, but others nourish and protect them; nurse them through bad days till they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams will come true. Our time is limited. We might as well get on with it; so why not choose now to live the life of our dreams?

What do you think you can do easily? What do you find peace in your heart to do?

You’re not afraid to take risks.

Watch those things carefully because among them is something on which you can turn the entire environment surrounding you for your success. Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?. You can run with it, let it run your life, or let it go and think for the rest of your life about what might have been. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. You are one of a kind. Your big dream is from God, and its irreplaceable.

And you were born to seize it and celebrate it every day of your life! You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. And you know what you know. Now you know how happy I can be. Are You Living Your Dreams? The Real Price of Your Dreams. Image by Parties, Sweets, and Photography. Home Motivation Dream Big Quotes.

Starting is the Hardest Part. How To Feel Great Today. Most people pretend to be humble on the outside. Outward humility means that you don't come off as cocky and try to appear modest. But on the inside you're as arrogant as can be , because you feel like you deserve a better life but aren't willing to work for it.

Top 10 Dream Big Quotes

People who become great are humble on the inside. They put in the work. They learn everything that needs to be learned about their craft. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. People destined for greatness aren't considered rational or realistic by society's standards.

Instead of blindly accepting what others tell them, they make the decision to form their own unique path. They're the type of people who believe reality can be shaped in their minds. Fortunately I am inspired at 9 o'clock every morning. People on the path to greatness realize they won't be feeling up to do the work each and every day.

There will be days where you want to sleep in, avoid doing your work, or keep yourself distracted. Don't fall prey to the passion myth. People seem to have this idea that finding work you love to do is supposed to be fun one hundred percent of the time. No matter how much you love what you do, there will be tasks you dislike and days when you feel uninspired.

If you're consistent and develop the ability to follow through you'll be miles ahead of the pack. Your ability to prioritize time will determine how productive and effective you are. People who are on the path to greatness don't spend their time democratically. They know how to say no to unimportant things in order to make time for their work. Yes, time with family and close friends is important, but after that comes work and nothing else. Work-life balance is overrated. You don't need a vacation, you need a vocation.

When you find the work you're meant to do you won't want to take time off. Successful people do, in fact, get lucky sometimes. They're lucky because they put themselves in a position to be lucky.

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Opportunity mixed with preparation creates luck. When you're determined to become great opportunities will present themselves and you'll be prepared to seize them.