A Serpent Uncoiled

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The sensation inside my body had become unbearable, but it only happened in the bath water. I asked myself how I possibly could have perverted the only place where I felt such unconditional love and patience for me as a bumbling human. All I could feel was the throbbing of my groin area. My body was vibrating at the speed of light just touching the water. At the time, he lived in Australia and I lived in North Carolina. He was waiting for me in our online chatroom.

When I expressed my surprise to see him awake and online in the middle of his night, he said he had been awakened and felt I needed him. How did he know that? I now understand the intense communication of our DNA but, back then, I had no clue. The questions that raced through my mind horrified me. I wondered if he knew that I want to do all kinds of sexual things with his astral body simply because my bath water was doing weird, sexual things to my body.

A Serpent Uncoiled – Simon Spurrier Talks To Crime Time

I was to embarrassed to even dare to find out. I did find the words to ask him about the relentless, intense sexual sensation created by my bath water. And I was able to ask him why I would take my meditations into the gutter of life. He calmly asked me if I knew what Kundalini was. He told me to look it up, he was great at giving me non-answers and making me do all the work of understanding.

He also suggested that I take the Ankh symbol with me into meditation because it would help ground me.

Not that he would tell me outright, but I wondered what Ankh meant. It was just more to look up. I researched Kundalini and the Ankh symbol online.

114 Coiled Serpent Uncoils In Your Back

Thank god for the invention of the internet with its semi-instant gratification always at my fingertips. I say semi because despite reading about those two brand new words, I was clueless as to what they really meant. Yeah, right where my horny spot is! I went on to read that when this sleeping serpent wakes up, it is very much like an intense sexual feeling inside. That would be a huge understatement! My mind was right there in its doubtfulness wondering what sort of spiritual energy would have you contemplating sex with your bathtub faucet.

I knew I had to find a way through it. The article went on to state that the initiate into what I was being initiated, I had no clue and God forbid anyone should come right out and tell me whose Kundalini is awakening is to pull it through to the top of their head.

  1. A Serpent Uncoiled.
  2. !
  3. The Political Philosophy of Hannah Arendt;

I was positive that the horny spot was always in the same place every time. I was sure that it could not be moved. The information that it could and does move baffled my doubt filled mind, yet my bathwater edged me on. Each time I placed my foot into the tub the fire within raged in a relentless, fully blown fury. I turned the brightest shade of red as I lay in that bathtub throbbing with a sexual desire I never knew could exist and asking the holiest folks in the universe if I could I use my hand to relieve this non-stop pressure.

The fire within, the raising of Kundalini energy. So there I was, recalling all the things I had learned about sex and masturbation such as: But all I could do was feel what my body insisted I explore; my highly intense sexual vibrations. Of course, I would be lying if I said that was my first session of self-arousal and release, but it was never before in church!

My bathtub had become as holy a place to me as any church and I felt that I had desecrated it! My body could not have cared less what my mind tried to devalue. It was on a mission and there was no off button that I could find within me. My body also seemed to have a very strong knowing within as to what to do with that pulsating energy. I was able to visualize the highly intense sexual energy—that was really a Kundalini awakening—as a serpent.

There it was, all coiled up at the base of my spine vibrating me into the outer realms of existence. I focused on the serpent itself, searching for its face because I wanted to have eye contact with this snake of mine. In the beginning of this journey, the serpent was a tan and brownish color and a very beautiful creature indeed.

I was able to get him to look me directly in the eyes. Like a snake charmer that uses inner sexual vibration, I initiated a dance with my snake. I controlled the vibrations with my hand and the snake stirred with each wave of highly charged energy bursting through my groin. Now, I refer to this area as my root chakra. Somewhere from deep inside of that all-knowing place within, I knew that my mission was to get this snake to move up and out of my groin and into my lower abdomen.

That area is my sacral chakra.

A Serpent Uncoiled, a book by Simon Spurrier | Book review

This incredible, intense dance took days to accomplish. Each time, my inner vision was trained on the snake and my hand was trained on the movement of energy. My snake moved half of an inch upwards! Holy cow batman—that was intense! It was as if my own inner sexual energy hit a new octave, and that octave was amazing! I knew right then and there that I would see that mission out to the end. It beat the hell out of that inner child healing that was my first few months of my journey. I went from understanding the dirge of hell to realizing the song of heaven that lived in my groin and was raising its vibration of the inner chorus.

It took me a few days to get this snake up to my sacral chakra, but I did it! My spiritual team where they watching me? I was on a mission once again; a really intense mission of inner bliss. Shortly after the Kundalini raising had begun, I realized there were a few rules to the game. The biggest one was not about sex at all. I was not to include any fantasy man, real or imagined, on the journey. A bizarre spiritualist society.

And three deaths, linked by a chilling forensic detail. Working as an enforcer in London's criminal underworld brought Dan Shaper to the edge of a breakdown. Now he's a private investigator, kept perilously afloat by a growing cocktail of drugs. He needs to straighten-up and rebuild his life, but instead gets the attention of his old gangland masters and a job-offer from Mr George Glass. The elderly eccentric claims to be a New Age Messiah, but now needs a saviour of his own.

He's been marked for murder.

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Adrift amidst liars and thugs, Shaper must push his capsizing mind to its limits: Son of X Vol. Gargantuan literary flourishes makes Spurrier's style dirtier, rougher and infinitely more fascinating' - The Truth About Books. Simon Spurrier was born in After completing a degree in Film and Television Production at S.

He lives in North London and spends his days abusing his neighbours' unencrypted wireless Internet connections.