International Review of Cytology: A Survey of Cell Biology: 193 (International Review of Cell and Mo

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Amphibian Species of the World: The amphibian tree of life.

Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Chromosome instability and contents of heavy metals in amphibian from the Yugansk Reserve. Russian Journal of Ecology, 36 1: A list of chromosome numbers of anuran amphibians. Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education, Nomenclature for centromeric position on chromosomes. Proximate composition and social acceptability of sun-dried edible frog Ranaesculenta in Odeda Local Government Area, Nigeria.

Comparison of edible frog Rana esculenta and other bush meat types: Bioenergetics, Biogenesis and Membrane Structure. Baculoviruses for Insect Pest Control: Cell Survival after Low Doses of Radiation: Theoretical and Clinical Implications. Federalism and Clean Waters: The Water Pollution Control Act. Primitive Sensory and Communication Systems: Practical Insect Pest Management: Email alerts New issue alert. Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. Related articles in Google Scholar.

The frequency of MN in oral mucosal cells of patients with OSCC was three- to fourfold higher as compared with the control group [ 31 ]. Similar findings were reflected in our study with the frequency of micronuclei increasing with radiation dose on both sites. Previous multiple studies with multinucleation and micronucleation assays during the first 15—18 days of radiotherapy showed that serial cytology has important and significant correlations with cell proliferation and radiosensitivity [ 12 , 25 , 33 ].

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Prominent nucleoli are defined as small, typically round granular bodies composed of protein and RNA in the nucleus of a cell. Nucleoli are usually associated with a specific chromosomal site and involved in ribosomal RNA synthesis and the formation of ribosomes. The study conducted in USA reported that the incidence of prominent nucleoli was raised in smears obtained from benign prostate glands after radiotherapy [ 34 ].

A study carried out in Chicago stated that chemotherapy could induce prominent nucleoli [ 35 ].

International Review of Cytology, Volume 238 A Survey of Cell Biology International Review of Cell a

Significant association was observed among different variables of nuclear atypia karyolysis, karyorrhexis, nuclear budding, micronucleation, prominent nucleoli, binucleation, and multinucleation and days of CCRT in present study Table 2. Another finding which is apparent in the present study is a nonlinear increase in the numbers of nuclear abnormalities on exposure to increasing doses of concomitant chemoradiotherapy.

It can be observed from the graphs Figure 6 that the rise in the frequencies of the different nuclear abnormalities follows a gentle curve up till after immediate exposure to CCRT but after that the rise is relatively much steeper.

With a raise in the chemoradiation dose the repair ability of the cell decreases while the amount of chromosomal damage increases accelerating to increase in unrepaired DNA fragments which may lead to development of more number of micronuclei and nuclear buddings. An almost identical accumulation of unrepaired damage to the cell membrane at elevated doses of chemoradiation may cause an increase in the counts of multinucleated and binucleated cells too. Nonlinear increase among the variables of nuclear atypia and different days of CCRT in smears obtained from contralateral normal buccal mucosa.

All the nuclear abnormalities that were studied, that is, micronucleation, nuclear budding, binucleation, and multinucleation, showed a dose dependent increase in response to concomitant chemoradiotherapy for both sites contralateral normal buccal mucosa and peritumoural area and these changes were more marked in CCRT receiving patients as compared to patients receiving radiotherapy alone.

These all previously described features, that is, karyolysis, karyorrhexis, binucleation, nuclear budding, and multinucleation, are collectively called nuclear atypia Figure 5. It is a useful tool in the assessment of biological damage that can help in radiosensitivity of tumour whereas tumours which are radioresistant exhibited lesser degree of change as compared to radiosensitive tumours [ 10 , 26 , 37 ]. We observed that when different parameters multinucleated cells, nuclear budding, micronucleation, and bizarre cells were taken together, the increase in dose related response was significantly high.

These abnormally nucleated cells had a mean value four times higher than pretreatment count at It is concluded from the findings of present study that various nuclear abnormalities reveal a statistically significant increase with increasing chemoradiation doses and time interval.

Stem Cells International

Persistence of dysplastic and malignant cells from peritumoural area during and at end of this treatment can be a sign of resistant or recurrent carcinoma. Similarly, the relationship among different days of CCRT and high frequency of nuclear abnormalities in normal buccal mucosa suggests that the serial smears of these changes have potential use for the early prediction of inflammatory-benign-precancerous and then malignant lesions in patients receiving CCRT.

We, therefore, suggest serial cytological assays of peritumoural area and from contralateral normal buccal mucosa till the end of therapy and also on longer term follow-ups. All the authors also assure that they have no potential competing interests financial or nonfinancial interests in the subject matters or materials discussed in this paper.

Editorial Reviews

National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Journal List Patholog Res Int v. Published online Apr Received Oct 13; Accepted Mar This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Introduction Globally, oral cancer is the eighth most common cause of cancer-related deaths, although many people are unaware of its presence [ 1 ].

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Table 1 Frequencies of different variables of nuclear atypia in cells of peritumoural area on different days of CCRT. Open in a separate window. Discussion Oral squamous cell carcinoma is a serious fatal disease. Table 2 Association between days of CCRT and various variables of nuclear abnormalities on both sites contralateral normal buccal mucosa and peritumoural area.

Conclusion It is concluded from the findings of present study that various nuclear abnormalities reveal a statistically significant increase with increasing chemoradiation doses and time interval. Competing Interests All the authors also assure that they have no potential competing interests financial or nonfinancial interests in the subject matters or materials discussed in this paper.

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