Nourishment for Your Mind and Soul

We are all made up of 3 parts: mind, body and soul. These 3 work together to form the wonder that is you. You need to focus on these 3 aspects.
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Meditation has been associated with brain improvement in a variety of areas such as stress, addiction, anxiety and cognitive function. Including even just 15 minutes of meditation into your daily regimen can make a big difference.


Sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing and trying to keep your mind from wandering helps to reduce symptoms of depression, settle anxiety, lower blood pressure and improve your mood. Once you start to notice positive changes and feel better both physically and mentally the rest will follow. Establishing small steps towards living a better lifestyle has shown to be the most successful in ensuring a long-term change.

5 Powerful Ways to Nourish Your Mind, Body & Soul This Year

Victoria Moore is a yoga instructor, natural health blogger, and work from home wife and mother of two children in San Diego, CA. She is passionate about holistic living and sharing information for how to live a healthier lifestyle. Victoria has been featured on such sites as NaturalNews. Subscribe to our newsletter.

Victoria Moore Victoria Moore is a yoga instructor, natural health blogger, and work from home wife and mother of two children in San Diego, CA. Related Items fermented foods Ghee water health healthy habits healthy lifestyle healthy lifestyle tips lemon water meditation oil pulling why a healthy lifestyle is important. Power of Positivity uses cookies to help us provide, protect and improve our site. These practices include yoga, contemplative reading and writing, mindful listening, and other practices that cul Oct 26 - Oct 28 Rhinebeck, NY.

There are many diverse ways to alleviate suffering, and compassion and connection are at the heart of all of them. Join top leaders in the field to explore actual examples of how the practice of com Sign up for a silent retreat or create your own at home, in a rented cabin, or on a solo camping trip. Spend one day in silence every month or at the beginning of each new season.

Empowering Quotes from Enlightened Women

Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness, or moment-to-moment awareness, can cleanse the mind of its multitasking madness by directing it toward a real-time focus, such as breath awareness or the physical sensations in your body. Meditate Meditation can cleanse and nourish the mind, too. Discover More Related Workshops Workshop. Privacy Policy Terms of Use Contact. To allow disease to take root by being sedentary does not feed the soul and honor the sacred vessel that is your body.

Sufficient sleep is also essential to feed your soul. Numerous studies have documented the ill effects of sleep deprivation on the body. Many people believe that they can thrive on just a few hours of sleep, but most are deluding themselves by using stimulants, such as caffeine, to stay alert.

Depriving the body of sleep is often done in order to do more work and make more money. Because our society places so much emphasis on efficiency and productivity, adequate rest is discouraged. Yet, this is one of the best ways to nourish your soul.

6 Ways to Cleanse & Nourish Your Mind

If you have difficulty sleeping, you can implement some natural principles of sleep hygiene like using light-blocking shades and avoiding electronics for at least an hour before bed. These, along with the practices below, will provide spiritual nourishment on deep levels. Standing in front of a mirror, use affirmations to thank your body for supporting you in so many ways; tell it how beautiful it is, and how much you love it.

Your body performs countless processes on its own, and it deserves to be acknowledged. Self-love means you embrace your body exactly as it is in this very moment. Many of us do not practice enough self-love for our bodies. A pernicious and antiquated idea is that we must sacrifice as part of a spiritual path. An old mindset, rooted in scarcity, it denies all worldly pleasures as necessary for spiritual growth. While it is true that attachment to material items is linked to the ego, the Buddha taught us long ago that denial of all worldly pleasure—an ascetic life—does not lead to enlightenment.

Because life is meant to be joyous, there is incredible value in activities that allow you to feel good in your body and feed your soul and spirit. Nourish your soul and body with love. Massages, restorative yoga, swimming in the ocean, pedicures, laying in the grass, and taking a warm bath are all uplifting and nourishing to your body. Many of these, such as a walk in nature or a warm bath, are not costly practices to feed your soul.

For example, I find that pampering my feet is incredibly restorative because it honors the support my feet are always giving me. We often view these activities as a luxury, when studies have in fact shown them to be an essential part of restoring our minds and bodies. They are as important to spiritual nourishment as eating and sleeping. These activities are healing practices because they teach us how to feel good in and about our bodies. More than just being physically restorative and beneficial, pampering yourself embodies a key spiritual truth: It reminds you that you are worthy of receiving.

It reminds you that you deserve joy, including the pleasure of feeling good physically and feeding the soul with love on a regular basis. Many of us lack the ability to receive. Our culture imbues us with the belief that we should be independent, take care of ourselves, and not rely on others.

In truth, we are always receiving from others; that is the very nature of our interconnectedness. Yet we deny our ability to receive, a key component to soul nourishment. How can we expect to receive the blessings of the Light if we cannot give and receive love from ourselves? Learning to receive through the body, and feel good about it and worthy of it , not only feeds the soul but teaches us to be open to the multitude of gifts that the Divine can shower upon us.

Consider your diet and food choices you make to nourish your soul.

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Do you regard them as part of a spiritual practice? Do you think about the food you are eating as sustaining you energetically? Consider your meals as the culmination of a journey.