Les clés des champs: Lagriculture en questions (French Edition)

| La sociologie rurale en questions Mots-clés: . 21Selon le modèle mendrassien, la naissance de l'agriculture renvoyait au . avant tout à un champ d'études où convergent une pluralité de sciences sociales: 36Sur French agriculture and contemporary rural sociology», Rural Sociology 73 (4):
Table of contents

Ambitious environmental and economic goals for the future of agriculture are unequally achieved by innovative cropping systems. Field crops research, , Diversity of methodologies to experiment Integrated Pest Management in arable cropping systems: European Journal of Agronomy, 83, Using a multicriteria assessment model to evaluate the sustainability of conservation agriculture at the cropping system level. European Journal of Agronomy, 76, A new method to assess farming system evolution at the landscape scale. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35 1 , A multi-scale bioeconomic model for the design and ex ante assessment of cropping system mosaics.

Pour une sociologie des mondes agricoles dans la globalisation

Agricultural Systems, , doi: Designing innovative productive cropping systems with quantified and ambitious environmental goals. Guidelines to design models assessing agricultural sustainability, based upon feedbacks from the DEXi decision support system. Agronomy for sustainable development, 35 4 , DOI: Understanding crop management decisions in an uncertain environment for sustainable crop protection: Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 38, — Estimating the delay between host infection and disease incubation period and assessing its significance to the epidemiology of plant diseases.

Global agronomy, a new field of research.

Derniers numéros

In press in Agronomy for sustainable development, DOI: Epidemiological analysis of the effects of biofumigation forbiological control of root rot in sugar beet. Plant Pathology, 62 1 , Cahiers Agriculture, 22 3 , Conservation agriculture CA represents farming systems obeying three principles: On the basis of its effects on soil ecology, carbon sequestration, work productivity and massive adoption in some agricultures over the world, it was presented by its promoters as the only sustainable and appropriate system for all the contexts, and consequently universally diffused in the name of the sustainable development.

By field surveys and documentation analysis, our research focused on the history of CA extension on worldwide scale. We emphasized the very specific origin of CA and disparity of its adoption between regions and types of exploitations. Then the possible causes of the apparent resistance of African and Malagasy agricultures were analysed: In spite of this multiple causality, the postulate of universality of CA brings back the question of the adoption to the only political and financial management of diffusion. It is however necessary to prove its transferability towards any context, and its ecological sustainability.

We recommend the pursuance of the effort of improvement by analyzing the context of the farming systems and basing the research on the practices, the local knowledge and the innovation capacity of farmers and communities, and to follow other tracks in parallel. Les travaux du sol labours, sarclages, buttages sont absents ou exceptionnels.

Il avantage temporairement certains insectes ravageurs Ratnadass et al. Les rendements sont faibles ibid. Bahn et Virender, Dans les zones semi arides, Billaz et al.

L'agriculture en France DVD Trailer

Le dernier ouvrage international de promotion du no-tillage Goddard et al. Mais le paysan africain ou malgache raisonne-t-il ainsi? Tout transfert conserve une part de risque. Bwalya, , Conservation agriculture in Zambia: Hien, , Carbon, Nitrogen and fine particles removed by water erosion on crops, fallows and mixed plots in sudanese savannas Burkina Faso, Roose E.

الصفحة المطلوبة غير موجودة

Stewart eds , Soil erosion and carbon dynamics , coll. De Noni, E Roose. Duke, , The current status and environmental impacts of glyphosate-resistant crops: Putting the Last First. Saulas, , A contribution to the development of cropping systems with permanent cover crop in open fields in France, Proceedings of the second World Congress on Conservation Agriculture , Iguassu Falls Brazil , pp. Roose, , Influence of no-tillage on soil conservation, carbon sequestration and yield of intensive rotation maize-cotton: FAO Nairobi, Rome, p.

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Chabierski, , When uplands join the rice fileds in lake Alaotra. Agriculture conservation diversification and innovation on upland zones. Sombatpanit eds , , No-till farming systems.

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