Safe Pasture

It is in this place of safe pasture that the desires of our heart will be carefully shaped by our loving Lord as we feed on His abundance and live.
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Finding Safe Pasture

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Related Posted by Stephen C. Daily Encouragement A daily message of hope and encouragement. Early Tuesday morning we passed these donkeys in a Lebanon County pasture.

With good rains thus far this summer our area pastures have stayed lush and green. We want to thank all who financially support our ministry. Posted by Stephen C.

Weber Filed in Devotional. I know many people whose very presence is a source of joy. Just seeing them from a distance brings a measure of encouragement. Keeping our focus on the Throne Of Grace remains a difficult task for many of us. We want to stockpile grace. The apostle Paul concluded the Love Chapter with these words, "And now these three remain: Today we consider the greatest of these which is love. Through this process, we cultivate faithfulness, we become yet another family that has successfully homeschooled through high school, and we encourage others to be faithful. Two weeks ago, we held a high school graduation ceremony for our son and older daughter.

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It was a wonderful celebration attended by a mixture of fellow homeschoolers and friends from our neighborhood, church, and various community activities. My part in the ceremony was to introduce the two graduates prior to their short speeches, giving the audience a glimpse of the interests and talents my children had developed over the years.

  1. “The Blessing Of Safe Pasture”;
  2. Tea And Coffee.
  3. Learning from History: A Black Christians Perspective on the Holocaust (Contributions to the Study o.
  4. The Irish Sports Pages: A Milan Jacovich Mystery (Milan Jacovich Mysteries Book 13).

I also took the opportunity to share about the two choir songs from our church service the previous Sunday, explaining that they embodied our vision for homeschooling. At the ceremony, I did not, however, share about the odd year we had just experienced. Late last July, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

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I started my first round of chemotherapy on the Friday before Labor Day and finished the second round in mid-December. In early February, I had surgery to remove lymph nodes and what was left of the lump.

Safe Pasture

Our school year was disrupted with medical appointments and a lot of resting on my part, as the treatments took their toll. I had to adjust my goals, but the year did not turn out to be an academic disaster; in fact, as my two high school seniors graduated I was able to announce at their ceremony that they were just two classes short of completing a full year of college. I stood at the lectern making that announcement with uncomfortably short hair. For a few weeks, I had gone back and forth trying to decide which would be less distracting: I kept an eye out at the thrift stores for a dress that would go with the fashionable black hat I had been wearing to church since last fall when my hair began falling out or for a smaller, more decorative hat that would dress up an outfit, I already had.

  • A Scarlet Past, Treeland Pack Tales Prequel;
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  • Psalm Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.?
  • The Lord blessed me with a beautiful dark green dress like patterned silk with covered buttons, on sale. Positionally, we are never separated from our Shepherd; he is leading us to green pastures and to springs of living water.

    Cultivate Faithfulness | Classical Conversations

    But experientially, we often feel separated from him. Yet, the closer we draw near to him, the more oblivious we become to the dangers that surround us. There is a place of safety in him in which all that once seemed to threaten our wellbeing is swallowed up in the light of his presence. There is a place of safety in him between his rod and his staff in which we are conscious of no greater reality than the safety of his pasture.

    He is not only leading us to green pastures where we may safely graze; he is leading our hearts to the place where we may fully trust him to lead us to those green pastures. How often do you feel unsafe? How aware are you of the dangers that surround you?