Future Namibia

The main industries in Namibia are mining, fishing, cattle raising, agriculture, and tourism. They can not grow fast enough to support the growing population, and.
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This would in turn increase the risk of drought and wildfires in these regions. However, according to the study, which was recently published in Nature Climate Change , keeping global warming under 1. Aridity is the term used to describe the dryness of a land surface. It is a measurement that is derived from combining the amount of precipitation and evaporation. The scientists analyzed projections from twenty-seven global climate models to pin-point areas around the world that were likely to become more arid as the world becomes 1.

Aridification poses a serious threat to humanity because it can affect water quality, agriculture and biodiversity — all of which are important to Namibia's long-term sustainability. An increase in aridity can also lead to an increase in droughts and wildfires, as we have recently witnessed in California.

According to Prof Tim Osborn from the University of East Anglia, there are five regions that would benefit the most from keeping global warming below 1. Considering that Namibia is already an arid region covered largely by desert, this provides a good incentive to support clean energy initiatives, such as solar, that reduce greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming. Keeping global warming within 1.

Property News | Could Namibia Become Even Drier in the Future? | MyProperty Namibia

Annual Costs R Annual costs include repairs, taxes, levies, insurance, commision fees. Total Property Cost R Property cost includes purchase price, transfer fees, renovations or other fees.

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Your new loan term is Years. Land mines are being removed from the Angolan border. Ex-combatants are demanding employment and compensation for their efforts. In the past, resources were unequally distributed between the white minority and black majority, and despite legal equality, the economic and educational inequalities are still evident. About seven percent of the population is white. In addition, women have equal rights under the constitution but do more of the manual labour and have less of the education and income than men. The majority of people are Owambo, and other ethnic groups feel they are not getting fair and equal treatment by a majority government.

The constitution is exemplary for its balance of power, human rights, democracy and free speech. This will help enable the underprivileged majority to reduce the inequalities of the past.

So far, corruption has been low. The SWAPO party has noted the bad results in other countries of taking revenge for the injustices of the past. To prevent the country's economic and human destruction, it has instead adopted a policy of reconciliation with the hopes of benefiting the underprivileged in the long term. Since independence, the country has enjoyed relative peace and prosperity and promises to continue to do so under majority rule.

Uranium key to Namibia's future

The informal employment sector is strong, and if encouraged could lead to more industrialisation and employment. The country is attracting foreign aid, investment and tourism from Scandinavia, Germany, France and the US. It has good infrastructure roads, phone lines, electricity and water systems , and industries continue to grow. New natural resources such as oil and natural gas may be uncovered. Debt Namibia is heavily in debt to Western financial institutions. Drought Namibia is an arid, semi-desert country.

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Desertification The forests in northern Namibia, especially the more dense tropical forests in the Caprivi region, are rapidly being cut down for firewood and housing. Unemployment Nearly half of the population is unemployed or underemployed.

Straight Talk Africa

Education Education is the most important item in the national budget. Alcohol The country has a large alcohol problem, which may also contribute to growing crime. War The country is still recovering from war in the 's and 's. Inequality In the past, resources were unequally distributed between the white minority and black majority, and despite legal equality, the economic and educational inequalities are still evident.

Reasons for Hope Constitution The constitution is exemplary for its balance of power, human rights, democracy and free speech. Reconciliation The SWAPO party has noted the bad results in other countries of taking revenge for the injustices of the past.