How To Get a Rich Man

How to Find Rich Men. Meeting a rich man is the dream of many women, so to make yourself stand apart from the rest and to increase your chances of success, .
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Yikes, sorry to hear about him not having your back. In fact, it would be my honor if you were my lady. I was and still am trying to find answers, researching, reading the mentality behind it. I mean could he be so insecure to think that I could not love him for him? And I did not appreciate not having my back the most….. When a regular guy would and did help in a minute flat…. Maybe he grew up extremely poor and has fears of going back. It is tough to say. Sometimes, the more you make the stingier you become. Even if your kids are like dying or you have to live on the street.

This is SO important. I know because being someone who came from no money to suddenly making money, all my poor friends seemed to suddenly want to borrow money. Hence why, I mention this. If you do it right, they will happily hand money over without you ever needing to ask for a penny. Can a wealthy man marry another wealthy woman. I am considered over ambitious and according to my parents, my overambitiousness is unhealthy for a lady like me because they think I ll never get married. They say men will be afraid of me. It depends more on personality and appearance imo.

I think wealthy women are great! The article made me laugh. Where does your experience come from? Some of the advices as I think are exactly the opposite of what the woman should do. When I tried to show interest at dating sites and asked men questions about their jobs — they just disappeared or avoided answering. If the woman goes away for 3 months as it was adviced to follow her goals or goes away to parties alone with friends all the times — I doubt any man, not only a rich man, will be happy with, when she returns back no wonder if she finds some substitute at her place.

But if some less atractive woman passes by in short skirt and high heels she is still looked at. One important thing was missed, rich men want only women under 30 or under 25, if you are older than that the chances are deminishing increasingly. It seems these advices saying that the woman should be independent to attract a man concern the middle class men which are well off. Second, communication skills are really important speaking, writing in shorter paragraphs, etc. I think you need to work on that if you speak close to the way you write. I agree with nearly every thing in this article and find it spot on.

For my case though I disagree that money makes me feel more attractive. I want her to want me for my hardworking ethics and I seek that in a woman mostly as well. My daughter is a pretty young lawyer from a middle class family and is married to a handsome young, rich doctor from a wealthy family. All things being equal, what seemed to charm him the most was that, although she had dated many men over the years, she had only been intimate with one man before him. He was actually quite sexually active before he met my daughter which is why she insisted on std testing before they were intimate!

Thanks for sharing that there are guys out there who see the worth of reaching for the apples at the top of the tree. I met a rich guy a week ago , he is really handsome and all. He started talking dirty with me on our chats and i played along. He then suggested that we meet in his office and have some fun , i told him that i really like him but i am not that kinda gal. He started telling me about how he has taste , class in women and has dated a lot of celebs and travelled the world. I felt so bad. He even said that difficult women turn him off. Now i am in a dilemma.

I really like this guy but i dont want to compromise my values for that. What should i do …. What you should really do is tell him to back off, show no weakness. I never dated a rich guy but I dated a guy who came from a former rich family, meaning he was raised in a rich environment. That is SO laughable, he got two cars, paid college tuition, several loans and his mother and sister are always there to aid him in food and clothes, a free roof over his head into his mid twenties.

How insightful but I have a question, FS. I believe wealthy people tend to be savers that live ridiculoulsy below their means. I do free clubs and activities, which just reflect a cross-section of society. So… where are they really? Sounds like they are, like me, at the office working late on their own. Thank you for the article. Apart from providing the very obvious tips it also gave a huge insight to the life of the wealthy — how they think and what they value.

And how to think like the wealthy. Made the rich more human. That it offers choices and experiences and satisfaction from life. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I hope you find someone you love, if not already. Once I had a short relationship with a Rich boy who was 4. Then I dumped him because I got to know he is a flirty. But we are still good friends and he still appreaciate me.

At that time what I understood is for a Richman what is more important is if you will accept him even without his money. This boy I met was the only son of a rich dad. So he mostly attract women for his money. But if you can appreaciate him for himself , he will fall for you more than anyone else. And of course Richmen like independant women. If you can show him you do not want his money, but only him that will be a big plus.

Hi, got to this post because I am finding myself in a similar situation. I met him at a conference and I was my friendly self. He had the sincerest smile and I found him interesting. I was surprised that he invited me for dinner afterwards. By the way, he is 22 years older than me. When we met, he automatically concluded that I was older because of my position in the industry.

He would text me each morning when he wakes and at night before he sleeps…and would call me at least once a day. It feels wonderful but I am scared. Of what, I am not sure He is usually formal when we meet. But can get free with his emotions in texts. He has invited me for an overnight stay in one of his beach houses as his guest but I have not yet obliged him. I feel it is too soon. For someone who is secured in herself, I suddenly feel nervous around him. I am even tempted to end whatever this is that is starting.

Some of you are sounding like a bunch of gold digging bitches, if I was a rich man I would run for the hills. Remember they will have the upper hand. How about findinging someone you respect and if they happen to be rich great. How about getting your SHIT, nothing is sexier than a woman who has her own and holds her own. Most rich men are fairly loyal family men. They are the breadwinners at the later part of life, but they often meet their significant other before they are wealthy, and sometimes the wife needs to support them in the beginning. I have never noticed that wealthier men are likely to be scoundrels.

And many of the wealthier men I know, hang around with poorer friends they have known all their life. But then, if you love someone, you protect them, thats how all men are. I think if you asked a wealthy man if they wanted a wife that was independently wealthy, they would say; yes, but I also think they would be lying. They like the control being the one with the money gives them, even if that control is largely imaginary. I am married to a rich man… He is always busy and spends no time for me… always tired, even in bed.

Hello, are there any nice. If there is anyone that wants to chat. Can you handle lying all the time? Are you a good actor? You better take a drama class in college before you try this shit…ya damn hoe. This topic had to be written by a real Stupid woman, and first of all there just so many very high maintenance women out there today looking for a rich man. Having money and a career means that you have your shit together. In fact my guy friend said that I am one of the few women he knows that has their shit together that is available.

He told me that the people he worked for were rich! I was so confused as he has no idea what really is rich. I like the honesty, but the perception of the world at his age is skewed. God forbid if many of you women had to work as hard as the women back in the old days, and both men and women back then had to struggle to make ends meat. My life has recently changed drastically as my wife of 17 years passed away in October after battling breast cancer for 5 years. I never pictured myself dating in my 40s I was 43, now 44 as I was happily married.

However, you must go with the cards life deals you. I did need help as I have 3 younger kids. One woman who was a friend of my wife and is very attractive was over all the time. Well, we did end up dating. It ended after a few months. She was 49, very attractive, twice divorced, and broke. She began borrowing money from me. Larger and larger amounts. She talked marriage say what? She wanted to buy a very large, expensive house together.

She liked borrowing my Audi. I was in a grief fog so I was pretty blind to all this at the time. I look back now and realize, wow, what was I thinking.

  • How to Find Rich Men: 15 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow.
  • The Blessing of Adversity: Finding Your God-given Purpose in Lifes Troubles.
  • 15 Ways To Snag A Rich Man.
  • How To Get A Rich Man To Be Your Boyfriend Or Husband.
  • Gold-digger confessions: How to land a rich man.
  • Error (Forbidden)!
  • Healing For Horses.

I got out before major damage. I later found out the trail of financial destruction she had bestowed upon another man a few years prior. She still owes me a lot of money. However, if need be, my attorney says I have an airtight case to sue her for the money.

I can relate to this article. I am very sorry for your loss. I am sure your children are devastated as well. So sad that a your wife and mother was separated from her family in this way. I just want to say that you are a very fortunate man to have had such a loving wife and children. It is obvious that she did provide you and your kids with a certain amount of emotional support. Then she was very aggressive about economic security for herself. While I certainly understand why you would push her away at this point, bear in mind that she did provide comfort, despite her ulterior motives.

If you feel the economic price you paid is too high, I would definitely get a lawyer involved. If it is an emotional price, I would recommend you walk away having been the wiser. Unfortunately many people are taken advantage of by opportunistic people who leave psychological and emotion ruin in their wake. Ask yourself what the reason for pursuing a lawsuit might be. I would think, from the sound of your comment, that the main reason you would take legal action would be to help prevent someone else from falling prey to this woman and to shine a light on her ulterior motives.

If not too much money is at stake, I would not push for the money as she did help you with your children in your time of need. Obviously she is a very needy woman. Perhaps the only reason to make a case of it is to warn another widower in advance. How much would you be willing to pay an attorney? An expensive personal vendetta on top of losing your wife might not be worth it. Perhaps the emotional toll her actions have taken on your family is so heavy that a legal case may be therapeutic for you.

You sound like a sober minded individual. Proceed cautiously and you will make the best decision for your own peace of mind. I hate sound repetitive, but loads of single people who are never married with no kids get mislead by a romantic partner every day of the week. Only you can determine if it is worth going to a court of law. That said, I would not condone any person trying to manipulate another in their time of grief. It is morally wrong. I can tell you the conduct I have seen first hand upon the death of a loved one can be atrocious.

Perhaps this woman needs a wake up call. It is nice to be kind. You got out of it soon enough. I hope the economic loss was not too great. I have never date a rich man in my whole life. I would like to meet one very rich man that can take me from this life of misery. It sounds as though English is your second language, due to the ungrammatical sentence you posted.

You need to improve yourself. A wealthy man is not going to marry someone from a third world unless that person is also successful, i. You have to rescue yourself. Did you know interracial marriages are surprise for you more successful?! People like you living in their own bubble get on my nerves. I think this article is very interesting. But I do disagree with many of these points. In that I feel like the expectations that money can attract quality women is off. I think money, like any other advantage in life eg. Most people end up marrying those that they like and are just around.

People who are of equal social status tend to marry one another. I think sensible rich men would try to marry rich women and so on so forth. Because it is just easier that way.

Where To Meet Successful Single Men? EXPLAINED

Take for example the following pairs: All of these people are about equal attractiveness, education background, upbringing, career field, and equal accomplishments. Unequal pairings tend not to last. If you want a rich spouse, then you need to become rich too.

What do they all have in common? They are about equal. These women married up and knew what they were doing. You kind of dissproved your point. He said a long time ago a girl would have to be very understanding to be with him. I learn a lot from him about running a business, wealth, etc. There is truly no one in this world like him and I really enjoy his company!

Plus, some of the nice things he has are just fun sometimes! Glad you are happy! What culture are you from? How does this work? Natalia This is the story of my life that i am still pondering upon even as i write this article. I maybe judged and i may not be but even if i am judged, no one can ever know my real personality or family. I have been asking myself if i should let the world know about this or maybe i should just keep it to myself cos most people might think am crazy. All the same am telling my story. Before my husband, i have been married to five different men.

Yeah five, all five marriages failed after six months not cos we had problems or the relationships was on the rock they just come and go without good reason. It was easy to say i was cured by someone or something. The entire puzzle of my life just seem to fall into place when i met my present husband i fall hardly in love with him like he also did. Yeah we got married but just after the first six months as always he just wanted out as every other man that i was married to. But this, i just got tired of same old same old thing just wanted a steady marriage with the love of my life.

I tried marriage counseling with him which is suppose to me the best way to resolving marital problem but he was like its been tattooed in his mind that he wanted out of our marriage. His name IS Dr okpapiami i think he was of great help cos i honest remember that he helped me save my marriage and made me helped myself to feel loved again. Its being one year and six months exactly since he cast a spell to make my husband stay till dead do us part and my husband is still with me now and we are happy and in love just like how we were for the first six months.

I will be fully convinced if we get to celebrity our 50th year anniversary. I am just sharing my experience on how Mutton helped me restore my marriage with spell casting and i should tell you he does not charge for his services all you are to do is to provide materials he will be needing for the spell casting. May be someone out there knows what i am talking about and know how its like to be invisible mostly by the one person you are in love with.

I was in love an unhappy married man. His marriage was going to limbo and i was the only one there for him. He only saw me as a friend but he was more than that to me. I wish i had the heart to tell him before the went ahead and got married then, may be he would never had be unhappy and may be we both would have been together. Yeah it turned out i was too much or a chicken. Though we are together now literally because of the spell Metodo Acamu a very powerful spell caster i must say helped me cast to make him love me just as i loved him.

A lot of people may have different opinion as to if what is did is wrong or right but really, it do not matter because he was in pain and his life was falling to pieces and i was his friend who was in love with him. I knew he was going to be happy with me and he is now. For the first time in three years i have he really happy i mean he tells me every time how free he feels. We are perfect together and i know we are always going to be like this. This would not be the case if not for the spell Metodo Acamu helped me cast. All that was required of me were just the materials that was going to be used to prepare the spell and note Metodo Acamu does not do spells for money i wish i knew why but i do not.

How To Get A Rich Man To Be Your Boyfriend Or Husband

I am only writing this short article for those out there with problems similar to the one i had. If you want to contact him use this email its what i used metodoacamufortressx yahoo. Time to ask dad for some money, kick back, and enjoy life! Would love to be connected to a rich guy. Not to date per say but to get involved in the kind of business he does. We can pick it up from there.

Am really desperate to be rich. As a moderately successful man that has now fallen on leaner but not necessarily hard times I came to this page to read about how ladies think. For some time I have suspected the only reason why my partner is with me is because of the lifestyle she can enjoy from the money I earn. By no exaggeration, every cent I earn goes on trying in vain to keep her happy so that we are happy. I fell so deeply in love with my partner but now I have no choice but to ask for our monthly spending to drop she has become viciously hostile, mentally and at times physically abusive to me.

All I want in my life is to feel the closeness in spirit to someone who will stay together with me until the end. My trust in how women are, how they think and what they want is all but completely broken. Been there, done that. I clicked on this article for the same reason you did. Gold digging woman are disgusting trash. Like pulling up to a coffee stand in an old beat up car and asking a woman on a date.

It is amazing the difference in treatment you get when you pull up in an expensive sports car. Yes almost all of them are gold diggers. I had a poor girlfriend who I helped tremendously. Paid her medical bills, took care of her vehicle needs, nice vacations. Then you have to get a prenup and everything else.

That is the kind of woman that I had, and I was much happier when I sent her down the road.

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I know the kind of closeness and love you are talking about wanting from a woman, but this one, unless she has an epiphany, will never give it to you. I have friends with old fashioned foreign wives that love them through thick and thin, truly for better or worse, for richer or poorer I have seen it with my own eyes, it does exist. You may have to start over.

Good luck and God bless. As for me, time to hide the wealth again and find a down to earth farm girl. Gold digging women are disgusting trash??

Where to Find Rich Men

What about men who fuck and objectify women with no intentions of caring for her? Women who want financial security vs men who just want a good looking person to bang…. What sounds more unreasonable and shallow? Yeah…it goes both ways dude. I am a woman, and I come from a well off family. I have always worked hard and dated men not based on income or looks but what I thought was love. My first relationship was fully abusive he beat me because he wanted to control me and could not handle any men looking at me I left, of course. I have low self esteem when it comes to my personal life, but high when it comes to my work.

I am good at what I do. I keep hoping that I will find love and be able to have children, but I think my time for that is getting tight… So it goes both ways I guess. There are male gold diggers out there. And men need to stop leading us on if they have no thoughts of marriage. Its not fair to women. Most of us want kids and marriage and love. Friendships are hard to maintain, everyone I know works hard and long hours, as do I. At least for me. I know some people are really happy without. Most country girls are down to earth would choose a day out horse back riding over a vacation..

I feel bad for u… I feel bad she was an alcoholic.. Sometimes the good girls are disguised.. They work in retail.. Or ur local shops.. Take time to talk to one see i work in a pretty wealthy town.. Lol in fact if I guy ever rolled up next to me in a nice car or a beater.. And then me being a careful loyal girl..

I believe to hide nothing.. Always tell the truth.. That, and I insist on paying my own way. If you were so great, you would have no problem meeting and keeping a great girl. My ex bought me a brand new mkz for my birthday in our 6 year together… Then lost absolutely everything.

I stayed as I loved him deeply, and got a job, then 2 jobs. My ex was abusive. Does that mean all men are? Of course not, what flawed logic. I am perfectly happy and content just by loving God and live according to His will. I mean the work field. I want men to act normal towards me. God, all I ask for is normal treatment. I then met my second husband after a year of courting, he asked me to marry him and allow him to take care of me and my children.

We married and even though I knew that I did not have to continue working, to maintain my lifestyle, I kept working and running my business. He begged me to at least let go of two jobs, telling me that I worked too much and I should hire a housekeeper because he was tired of watching me take care of everyone and not have adequate time for myself. He told me that I was the first woman that loved him for him. He passed away in He was a fabulous man, so classy, smart, strong, honest, loving, fun, etc.

I should have cloned him lol. My good friend told me that I was in trouble if something were to happen to him, she was right…No one has compared to him since. It is not just about money either. To all those rich men out there… Just so you know… The next time u go to your local grocery store, cvs, bank any of those there are girls like me who would love a simple hello and thank you.. I live pay check to pay check..

How to Attract Rich Men and Keep Them Interested | PairedLife

No successful relationships and two beautiful little boys. Im ambitious I wish I can go to school everyday.. Constantly messing with my image.. I hear stories of women who treat men who try to do everything for them all the time of the women being horrid and horrible..

My main goal in life is to become a pediatric rn, I want to work with children or the mentally ill.. I want to help people.. I would love to be able to walk out of my house knowing the guy in with can handle the house hold.. Cook mabye clean even.. All that is just extra.. I would still want to go to work.. Or go to school get degrees for what I love to do.. All I have is one day…. So the next time u see someone working at ur local stores send a good vibe for me… Do a good deed.. Never judge a book by the cover! Then why are you with someone who constantly insults you?!

Grow up and learn to stand on your own two feet. You dated the wrong girl. For his bday I bought him football tickets for him and his dad. My BF makes more then enough to support both but I hate where he works, I want him to pursue his dream job even if it means we are poorer. Netflix and chill is still a good date lol. It sounds like you may have selected the wrong partner.

Was she with you before you had money? Has she ever had to earn money on her own? If not it maybe very hard for her to adjust her lifestyle. She may just try to find another man to meet your spending requirements. I want say something for those who say about us ladies wanting rich guy so many bad things…. Why I want rich guy? Wealth is great, but dignity perseverance and hardwork is more satisfying than searching for a rich man. Il rather marry a working class average man now, and get all the love and attention when I get back home to him. Then work together on him becoming a billionaire.

How did you manage to build a relationship with them? Were you not able to marry them? Is good to be someone rich he ll take good of you but be careful friends we all need money is a good thing of life ,,,,,,but is u are a good guy n also rich u can call me let b friends Interesting article and the comments on this one are definitely just as interesting! A real eye opener for me. Doctors and lawyers often marry their classmates I know, I met my spouse in medical school.

You do know that many American women are high earners? Whatever gender you are, invest in yourself and you will attract a partner who compliments your skills. My mother has been a nurse all her life and never was she ever a prostitute for the doctors! She believes in her cause to care for the sick and ailing. Additionally, not all nurse are women! Its proven track record of 14 years strongly suggests that SugarDaddie is not only a successful website, but its staff and approach to this business are of exceptional standards that time and again delivers quality which is confirmed by its members who have found successful relationships.

SeekingArrangement offers an excellent new perspective on the concept of dating sites. The website launched in and it has more than 10 million members worldwide. Recently SeekingArrangement started to enable its new domain name "Seeking. EstablishedMen offers an excellent dating site for those who are affluent and those attracted to that particular lifestyle. We rank EstablishedMen as our seventh website because it offers its users a chance to meet the person of their dreams.

Whether you are an attractive, intelligent young woman who wants to meet a wealthy man or you are a wealthy gentleman seeing a companion, Established Men offers an excellent matchmaking opportunity. It is interesting that for every male on the website, there are four women. SeekingMillionaire is a dating site where women can sign up for free to meet wealthy men. My search for local matches returned a good selection of potential dating partners.

Right from the welcome page they promote the benefits of wealthy dating. Attractive ladies, 'tired of dating the ordinary', are primed to date 'rich, wealthy, successful singles'. Successful men are encouraged to pursue 'classy, gorgeous singles'. But now it has been incorporated into SeekingArrangement. This creates a bit of a challenge for the average woman to be seen on a regular basis by rich men and therefore get the opportunity for a date invitation.

The smartest way around this little obstacle is to apply for a job at the swankiest country clubs you know of. This is a brilliant strategy in that you will actually be paid to meet rich men. You can work as a waitress in one of the cafes, or behind the counter of the golf driving range, it does not matter; just as long as you are positioned to watch, observe and be seen regularly.

In no time at all you will be privy to who has the most money, who is the most generous, and who is married. Rich men tend to feel comfortable asking a woman for a date if she is a familiar face and he has been able to have casual conversations with. So, if you can get a part time job in a country club, do it!

Also, you should learn the game of golf because it is so dear to the hearts of rich men. If you take a genuine interest in the game and are able to if not play the game, at least talk the game with rich men you will be that much higher regarded. In your spare time you should make a point of going to the racetrack a few times per year. Yes, rich men love the horses and wealthy thoroughbred owners can be spotted and mingled with at every racetrack. Be sure to pay the extra fee for the advanced entrance. The poor people pay a general admission and the big money men go to the club house, turf club, or whatever the particular place has for the upper crust.

Some racetracks even have special days in which the rich and famous get dressed up to be seen on local news and society columns. Never miss out on the opportunity to wear elegant clothes and be seen. This could be a golden opportunity, just be prepared to pay for it. The only way to make it from a date to "the girlfriend" is to earn a man's respect. Once you have landed a date with a rich man what do you do? You should not do this with a man of any means but you need to be extra careful about sleeping with a rich man too soon. He needs to see you as something special if you want him to be interested in you.

When a man conquers a woman too soon he loses interest, and believe me, once you have lost his interest it will be lost forever. You cannot lure him back with sex. That does not mean that he will not use you for sex, but he will firmly place you in the category of "free sex" and not someone to take seriously. Don't forget what happened to Jodi Arias when she tried to catch Travis Alexander.

Jodi had shown herself to be a sex bomb early in the relationship and Travis wanted to find a respectable woman to settle down with. Once Jodi was engraved in Travis' mind, he simply could not see her as a woman to spend the rest of his life with, no matter what she tried. Make the man court you and and get to know you. The longer you hold out on the sex the more he will respect and admire you. Rich men like sensible women. After you have dated a rich man for some time and the mystery is gone, there must be something that keeps him interested.

The thing that makes a rich man feel at ease with a woman is simply how stable she is. If you don't have a life of your own there is a good chance that he will not be in a hurry to snap you up. Be sure and have a life that is not all attached to him. If you are not going out with him you should be attending an entrepreneurs meetup, taking a class, or being social with friends. He has to see that you will not fall apart if he is not around and that you have interests in life.

This will keep him interested in what you are up to. Seriously, if he believes that you are sitting at home and waiting for him to call then there is no hurry for him to pick you up. If you want marriage you should never just hang around for years on end hoping that your man will eventually propose. You should never pressure your man early in the relationship and should be fun and easy to get along with but if you have been with a guy for over one year, you have been having sex with him and there is not serious talk about the future then it is wise to confront him. Let him know that you want a man to settle down with and that if he is not that guy then you need to move on.

He will either gain respect for your position and will let you know how important you are to him or he will let you know that there is no future with him. The best thing for you is to know ASAP and not spend years of your life hanging around. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Thomas42 "I read articles like this so I don't feel bad about being single I agree with your tips. You mention go to the place where the rich people often go to meet them, but it needs a lot of money, time and energy.