Courage to Succeed; Believe in Who You Are

The rest of us sometimes lack confidence--and we often lack belief in --Golda Meir; "One important key to success is self-confidence. --Richard Bach; "The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself, in spite of being.
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With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.

The Best Courage Quotes Ever - Become Unstoppable

There are no bounds. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it. The time for that had come and gone. Smashed smiles lay ahead of them. But that would be later. You can try to pin me down with a hundred thousand arms, but I will find a way to resist. And there are many of us out there, more than you think. People who refuse to stop believing. People who refuse to come to earth. People who love in a world without walls.

People who love into hate, into refusal, against hope, and without fear. Have the wisdom and the courage to build your life around your answer. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads. But that was the thing about courage. Sometimes you had to fake it to feel it.

100 Best Courage Quotes to Help You Succeed

What you have to do is have the courage to stand your ground and not give them the time of day. Hold on to your power and never give it away. Being left speechless with joy is not for the weak. We forget to be surprised by everyday miracles, like toast springing up, the mesmerizing blue in the sky, or even simple friendships.

To touch and remember this delicate sense of wonder, we travel. We deliberately let ourselves become tourists to welcome in this unique delight. That, any fool can do, but the courage to be on your own, to stand on your two solid feet, is something which cannot be given by somebody. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four Cs.

This Is Stopping You from Achieving Your Goals - Motivation from Jay shetty

They are curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable. If I were sunk in the lowest pits of Nova Scotia, with the Rocky Mountains piled on me, I would hang on, exercise faith, and keep up good courage, and I would come out on top.

You have the courage to go forward; that is rare. A person who stands at the fork, unable to pick, will never get anywhere. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. The angels are nearer than you think. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality. Not courage, not joy, not hate or hope or anything else.

We find courage, lose it, sometimes misplace it for years, and sometimes live in its grace for a while. I can take the next thing that comes along. Thanks for viewing this collection of the best courage quotes! Dan Western is the founder of Wealthy Gorilla. Dan is a young ambitious guy who has been researching self-development for the past two years and is now off travelling the world. His mission is to inspire others to live their dreams and be the person to whom they say; "Because of you, I never gave up. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.

You can also subscribe without commenting. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. How many of us would actually pursue our dreams instead of just simply thinking of them? Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Through blame, they redirect accountability away from themselves and place it squarely at the feet of the event, person or situation that they had no influence over.

This is how regular people approach their goals: Because Step 1 was wrong, they never had the belief in the first place. They believed different things that allowed these outcomes to eventuate as a result of success in more ordinary goals. With that in mind, how could we transform the goals above into ones a Stoic would make? No one makes those sorts of goals, do they?

Otherwise why would you need to believe it? Again, there are people out there in the world who expect that from performing a task once or just a few times, they will get a certain result. Why is this wrong? There will be days you feel down and out. For example, in my publication Naked Words , the requirement is to write words a day. Something magical happens when you make your goal ridiculously easy to achieve:. The secret is being disciplined enough to stick to the absurdly easy goal.

Go For It, Seize Your Moment, STRIVE!

That will give you the energy to stick to it. You can toe the line and up it a little bit. Will you be able to stick to your guns? Perhaps some do want to become published authors.

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Some might want to build a thriving blog with a huge following. Others might want to find their voice. What I can give them is an outlet through which they can write every day and improve every day. The mechanical process focuses them and their intent drives them in the right direction. This is another trick you can should use to increase the level of conviction you have in your beliefs. Eventually, factors out of your control will have be introduced into the equation for you to succeed.

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Assuming you have followed the first two steps, you would be focusing on understanding your customer better, finding out what your readers want to read and getting to the bottom of what makes people click for the above three points, respectively. Doing the maths and calculating the return you get from the things you do control gives you conviction to keep doing it.

As a writer, all I can control are the words that appear on the screen and the time I spend writing a piece. I heard a theory that the longer you make your pieces, the more recommends you can get. So I put it to the test. So for the above two scenarios: Can you see the magic here?

7 steps to develop unshakeable belief in yourself

Assuming all other factors are equal, when I write a long article, every sentence is worth about 5—7 recommends. All from understanding the maths behind the factors you can control. As I mentioned above in Step 1 , expect to be disappointed when trying to achieve your goals. Everything can blow up in your face at the last minute and challenge your ability to believe in yourself. In reality, this is easier said than done. You might be thinking: Again, we are human after all.

However, there is another side to Stoicism that can really play in your favor if you are as determined as someone like Marcus Aurelius, arguably one of the greatest Stoics of all. This is the second most important tenet of Stoicism: This can be a difficult notion to accept, that when everything you have worked so hard to achieve goes up in smoke, there can be some greater good in that.

The first thing to ask yourself is whether the big loss has directly impacted on your end goal. Your ability to still believe in yourself is unaffected. If the big loss has directly impacted on your end goal, give yourself time to reflect and be in touch with how you feel about the event.

The more in touch you are with the Stoic inside you, the more you realize what you can and cannot control and the more empowered you feel. I have to be prodded and pushed to do something all the time. Yet why do I write?

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Why do I create publications and magazines and find readers? Why do I push beyond my comfort zone all the time and believe things that are difficult to believe? Because of negative inspiration. As humans, we are either moving toward or away from something.