Choosing Happiness

A smile is a choice, not a miracle. Begin today by taking responsibility for your own contentment. Here are ten ways to choose happiness.
Table of contents

10 Ways Happy People Choose Happiness

Mindset - Updated Edition Carol Dweck. The Power of Habit Charles Duhigg.

Happiness Strategy #2: Cultivate Gratitude

You Are a Badass Jen Sincero. The Happiness Trap Russ Harris. Daring Greatly Brene Brown.

Choosing Happiness in Your Life

The Little Book of Mindfulness Dr. Gifts Of Imperfection, The: Reinventing Your Life Janet S. Cordially Invited Zoe Sugg. Feeling Good David D. The Four Agreements Illustrated Edition: The 4 Pillar Plan Dr. A New Earth Eckhart Tolle. The Miracle Morning Hal Elrod. The Surrender Experiment Michael A.

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The Artist's Way Julia Cameron. The War of Art Steven Pressfield. The Artist's Journey Steven Pressfield. Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill. Tools of Titans Timothy Ferriss. Spark Joy Marie Kondo. But what if your day is just truly terrible? What if your challenges are real — maybe not life or death — but still genuine? In my book Emotional Agility, I explain why this approach does not work. In a recent study , participants were given a fake newspaper article praising happiness, while a control group read an article that did not mention happiness.

Both groups then watched film clips that were either happy or sad. How does this work? Banning negative thinking beyond a second daily allocation is also likely to backfire.

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The late social psychologist Daniel Wegner led a famous study in which subjects were told to avoid thinking about white bears and failed miserably try it! Even when the ban was lifted, the group thought about white bears much more than the control group. Wake up on your terms. Most of us have alarm clocks programmed because of the expectations of others: Wake up just a little bit early and establish an empowering, meaningful, morning routine. Start each day on your terms.

How to Be Happy: 7 Steps to Becoming a Happier Person

The next 23 hours will thank you for it. Hold back a complaint. Instead, humbly keep it to yourself. Practice one life-improving discipline. There is happiness and fulfillment to be found in personal growth. Embrace and practice at least one act of self-discipline each day.

This could be exercise, budgeting, or guided-learning… whatever your life needs today to continue growing. Each of us have natural talents, strengths, and abilities. And when we use them effectively, we feel alive and comfortable in our skin. They help us find joy in our being and happiness in our design. So embrace your strengths and choose to operate within your giftedness each day.

If you need to find this outlet outside your employment, by all means, find this outlet. Accomplish one important task. Because happy people choose happiness, they take control over their lives. Instead, they operate out of the satisfaction they have already chosen.

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  8. They realize there are demands on their time, helpful pursuits to accomplish, and important contributions to make to the world around them. Choose one important task that you can accomplish each day. And find joy in your contribution. We are spiritual, emotional, and mental beings. We are also physical bodies. Our lives cannot be wholly separated into its parts. As a result, one aspect always influences the others.

    For example, our physical bodies will always have impact over our spiritual and emotional well-being. Therefore, caring for our physical well-being can have significant benefit for our emotional standing. One simple action to choose happiness today is to eat healthy foods. Your physical body will thank you… and so will your emotional well-being. Everyone wants to be treated kindly. But more than that, deep down, we also want to treat others with the same respect that we would like given to us.

    Treat everyone you meet with kindness, patience, and grace. The Golden Rule is a powerful standard. It benefits the receiver. But also brings growing satisfaction in yourself as you seek to treat others as you would like to be treated. Find time alone in solitude. As our world increases in speed and noise, the ability to withdraw becomes even more essential.

    Studies confirm the importance and life-giving benefits of meditation. So take time to make time. And use meditation to search inward, connect spiritually, and improve your happiness today. Search for benefit in your pain.