KKMT : Mystery at the Old Queenslander (1)

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He wss the son of the second baronet by Anne, tho only daughter of the lion. Hugh Lindsay, and was educated at St.

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Tbo Biahop of Ripen otSclatad, and pnadwd Mm sei iiioo. The Marquis of Baiiabary had an aadxcea of the Qoecn. Her Majesty drove oat m the afternoon, attended by tho Countess of Antrim and the Hon. Goacben had the honour of bticg included in the Royal dinner party last evening. I AMitWa, whom wh all rpineiiiUrtf im a visitor to our slioii'd tho towns a minority of experienced and capable menta and depo. In he entered Parlia i i i r ,u tl,nK l,rnn,t ,,.

Hut in tho rural constituencies the of a Jngh tribunal and indeed constituting all tho Georgj eidc. Returned to the nonse of Commons for Wilton way, and they aro determined,.

HOW Queenslanders reacted to Origin 1

Hut, as a matter of until February, 18,7, Having seven years previously fact, no such secrecy is imposed, in this country, succeeded hu father. Edmund Antrobusi is iucceeded by his son Edmund, iiere tne practically universal ruio is to hoar and lonel in the Grenadier Guards, who was bom in On tho other and, in , was' married to Florence, daughter of tho hand, the corresponding obligation in France, late Captain J. A, - Sartoris, be elected who is not prepared tho Nationalist and ecclesiastical no ono snail to pronounco shibboleths.

To oxcludo tho old grand juror class by direct prohibition would bo somewhat imprudent. Tho samo object, however, has been accomplished, in nn equally effectual way, by imposing a tost upon all candidates, to which Unionists and loyalists could not, on any terms, subscribo. Though - the county councils and district councils have nothing whatever to do with general politics, tho demands mado uiion candidates aro exclusively concormd with purely political questions. At publlo mooting hold to soloct candidates, tlo compttitorH hav Jwen called upon to say whether or not they will voto for Homo ii Jlomin Cfltliollo university, for whilo much moro extensivo and stringent, Sckoeos - Majob Geouge Cdaslzs Wallich, who appuars to bo supported by a very inadequate died, in his 81th year, on March 31, received hia pro sanction.

Somo of them have had an Engllsli education nnd they co - operato most cordially with tlmir Euro - pan alv'isers. But tho ultlmato control rests, as it ought to rest, with tho; natiro Ministers, suliject to their; Sovereign. Not only has tho Ki5p turnetl several of the Princes of liis family into capablo and energetic heads of departments, but ho has thoughtfully provided for a succession of trained officials in tho future.

The Hoyai college where fifty of the sons of tho natiro nobility are taught by an English headmaster, and fitted to completo their education in this country,is an excellent security for the permanenco andthefuturoexpansionofKoCm? Tho boys brought up; in this school will be able to carry on and hand down the traditions which his reign bids fair to establish; If they once tako firm root in the rising generation, the future of tho country will bo from many points safo.

Of course the Kma and his counsellors expect some recognition of their efforts from their European neighbours. They want to justify, and so far thoy have more than justified, thoir right to exist as an independent State. But they cannot bo content merely with the forbearance of tho Powers who honourably respect the integrity of their territory. They openly aspire to concessions of a positive kind. They say that they havo faithfully observed the commercial treaties now , force which wero oonclnded oyer forty years ago. Thoy have even shown a disposition to relax them in favour ef foreigners and thoy have introduced an onlighteiied TDnancial policy which affords foreign.

They desire to obtain a modification of the treaties which were made when Siam was a typo of Oriental: Tho present import duty, which is limited to 3 per cent. M on each oeeaaion was awarded a medal. Ha sorreoy was renuind for tho public peciirlty, no WM neia - Burgeon amn n poniaii iwwwwn m jsw. Wallkh ae f - reapeetlng jour ml would bo tfinpte. H n4ins mmtr of the Royal 8lly of Ult. Un - It is hot ensy to deal with tho revelations fortunately, tho Irish masses aro too rcatly to bo He was attached from the votes of their Parliamentary represonta - before the Court of Cassation no ono can protend to to the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron in , tives.

The constitution of tho county say. Hut tho recorded testimony of Uoloxkl Dd takine part in the attack on the defences of Charleston. Clam nnd of M. Cavaiosac goes a long In 1B33 he was m command of the United fiutes r ,L. As Esteiuiaxv and helixd him in his defence, though was pointed out in a letter from a correspondent ho was then accused of having betrayed the in the countv Loncford which we published a secrets of the Staff itself. Why was Estbuhazy few days c"o, it is not only political qucs - thus cared for by the distinguished generals tions liko thoso of Home Bulo, financial relations, wno are now in sucn an uncomiortabie posi - and University education that are; intruded tion?

Why, if not that the proof of his guilt geTeral of his works, and published two of her own, unon tho constitution of tho county and district would tend to exonerate DuEYrus and Picqcart? Memoires d'nne Enfant and La Mature. The agrarian question is also cio - ii, nowover, me uounmamai on astzbhazt a Renter's telegram irom. Landowners are deliberately minted the trutn, thero are high atates: I Switieruna - u tfie tuwj Km aiea to - ur of Tho Minister of War and the Military.

M " grass lands by a reasonable system of migra - which we publish a further instalment from the the Harrow Division to - morrow. A deputation ef "tion. Tim TT l TV innmrr. AU she became the second wire or tne great Historian, who has left no lane, hia daughter, tbe only child of his first marriage, having predeceased him, leaving no children. A largs number ef guest! The Queen is expected to remrn to Windsor from the Continent on April 8. Iter Roval Hirhneaa will leave to - dav for Ceirtharen direr t. Stanley Clarke, took a walk, through tbe city.

Tho Duko of 1 ork leavei Aliergeldie to - morrow morning for York llow, tit. James's Palace, ami is doe to arrive in London tho amc night. Dogdala anil Lady Kra Dugdale. Her Royal Highness stoppral on her way at Causes and lunched with the Prince of Wales, con tinuing her journey later. On Wednesday a visit will be paid to Llandudno, wbcra the Royal party will attend a concert gi'' "i in the pier pavilion, the programme being reatrxrted to an hour's performanco of Welah vocal music.

The Empress Frederick will leave. Bordighera to - day for Florence.

  1. The Age from Melbourne, Victoria on September 30, · Page 35.
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  3. KKMT: Mystery at the Old Queenslander.
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The King of tho Belgians has arrived, at Wiesbaden ia order to continue hia care. Prince George William of Cumberland, who is now staying at Naples, has quite recoveriTTfom the injury to his knea and left far Rome yesterday, where he will remain some few weeks. The Lrafco and Duchess of Cumberland and family will return to Gmunden from Copenhagen on the 13th inst. G Murphy 52 Me Boots 6 cm 52 Cyrus 8m Murphy 51 Vine 13 m J.

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