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CHRISTINE GRANVILLE was one of the most courageous British agents to emerge from the second world war. Winner of Britain's most prestigious awards.
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He was knighted in , receiving a CH in and the OM in Gierek, Edward — Polish politician. His father, a miner, was killed in a mining accident in Silesia, Gierek and his mother emigrated to France, where he joined the Communist Party in In he returned to Poland and became organiser of the party in Upper Silesia. He became First Secretary of the Central Committee after the food-price riots of , promising a less austere economic policy and a modification of Russian communism to national needs.

He was forced out of office in Gieseking, Walter — German pianist, born in Lyon. Gigli, Beniamino — Italian singer. Considered one of the greatest operatic tenors of his age, he made his debut in at Rovigo, and later toured widely, making his New York debut in and his first London appearance in His voice combined lyricism with power and an apparently effortless production.

Gilberd or Gilbert , William — English physician, born in Colchester. His De Magnete described the properties of magnets and explained his hypothesis that the earth itself acts as a large magnet. He also investigated frictional electricity, e. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey — English navigator, born in Devon.

His own explorations were unsuccessful. He was drowned when returning from an expedition in a very small vessel which capsized. Gilbert, Walter —.

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American molecular biologist. Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck — English humorist. As a writer he first attracted notice with his Bab Ballads collected — These included Trial by Jury , H. He quarrelled bitterly with Sullivan and the long partnership was dissolved. Two or three years later they resumed collaboration but never achieved the same success. He died after saving a youth from drowning. They studied in London and worked as a team from Gildas c.

Roman-British writer. His De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae , a highly coloured and obscene medley of events and castigations of contemporary vice, remains the only contemporary authority for the early period of the Anglo-Saxon invasions of Britain after the departure of the Romans. King Arthur is not mentioned. Gilels, Emil Grigorevich — Russian pianist, born in Odessa.

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He achieved a national reputation for his wide repertoire which included bravura works e. Gill, Arthur Eric Rowton — British sculptor and engraver.

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In he became a stone cutter and attracted notice by his beautifully carved inscriptions. An ultimate result of his interest in lettering were his now widely used typefaces, e. Perpetua and Gill Sans i. From Gill began also to undertake the carving of stone figures, mainly of religious subjects, symbolic in style but not abstract.

MacCarthy, F. Gillard, Julia Eileen —. Australian Labor politician, born in Wales.

The Elusive Madame G – A Life of Christine Granville

The election of August produced a hung Parliament and, although the ALP had a minority of seats she negotiated skilfully with independents to secure passage of an extensive list of legislative reforms in education, disability, health and carbon pricing. Gillard, J. Gillespie, Dizzy John Birks — American jazz trumpeter and composer. He became a professional musician in , modelling himself on Roy Eldridge. Gillray, James — English caricaturist. He often used colour and achieved a huge output, of some subjects, partly by dispensing with drawings and etching direct on copper.

During his last four years he was insane. Hill, D. Australian poet, feminist and social crusader, born near Goulburn. She was a journalist for many years, deeply committed to radical causes, pacifism and justice for Aborigines, but also a gifted lyrical poet. Spanish politician.

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Gingrich, Newt on Leroy —. American Republican politician. He was a US Congressman from Georgia —99, and Speaker of the House of Representatives —99, resigning after Republican losses in the Congressional elections. He campaigned vigorously for the Republican nomination for president in Ginsberg, Allen — American poet and guru.

Educated at Columbia, his long poem Howl! American jurist, born in New York City. Knizhnik, S. Giolitti, Giovanni — Italian politician. He first held office as Finance Minister in A superb parliamentary manipulator, he was Prime Minister five times —93, —05, —09, —14, — He led Italy to victory in the war with Turkey , by which Libya was gained.

Italian painter, born in Castelfranco Veneto. A major difficulty lies in the fact that none of his works was signed or dated and that his high contemporary reputation caused him to be much imitated.

Hayek: A Collaborative Biography

The difficulties of attribution and dating are therefore particularly great. He was the first great romantic artist. In portraiture he shows the beginning of a psychological approach, and his claim to be an innovator is enhanced by a new type of small intimate easel picture for private collectors.

He died in Venice of the plague, and several of his paintings were completed by others. Pignatti, T.

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  • Italian painter, born near Florence. Famous for having freed his painting from the formalised traditions of Byzantine art, his figures acquire solidity, and their faces, no longer restricted to the stereotyped expressions of the Byzantine style, show variety and individual character. His main surviving works are three famous sets of frescoes. In Giotto became official architect in Florence where he is believed to have designed the Campanile of the cathedral and almost certainly executed relief decorations on its ground floor.

    Battisti, E.

    Christine Granville

    Giraldus Cambrensis Gerald of Wales c. Norman Welsh prelate and chronicler. Jones, T. French general. Captured again in , he escaped to Vichy, then to Algeria. He was elected as a conservative to the French Constituent Assembly — Giraudoux, Jean — Cohen, R. Girtin, Thomas — English painter and engraver. He was a pioneer and one of the finest exponents of watercolour painting, and revealed its full possibilities.

    He abandoned the concept of a watercolour as an outline drawing filled in with colour wash, and established a technique that turned it into a fully developed work of art. Much of his work was commissioned by publishers of books of engravings, e.

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    • French politician. A former civil servant, he was employed by the Inspection des Finances —54, and then became a member of the staff of the President of the Council.