French Bulldog Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide on French Bulldog Puppies, What to Do When You Bri

French Bulldog Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide on French Bulldog Puppies, What to Do When You Bring Home Your New French Bulldog Puppy.
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Our youngest frenchie had pretty severe separation anxiety during her first months. We were crate training her her kennel is in our bedroom and it was mostly okay at night, except she would cry a little at first. Once we were certain that she was ready, we started letting her sleep outside the crate in the bed with us.

You want them to look at their crate like a safe place. Conversely, you should also take your dog out into public frequently and familiarize them with your neighborhood, other dogs, and other people. This will help socialize them, help get some exercise, and stimulate their young brains. To help cut back on anxiety, you can try and give your puppy some exercise outside before crating them. Hi Jordan Love your website.

What is the best puppy food and treats for are 8 week old puppy? Sorry for the late reply. We really like the Fromm brand, but it can sometimes be difficult to find in large quantities from Amazon. Stay away from bones, leather chews, and other soft tissue chew toys. Opt for some antler or yak cheese chew toys. The occasional bit of bovine neck gross, I know will help give you french bulldog some extra glucosamine.

How to Potty-Train a French Bulldog

You can also supplement in glucosamine and other nutrients if your veterinarian recommends it. Otherwise, get yourself some training-style treats small, soft, and packed with flavor , like these: Hi Jordan- we have a 14 weeker with us and we are in potty training mode.

  1. Training French Bulldogs.
  2. A Guide to French Bulldog Care: Tips for Owning a Happy & Healthy Pup;
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Any special tips with potty training a Frenchie? Remember that accidents indoors are inevitable, but you can avoid many of them by just taking them outside as often as once every couple of hours and sometimes even more. Eventually, it will click in their brain that they must hold their business until they go outside. We have a 9 week old female frenchie. We are working on crate training her. She seems to enjoy her crate, she will walk into it and hang out in it on her own when we are around but the second we walk away night time especially she literally screams… we try just leaving her in there and see if she will stop but she will do it for over an hour.

We get so frustrated and sleep deprived my boyfriend now sleeps with her in his arms on the couch we really are trying to avoid having her sleep in our bed. Is there anything we can do to get her to not cry in her crate? We tire her out before bed. We put our own clothes in the crate. We got one of those stuffed dogs with a fake heart beat. But nothing has helped. We try giving her interactive toys. She just wants to be with us at all seconds of the day.

Is there anything we can do to help her be ok without us? I know what you mean. I really can only tell you that you have to outlast your dog. It may take months, maybe longer, but eventually, they will accept that you expect them to sleep in the crate.

A Guide to French Bulldog Care: Tips for Owning a Happy and Healthy Pup

That said, I really recommend you just leave their crate door open at night and let them choose if they want to sleep in the crate or on the floor. I have a post somewhere on the blog on cool little WiFi cameras you can get to monitor your baby frenchie while you are out. I highly recommend getting one for your sanity and their safety. Let me know if this helps! Any other advice on helping with the puppy overcoming his separation anxiety?

Also, we will be walking him outside for potty training real soon after he gets his last two shots. If you can give any suggestions on how to start this process successfully that would be great. One more thing — I live on the 10th floor of an apartment building and we have a balcony high wall so its safe. Would it be okay for us to walk him in the balcony to go potty or should we walk him outside? I like the idea to get a cage that is big enough for the puppy to grow into.

I can imagine that this would make him happy because it would be a space that is truly his for his whole life. I think change can be a stressful thing for a dog. Their kennel will take on their scent, and it will be familiar to them as they grow into it. First off, this page is amazing and has so much helpful information. Thank you for posting! We just got our frenchie about 4 weeks ago. He is about 3. Weve been having a problem with him biting while he is playing with us, especially my kids.

Any suggestions on getting him to stop? He seems to get more wound up. Hey Adria, thank you so much for your kind words. I am honored to be a resource to you. French bulldogs are definitely rambunctious, if not a little crazy and wired, too. I recommend getting your french bulldog a high-quality antler: I recommend grabbing some old long socks and tying a knot or two in one of them to use a tug-toy. I hope this helps!

They experience everything with their mouths so they often nip. This is how puppies tell each other it hurts and is enough so it should make him pause. Once he has paused the play, divert his attention to a chew toy with positive reinforcement, and he will eventually learn that toys are for playing and you are for loving! Wonderful insight and advice, Beth! Thanks for hopping in here and sharing your knowledge with us and the other readers.

So much to learn! I loved reading your post! It was very informative and helpful. I currently have a french bulldog and I have had her for about nine years. I have fallen in love with her over the years! I really want another one. Your tips were great refreshers, I think the one about having a secure vet is super important.

My frenchie has a long list of health problems so it is always very convenient to have my mom. I also think the part about toys is very important because my frenchie is obsessed with toys and little things she can chew on. She will play until she is exhausted. Thanks for your post! Thank you for stopping in. You can read more about it here: Many, if not most, blue-colored dogs live happy, healthy, and problem-free lives.

I would personally have no issue raising a blue coat french bulldog. Just like us, they all have their own quirks and problems. Soon to be New owner here from Germany. We have more then enough safe clean room for him. Is the crate a must or is it more to the preference of the owner. We have baby gates we use throughout our house to block off certain areas. They work great for us. It works out great. I love your blog and I find it so informative.

My husband and I have been thinking of getting a dog, and after doing some research, I decided upon the French Bulldog. They are such beautiful, loveable dogs. I was surprised to read in your blog that you take your dogs on hikes when you go camping. At what age can you begin walking them?

Since our puppy will be 2 months when we get him, can we take him for walks outside right away or do we have to wait a few weeks until the vaccines settle? These, of course, are questions that I plan on asking on our next visit to the Breeder and 1st visit to our Vet, but I was curious and wanted to have an idea of what to expect. Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words. I really appreciate it. French bulldogs are life-changers! You would be right about brachycephalic breeds: When we take our french bulldogs camping, we typically are able to drive right up to our favorite camping spot and have to very little in the way of hiking.

To that end, we have taken our frenchies hiking, but generally we let them lead and we tend to keep the hikes short. As for hikes, just make sure you bring plenty of water for your frenchie to drink. Just keep an eye on their breathing and play it by ear. If your breeder gives you a specific reason not to take them on walks after their vaccinations, ask your veterinarian why they might have suggested that. You may be able to come back to us with some specific information that might be helpful to other readers!

Thank you for very helpful information. After a year of research and contemplation I decided to lay my eye on a Frenchie. We will get a cute fawn girl in few weeks. I would like to read real experience of people who have had already a cat and then a puppy entered in their lives. How was it, the first time together? I hope our cat will accept our new familie member. Maybe you have some good tips about that. Is it OK for a dog? She will have her bed in the pen not a crate and waterbowl and of course toys she loves. Whats wrong with that?

Thank you in advance. Thank you for reading. I had two cats when I got my first french bulldog and neither of my cats seemed to mind that we got a dog. The cats usually just leave them alone and keep to themselves. I believe you will be okay, just give your cat plenty of personal space to adjust to the new puppy in her house. You can leave your puppy in the pen.

Everything You Need for Your New French Bulldog Puppy!

As long as she has her water bowl and something to chew on, she will be fine. You can get a cheap WiFi camera and put it near her pen if you want to check in on her from work or from your cell phone. It is worth it to have the peace of mind. Thanks for your encouragement. It helps a lot when somebody says a good word. As a matter of fact, we alredy have a camera to put near the pen. I search the web to find information in english for two reasons. First one — there is much more information in english then in my language or russian, or german.

And second one, the most important — in my country as in Russia it is unthinkable to put a dog into a crate or a dog pen. And the dog training means to create a dominance over a dog with prong collars, choke collars and electric collars. Or not to teach a dog at all. I find that the crate or the dog pen is a grate opportunity to protect the puppy and my belongings like furniture, shoes etc. And there is a better way to teach a dog then to dominate over it.

I prefer to teach my dog with positive reinforcement. I hope that will work with our puppy. I have a very sad story to tell about my neighbors dog. They bought an active labrador puppy and kept him at home. The puppy damaged nibbled the stairs and now he is gorwn up and lives outside and alone. He is so depressed, howls and cries sometimes. Maybe the dogs life would have been different, if they knew about the dog crate or the dog pen…. I am days away from bringing home my Frenchie pup and was curious about training. I know this breed is notorious for being stubborn AND intelligent!

Obviously potty training leaned itself to learning commands, but everyone wants a well-behaved dog.

Hey Chandra, congratulations and thank you for being here. My greatest advice is to be patient. French bulldogs will push your buttons. Count to 10 and breathe. When training, focus on distinct hand motions and signals. These for communications are the foundation of a greater future understanding between you and your french bulldog. As for potty training, take your puppy outside several times per day.

With our new puppies, we try to take them out every couple of hours, or even more frequently than that.

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We try to really drill into their behavior the process of going outside to do their business. We use kennel training as a way to buy ourselves a little time between trips outside. Hello, I am a new Frenchie owner and I rescued mine. He has some heart problems and he has a small windpipe. I feed and water him around 6: Should I leave water throughout the day for him?

Or is this a medical condition I should talk to a vet about? Also, how much and how many times should I be feeding him? I feed him about a cup in the morning and at night. He currently weights 6. Hey Paige, so good to hear from you and thank you for rescuing a french bulldog. Our four year old male does it occasionally because he gets worked up and drinks way too much water. Rather than take his water entirely, leave smaller amounts, and even try leaving smaller amounts in a few different bowls spread out through his area.

It will force him to drink slower and take breaks in between. Excessive drinking can be a symptom. He may just be a small guy, but the 14 week old male in my lap right now is roughly lbs. A frenchie should be somewhat…plump, but not obviously overweight. Feel free to ask anything else, and ask the other readers, too. Thank you so much for answering this question. I am a new mom to a 9 week old Frenchie.

I have literally had him for less than 3 full days. Im not going to lie, it was at that point that I panicked a little since I have never experienced a frenchie puppy, and the fact that they do ingest more air than most breeds. So of course I went to google, which until I came upon this blog just scared me to the point of tears. I cant thank you enough for this information.

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  • I hope Gus is doing great and I hope you too have a great holiday season! HI Jordan Long time listener, first time caller…. I read your advice above on potty training. I am looking for a little more advice on this topic as we are picking up our 8 week old frenchie next week! It seems like there are several different ways of potty training and was hoping you can elaborate on your process? We purchased a medium size crate and was going to buy the memory foam mattress you recommended. Do you recommend holding off on the bed that big and leave room in her crate for a potty pad area? What did you do at night time middle of night???

    Hey Noah, thanks so much for reading and jumping in to ask for help!

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    • I am humbled, truly. With potty training, the best advice I can give is to be patient and understand that there will be some accidents. Keep some carpet or multi-surface cleaner on hand and take it slow. Dogs have a sort of ritualistic approach to relieving themselves.

      The whole process lends itself to being in the great outdoors; after all, canines spent the majority of their evolutionary life out there among the trees and the skies. Understanding this and patience is critical. Now, the technical stuff. My wife and I both agree that a kennel that can be gradually enlarged is the way to go. A canine will do their best to avoid peeing or pooping where they sleep. Instead, as often as you can stand to do it, take your pup outside. Go out into the yard with your frenchie and if they do their poops or pees while outside on that particular trip, immediately give them a small savory treat.

      French bulldogs are easily trained using positive reinforcement. Naturally, most of us have to work 9ish to 5ish, so your best bet in these hours is to get a friend or dog-walker to take your pup out for a midday walk. I used to go home during my lunch hour every day to let my frenchies out to play in the yard for minutes.

      You can cordon off a room for your frenchie and use training pads, but be very cautious about letting the training pads become habitual for your frenchie. If you always leave out training pads, you run the risk of your french bulldog becoming accustomed to those rather than going outside. I just found this site as we just got our first frenchie one Monday. You offer a lot of great advice and suggestions. Maverick is 8 weeks old and we love him to death. He has warmed up to us quickly and immensely and we can all tell he loves us to death.

      Our kids are 14, 17, and 20 who is home for college holiday break so he gets a LOT of attention and love. Is there such a thing? We have a crate in our master and one on our main level. He yipes and cries when we put him in at night.

      Everything You Need for Your New French Bulldog Puppy

      And i hate it. This book was pretty helpful. Our Frenchie still surprised us fairly often and he still does - even though he's almost two. I was glad I read this before we bought him! Mar 13, P B Starling rated it it was amazing.

      French Bulldog Puppy Traing Excellent reading very informative and to the point. Hopefully I can follow up all in the near. T R Briggs rated it liked it Jun 20, Kyla Hamilton rated it really liked it Jul 18, Cindy Rucker rated it did not like it Apr 12, C Wilson rated it liked it Jan 10, Susan A Ladouceur rated it it was amazing Apr 08, JP Magalhaes rated it really liked it Jan 23, Brandon Bickford rated it did not like it Feb 07, Daniel Martins rated it really liked it Aug 27, Robin rated it it was amazing May 03, Mrs Kimberley rated it it was amazing May 14, Cricket rated it it was amazing Jan 25, Christina Fracisco rated it really liked it May 28, Gillian Norman rated it it was amazing Dec 03, Jorie A Doyle is currently reading it Mar 21, Atheer marked it as to-read Nov 09, Victoria marked it as to-read Jul 10, Matthew is currently reading it Aug 18, Shawn Caton added it Oct 21, Rachel Davitt marked it as to-read Jul 24, Emily Jones added it Sep 08,