The Loom of Battle (The Saxon Tapestry Book 2)

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The Saxon Tapestry by Sile Rice

Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. A novel about the last years of Saxon England and the Norman Conquest.

The Saxon Tapestry

Particular focus on Harold Godwinesson and Hereward, son of Earl Leofric and exiled for crimes that weren't really his fault. Not the least bit complimentary of William the Conqueror or the Normans in general. Hereward returns to England from Ireland after the Conquest to lead a rebellion.

The overly explicit sex gets in the way of the story.

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I know its cheesy to use the title as a descriptive word in your review but Sile has woven a rich tapestry of images emersing you in the wetlands of the past, complete with the agony of being an outcast in a superstitious time and culminating in the Battle of Hastings. My only comment contrary is that the sexual imagery was a bit much.

Sketch of Mina from Henry H. Neff's series The Tapestry

I could never recommend it to my churchy friends. Mairi rated it really liked it Aug 09, Ray rated it it was ok Mar 30, Laureen rated it liked it Dec 01, Erica rated it liked it Jul 27, Nikki rated it it was amazing Apr 17, Joss rated it liked it Mar 08, Bronwyn rated it really liked it Oct 08, Valerie rated it liked it Jul 30, Evitcelfer rated it it was ok Jan 20, Valvetron rated it liked it Apr 16, Aricia Gavriel rated it it was amazing Jul 15, Jyv rated it liked it May 04, Shayne Power rated it really liked it Sep 08, Deborah Dungan Hemme rated it liked it Jan 16, Bianca rated it it was amazing Jan 31, Jane rated it liked it Dec 19, Laura rated it really liked it Aug 05, Wobbe rated it it was amazing Jul 22, Bronwyn rated it really liked it Jul 16, Billie rated it really liked it May 20, Susan rated it liked it Mar 26,