The Economic Consequences of the Vietnam War

Guest columnist Patrick Scanlan, of Berea, writes on what he believe is an overlooked aspect of the Vietnam War -- the economic.
Table of contents

The book addresses the costs and benefits of the war in a sequential manner, and is written in a non-technical style. The first section covers the historical background of the Vietnam War, centering on the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations.

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A full description of the state of the economy prior to the war, and in the early stages of the conflict, is also provided. The second section details the effects of the war on the United States, beginning with its impact on the economy, social conditions, and the functioning of the Johnson administration. The longer term effects are addressed through the argument that the basic structure of the economy changed in the early stages of the war. An assessment of the Nixon administration's handling of the war and economy completes the section.

Finally, the third section offers an overall accounting of the war, examining the total economic costs and benefits as well as the post-Vietnam economy and society.

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This volume will be a valuable resource for a wide range of courses, including history, political science, economics, and sociology. It will also be an important addition to college, university, and public libraries. Campagna's study focuses on the economic consequences of the Vietnam War on the US economy.

Written in simple style, the book traces events leading to the war, particularly the formulation of relevant economic policies for funding the conflict from the Eisenhower to the Nixon presidency. The author investigates the extent to which problems facing the American economy, particularly during the '60s and '70s, can be attributed to the Vietnam War.

How Vietnam Affected America in 1968

Useful for general readers and students interested in the US economy. Campagna's study focuses on the economic consequences of the Vietnam War on the US economy. Useful for general readers and students interested in the US economy.? You may have already requested this item. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online.

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How did the Vietnam War affect America?

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Vietnam War and the Economy

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