Extraordinary Living: A Lifestyle Worth Pursuing: Discover the Five Pillars of Support

Extraordinary Living: A Lifestyle Worth Pursuing: Discover the Five Pillars of Support EXTRAORDINARY LIV ING: A LIFESTYLE W ORTH PURSUING: DISCOV.
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The path of service is not sustainable without a self-care system.

Reading periodicals like The New York Times and the New Yorker pushes me to think bigger, more broadly, and in a global context. The same seems to be true for women not so far along in their career. Usually she juggles the WSJ pages while working out on the elliptical in the morning, but she is also a big fan of their app. As much as she enjoys the 50,foot view of her industry that she gets from reading and teaching, Alyssa Rapp is also keen on stringing together the written word herself. Having a journal entry or notes to kick-off each revival of an idea keeps the ball moving in a positive direction, especially if she is looking for help from her husband — or anyone else — to better flesh out the concept.

Just how important is writing to Alyssa and her creative process as an entrepreneur? Alyssa is such a proponent of journaling that she often gifts moleskin journals to employees and interns. She encourages them to use the journals for capturing their own entrepreneurial thoughts for use if they ever leave her company. Journaling is a way to work out an idea or reflect on a situation before it is communicated to anyone else.

An actionable way to incorporate writing into your professional development can be learned from the example of Catherine Barrett.

As far as reviewing the good things, Catherine adds that not only does such a journal serve as a good pick-me-up, but also a good check point. Because young professionals have so much new information coming at them, it can be helpful to have something to refer back to. Such a reference can prevent having to struggle through the same lesson more than once. I really like to look back on my writing from a year ago or years-past to see the growth and to have a good understanding on how learning is just part of the process.

Less talk, more action. This is coming from a woman who has given herself every permission to pursue her interests. At home in Wisconsin Ann was worked in publishing and on the industry side of public relations. At the same time, Ann was climbing the ranks of academia, from graduate student, to university instructor, to Ph. To some, pursuits in academia, the private sector, and military service are seemingly unrelated.

The 5 Professional Development Pillars of Real-Life Career Girls

Ann is one of those people, but she also recognizes her sprawling experience is the only reason she was a fit for a three year assignment at National Defense University. The effects of military deployment on the progress of her Ph. In spite of those hurdles however, Ann continues to permit herself to pursue her interests, regardless of how seemingly unrelated they might be.

Not only has Ann fueled her ambitions with genuine interest in their subject matter, she has continued to trade novelty for nuance, diving deep into her education rather than moving on to the next shinny object or interesting pursuit. She says that you should always be striving for more, pushing yourself to the level of discomfort. As a testament to how well Ann embodies those words, as soon as she is settled with her family, following her latest tour of duty, she plans is to relaunch the consulting business she started prior to deployment.

For her, consulting is the ultimate opportunity to parlay her military experience in crisis communication to working in the private sector. Be agile and flexible. Be able to envision yourself in different roles. In fact, mentorship from other women like her mother Fay Levin, former US ambassador to the Netherlands, has had such a positive influence on her career she is driven to make sure other young people to have similar guidance in their lives.

To accomplish this, Alyssa has joined the board of the Spark Program, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing mentorship to middle schoolers in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia. That accreditation has served her well in every avenue of her public affairs and public relations career. Adriane Wilson recalls being taken under the wing of a few journalists while still in high school. You never get too old for advice, and good advice is even better! Conversely, we live in a world where our youngest working generation is bombarded by reminders of how important mentorship is.

So much so that the construct is being formalized into coarse curriculum and corporate operations. At times it seems that informal mentorship might be losing its appeal and credibility. The prevalence of formal mentorship may even make it hard for younger professionals to simply recognize informal mentorship, even while they are experiencing it. Speaking to her experience as a young professional in standardized mentoring environments, Catherine Barrett explained that an important component to a successful mentoring relationship is vulnerability.

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In this scenario, Self-Care becomes a desperate attempt at a break from a too-stressful unhealthy life or work situation. This is also part of the Revolution. The path of being of service is simply not sustainable without a self-care system deeply embedded. Helping professionals need permission to have self-compassion and self-love in order to be of service in the increasing ways they are being asked to be.

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I provide pillars to create a foundation for self-care in a tangible, action-oriented way. We cannot understand self-care or practice self-care without defining it for oneself.

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In all my years as a student, practicing professional, or professor I have never been asked to define self-care for myself. Writing a values statement. We write mission statements and action statements. We talk about what we do. We rarely talk about why. I believe that as helping professionals, we must value wellness enough that we build our life and professional practice around self-care.

If we have a value statement that includes wellness and Self-Care, that will guide our behaviors. Pillars 3 and 5: Having a plan and supporting others with their plan.

That is a crucial step to making a behavior change that most people miss. Recognize Impairment and Focus on Prevention. People have a hard time getting out of theirs heads and putting into practice what they know they need to do.

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These self-care pillars are doable for everyone and will catapult helping professionals on their self-care path, which in turn changes how they practice professionally, which in turn provides more exceptional services to the growing needs of the people in our country. You can learn more about Ellen's work on her website.

You can purchase Self-Care Revolution here. She is the author of four psychology books and has been featured in media nationwide. Don't let these truths about relationships ruin yours.

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