Iraq 2050 (Science Fiction)

One of NPR's Best Books of ! A groundbreaking anthology of science fiction from Iraq that will challenge your perception of what it means to be “The Other”.
Table of contents

How to Draw Manga For the Beginner: Harriet Kim Anh Rodis. It's Just a Job. Masters of the Trading Game.

  • The Book of Biff #10 Rocket Ready!
  • Sci-fi writer manages to imagine even worse dystopia?
  • User account menu.
  • Penchant?
  • The Annotated U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
  • Regional presence.

The Old Man in the Hospital. Iraq Tech Wars. Tin Universe Monthly The Watches of James Bond. Fly Paper for Kids. Practical Shooting Basics 3: Star Trek Fan Guide. Robert Grey Reynolds Jr. The Space Race Story. The Hall of the Betrayed. For I Have Promises to Keep. First Sweep Short Story. Way of a Rebel.

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What Happens in Dubai. Piprell, a Canadian hard-rock miner-tunneler-turned-Oxford polymath, has imagined worse. Some readers may at times lose track of the futuristic terminology. In one only partially finished World created with early technology, a highly authentic girlie-bar district in 20 th- century Bangkok, we meet Brian the Evil Canadian, the last human to have held the position of MOM before the machines took over.

Brian is an excellent candidate for recognition as the most loathsome character in all literature.


As the novel opens, Mondays have been getting longer and more frequent. Meanwhile attacks on the malls from the Outside seem to have become both more frequent and more effective. Is MOM losing it? The malls are breached. Survival is not merely an individual question.

The future OE will see soldiers utilizing augmented reality to assist in identifying threats, friendlies, and other items of interest, but the soldier will remain to interact with those in the local population. Gray matter , even in , will remain key to affecting national security interests and goals. The institutionalization of regionally aligned forces RAF and formalized training, as the Root study suggests, [43] will bode well for U.

We see the future of modern warfare, today.

  • Decima Rising (Ranexx Series Book 2).
  • The Legend of Crawley Creek?
  • Hidden Fires (Chronicles of Nuala Book 2).
  • ?
  • What is Kobo Super Points?!
  • Reward Yourself;
  • The Meadow (Warrior Chronicles).

As then-Colonels Liang and Xiangui noted some 17 years ago in Unrestricted Warfare , warfare is no longer about militarily bending the adversary to your will—it is about waging war without limit: Our adversaries will catch up with our technologies, sometimes incrementally and other times jumping ahead, and effectively develop counters. Our adversaries will have access to our homes, our defense systems, and our banks, just as the U. Conflict has always been a game of cat and mouse, only time decides which side is playing which role.

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Non-state actors, violent extremist organizations, and organized crime syndicates are also wielding such authority over the current and future battlefield, and will continue to do so. The North Korean regime is pulling all the stops to expand technologically, economically, and militarily. What could be objectively worse, however, would be the complete shutdown of global economic markets, power grids, communications systems, and infrastructure through the use of computer viruses or worms.

But the goal of warfare will not change: Soldiers will continue to be required to act in multiple roles—humanitarian, diplomat, negotiator, and warrior—in order to win in a complex world. Rise of the machines! As policy begins to catch up with technology, however, we may see that switch mothballed.

There is, as noted above, an inherent danger and distrust with fully automated weapons systems—SkyNet would, however, disagree. This is the fundamental challenge to automation: Learn to play the long game. Power is not dead, it is changing. The geopolitical landscape of is far different than it was in , but perhaps not so different than what we will see in Trends seem to be pointing toward a future that leaves the U.

Democratization of technologies and governments will have, by , allowed people greater autonomy than ever, and spread ideas and ideals across the globe with the press of a button, a blink, or perhaps merely a thought. In order to win, the U. Likewise, soldiers will need to embrace the role of the warrior-diplomat and warrior-scholar—there is simply no other way to win in the future OE. It is possible that we may well see a return to state-on-state conflict, but shear technological superiority is no longer enough.

Focus on the human domain. The fog of war remains. The enemy has a vote, so while your technology may be amazing, people will rapidly make adjustments and develop their own counters.

2050 तक धरती से अंतरिक्ष तक बनेगी लिफ्ट

Our adversaries will rely on any and every means to counter our technology—even if that means taking a play from senior al-Qaeda, Taliban, and IS leaders of old: By , we should not expect conflict to be unmanned. Rather, we should expect UMS and other advanced tools to be utilized by all parties to conflict.

Failing to focus on the human domain will be to our detriment. Formalize education and training in the human domain. Recent recommendations from the Carlisle Scholars Program at the U. By creating proponents within the U.

Army for varied mission sets, we may have a highly adaptable, ready, and relevant force capable of fighting and winning in any environment without the costly endeavor of re-learning from the past. Shifting responsibility from the active component to the National Guard could offer immense benefit to both soldiers and the military through a combination of lived experience, training, and further education to hone skills. This begs the question: One of the purported failures of the Human Terrain System HTS was that it was difficult to employ social scientists at the tactical level, and doubly so to integrate them into the military decision-making process.

Look to sci-fi, artists, and industry. Such non-traditional thought in policy and practitioner circles is desperately needed if we are to anticipate and adapt to the future OE—particularly as we examine the people involved and the tools they may have at their disposal. These recommendations should be incorporated in order to maintain U. But technological solutions are not enough to win in , just as they are not enough to win now. Incorporating these recommendations, no matter what direction future megatrends take, will aid the U.

Explaining the Proliferation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Artificial Intelligence is our Biggest Existential Threat. The Lack of Accountability for Killer Robots. See also Scharre, Paul Campobasso, Theresa , December 8. The Future of Soldier Efficiencies in Steevens , October Visualizing the Tactical Ground Battlefield in the Year Internet Trolling as a Hybrid Warfare Tool: The Case of Latvia.

Propaganda and Trolling as Warfare Tools.

The Human Domain and the Future of Army Warfare: Present as Prelude to | Small Wars Journal

Julier, Yohan Baillot, J. The UN estimates a worldwide population of 9. Megacities and the United States Army: Preparing for a Complex and Uncertain Future.

Science fiction. Fantasy. The universe. And related subjects.

The Challenge of Slums: National Intelligence Council Megatrends that will undo the World Unless we Take Action. Pew Research Center, July. The Future of Jobs: Swanson, Ana , April