The Secret World of Doing Nothing

The Secret World of Doing Nothing [Orvar Löfgren, Billy Ehn] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In this insightful and pathbreaking reflection .
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Download PDF by Orvar Löfgren, Billy Ehn: The Secret World of Doing Nothing

Sifting via a variety of examples drawn from literature, released ethnographies, and firsthand examine, they probe the unobserved moments in our day-by-day lives—waiting for a bus, having a pipe dream by way of the window, appearing a regimen task—and light up those "empty" occasions as packed with importance. An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Ethics. Are we essentially made up our minds by way of nature or nurture?

What are the easiest ways in which humans can stay productively? In guy for Himself, popular social thinker Erich Fromm posits: With the presents of self-consciousness and mind's eye, any person can provide his or her personal exact solution.

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In his humanistic idea of guy, Fromm describes a variety of personality orientations which are to be present in Western tradition. For the 1st time, Fromm analyzes the parallels among fiscal strategies of industry worth and the way we price others and ourselves—the thought of character as a commodity. He argues for a go back to humanistic ethics, and discusses matters reminiscent of the query of moral sense, of selfishness and self-love, and of delight and happiness.

Completely up-to-date, the 3rd variation of this pocket-sized instruction manual presents concise, evidence-based details on psychiatry. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Feb 27, Lauren Albert rated it really liked it Shelves: I had many moments of surprised recognition in this book--perhaps you would too. My favorite section was the one on waiting--their summary From David Maister's work of what makes waits feel longer or shorter I thought was a brilliant encapsulation.

I always say, tell me it will be an hour and I will wait relatively patiently; tell me it will be 20 I had many moments of surprised recognition in this book--perhaps you would too. I always say, tell me it will be an hour and I will wait relatively patiently; tell me it will be 20 minutes and then make me wait an hour, and I'll be really angry.

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It's not the hour. Anyway, it was worth it just to see that other people do what I do when they are just sitting around A really fascinating exploration of waiting, routines, and day-dreaming, all categories of seeming non-activity. Because it's hard to conduct ethnographic research of seeming non-events, many of the examples are drawn from fiction, poetry, and film, though in most cases also backed up by qualitative studies.

  1. Tell Me A Story (My Amazing Friends Book 2)?
  2. | The Secret World of Doing Nothing | American Journal of Play?
  4. Especially interesting to me was the discussion of differences in waiting between western and non-western cultures, and also the discussion of putting on makeup as routine cultural practice. This does of course touch on how technology and media have changed these activities, but it is actually not about technology, as I'd assumed when I read the jacket copy. They do suggest that as technologies become more routine we are better at multitasking, but I don't buy that.

    I think it's more that familiarity breeds contempt.

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    This is definitely an academic book, but I enjoyed reading it over lunch every day while "doing nothing. Jan 25, Clarissa Draper rated it it was amazing Shelves: I just loved this book!

    Download The Secret World of Doing Nothing by Orvar Löfgren, Billy Ehn PDF - eric michael Books

    Don't let the title fool you, this book is not filled with 'nothing'. It's packed with interesting insights into life. The book opens up in a grocery story.

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    A man is at the checkout counter and what ensues is typical of the average human: Who will get done first? After an opening like that, I was hooked. It takes to understanding why we create little competitions for ourselves o I just loved this book! It takes to understanding why we create little competitions for ourselves on a day to day basis. The kind of "imaginative ingenuity" that "ritualizes and dramatizes daily life". It discusses six aspects or principles behind waiting.

    I won't spoil the book by listing them here. And how the feelings towards waiting varies depending on where you live in the world. Another section of the book--and really the reason I picked it up--is the section on daydreaming. When do most people daydream?

    The Secret World of Doing Nothing

    Why do people daydream? I recommend this book. Dec 29, Kendra rated it really liked it. Lofgren wrote a highly personal, accessible account of waiting, routines, and daydreaming that was refreshing after powering through Goffman's Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.

    Kept me engaged and top of my classs readings