The Haunted Brothel

The Dumas Brothel was a bordello in Butte, Montana. The brothel was founded by French .. Rudy Giecek claims that the Dumas is haunted by the ghost of Elinore Knott. Author Karen Stevens also recalled paranormal experiences related to.
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With her career goals in sight, she traveled to New York City and Chicago to study under some of the most famous madams during the early s.

When she returned to New Orleans, she opened her own brothel at Conti and saw nearly immediate success. She opened around when the rest of the Red Light District was being shut down. But Norma was never caught. When rumors touched her that a police raid was on the horizon, she had her girls haul a ladder between her building and the bar next door. The women and the men all scampered over the rungs into the neighboring saloon. It did so when her mafioso lover—angry that she had decided to part ways with him—shot her in front of the brothel itself.

Unfortunately, Norma nearly lost all of her money when the banks collapsed in the s—following that interlude, she realized she could never trust the banks and proceeded to stash her money in secret drawers in the brothel itself. She ended up in jail for a bit in , and not long after she decided to convert the parlor house into an Italian restaurant.

Ladies of the Night: 5 Historic Haunted Brothels in the U.S.

One night while she was staying her country home, her best friend called with troubling news: So infuriated, Norma grabbed a pistol and shot herself in the head. With seven apartments today just like it had been seven rooms during its brothel days , people can still smell the scent of her cigarette smoke wafting in the air. Whether fantastical or not, there have been paranormal reports of people hearing the tinkling of cocktail glasses and the sound of husky laughter and gentle music. Has the spirit of Norma Wallace never left the property that was her pride and joy? Be sure to swing past this nineteenth century building and snap a few photos of the exterior—you never know what apparitions might pop up.

Locals call it the "MRB" for short. From the exterior, the MRB is a rather unassuming building. The interior offers shadowed alcoves and great food for those who are hungry. But back in the nineteenth century, this strip of St. Philip Street was not the sort of place you wanted to visit if you had the opportunity to avoid it. In , for example, a "ferocious" barber named Louis Verling was arrested for assault. He worked just across the street from the current-MRB and apparently struck a Recorder journalist of the city "in the left eye with a colt [.

Obviously the rather ferocious Mr. Verling was the sort of man who resorted to violence at the drop of the hat. But that was not all, because in the same dated newspaper, a "disorderly house" just a step or two away from Mr. Verling and the current-MRB was brought to light by the same Recorder who had taken the butt of a pistol to the eye.

Dumas Brothel Museum (Butte) - All You Need to Know Before You Go (with Photos) - TripAdvisor

This time around, the neighbors had riled together to charge Christian Teigman guilty for operating a brothel. Oh, and also for perhaps attempting to drag the Recorder from his room with "the intention of killing him. And as a working brothel, there were many girls desperate enough to seek employment within its walls. One such woman was an Irish immigrant who arrived in New Orleans with great hope. Only, after realizing that she had no resources to make it, she fell upon the oldest career in the books: Luck was on her side, however, because she had the good fortune to meet a man who claimed her heart.

Love was in the air! And finally she saw the out she needed to step away from prostitution. But then her beloved went off to war and when he returned, he did so in a pine box. Heart wrenching, the woman went to the brothel's courtyard and hanged herself.

An Appalachian History and Folklore Magazine

According to employees and patrons of the MRB, it seems that her spirit has never left. Almost all of the paranormal activity at this bar is relegated to the woman's bathroom where the lights shut off at random and the sensation of someone watching you doesn't quite dissipate. But the ghostly Lady of the Night makes her spectral presence known another way. On a few different occasions, women using the restroom have turned on the sink faucet to rinse their hands. They glance up into the mirror, only to see an apparition manifest just behind them.

Before they even have the chance to blink, their heads are smashed into the mirror. On at least one occasion, management at the MRB has had to replace the mirror in the ladies' bathroom thanks to this crazy paranormal phenomena. It doesn't seem that the afterlife has done anything to temper the female spirit's angry disposition—so we've got to recommend that only the brave seek her out. Then again, it's said that if she takes a liking to you she will often grant you a wish.

Is it worth the possible head smashing and glass breaking if her spirit dislikes you on sight? Only you can answer that particular question. We tend to think so.

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Although the land once belonged to the Ursuline nuns, by the s the plot of land for the Hotel had been sold off to a local New Orleanian family. It was during the late nineteenth century when it was thought to have been converted into a brothel, perhaps inspiring the song House of the Rising Sun. It became a boarding house during the early twentieth century, before at long last coming into ownership by a New Orleanian family with descendants tracing back to the Canary Islands or the Islenos. Although the Hotel Villa Convento is now one of the most reputable hotels in the city, its haunted present is often a deciding lure that brings guests to its front doors.

Almost of all of the paranormal activity at this hotel is experienced by men. On one particular occurrence, a couple was checking in at the front desk when the husband stepped outside to have a smoke on the front steps.

It was early morning and no one was about, but seemingly out of the blue the husband heard his name carry on the breeze. He twisted around, expecting to see his wife approaching him. Despite the slightly uneasy feeling settling in his belly, the husband brushed the occurrence aside. The couple put their suitcases up and headed out to explore the French Quarter.

The Ghosts of New Orleans' Brothels

When they returned that night, the wife climbed into bed and the husband went to use the restroom. The husband shrieked, panicking. Although his wife promptly told him that he was probably losing it, she agreed to help him check the room. Naturally, they found nothing at all and the husband was left to wonder who or what had been trying to capture his attention.

Others staying at the Hotel Villa Convento have heard ghostly laughter; some have even felt the bed dip as though someone has settled in beside them for the night. But perhaps the most common occurrence are when male guests wake up—or are in the midst of doing extracurricular activities with their significant others—only to see a female apparitions shrouded in black staring down at him.

As a little precaution, men who are planning to stay at this haunted hotel, prepare yourselves for a spectral visitor who is only hoping to help you out. Today, it seems like every building that was once a brothel is haunted. He was unable to stay for long. Every time he tried to go to sleep, the covers were yanked off him and pulled into the floor. Sometimes the family heard crashing and rumbling. Sometimes they heard something dragged across the floorboards. At first, Joe thought the dragging sounds came from vermin.

He pulled up the floorboards to look under the home and found several spots where something appeared to be buried. The family dug them up and found tiny human skeletons wrapped in burlap.

Every one had a small hole at the crown of its head. The family assumed the working women killed their babies by shoving a hatpin through the crown of their heads. A short time later, several fishermen were at the pond next to the house. One among them pulled up a glass jar containing infant remains. It had been weighted with rocks and tossed into the water. Before long, the fishermen had found a number of jars, all with the same gruesome contents. She died soon after her symptoms began. McClelland saddled his horse that night to inform her father.

A growling creature soon arose from the bushes beside his home. It was almost as big as his horse.