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Chickering Bog is actually misnamed; this so-called bog is really a fen. Water enters bogs solely through rainwater, while fens like Chickering Bog are also fed by calcium-rich groundwater and springs. Bullfrogs, pickerel frogs, northern leopard frogs and wood frogs all strike up their choruses in season.


Wood ducks, barred owls, pileated woodpeckers, swamp sparrows and other birds are found here. In winter, the tracks of mammals ranging from fishers to white-tailed deer and snowshoe hares crisscross the fen's frozen surface. With the help of the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps the boardwalk was reconstructed in to provide an unobstructed view of the fen and wetland plants by allowing visitors to walk out over the wetland without disturbing it.

This special natural area is now being recognized with a Class I Wetland Designation which is like winning "best in show" among conservation circles. We invite you to come visit what is considered the largest and best example of a rich fen in Vermont. Sign in or Sign up for a free account to add a photo to this trail. Keep your pets under control at all times, to protect both them and wild animals, fragile environments, and the enjoyment of other visitors.


Trail Finder is a collaborative effort between organizations committed to promoting active recreation in Vermont and New Hampshire. Chickering Bog Natural Area Trail. Quick Facts. Respect Wildlife Keep wildlife wild: do not feed, follow, approach, or otherwise harass wild animals. Connect on Facebook. Michelle Arbol wrote: OMG!!! Thank you everyone for the input! Im so glad that this is a subject that others are interested discussing with me those of you who wouldnt eat organic cranberries because they were exposed to duck poo at some point, make me Wholly Sad.

I mean, id do it.

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But idk id be able to keep up with it by myself. In addition, the pest issue. I think they had some organic certified treatment they did, but thats why im trying to brainstorm more of a "permie" feel kind of natural way to maybe help with pests and maybe even with some of the weeds Forum: ducks and geese. Ducks or other waterfowl as pest control in cranberry bogs??

A Frog In The Bog By Karma Wilson Read Aloud For Kids

Need Help Brainstorming! Michelle Arbol. I like Hello Fellow Permies! Long story short, ive been looking to buy a preferably organic farm and have successfully found a fantastic affordable one, full of potential! Needless to say ive been doing my research on it and cant seem to find anything on ducks or other waterfowl in use in cranberry bogs specifically as pest control.

I know its a long shot to find someone on here who has experience with cranberry farms or cranberry bogs, as there really arent a lot in the US. Thats pretty much what im looking for here. I read that pests are a huge deterrent for cranberry farms to go and stay organic, so that is the reasoning for me asking these questions. I know that some people say that ducks will "sometimes" only eat the pests and soft weeds and such, and would just like to see if this is the truth, or if they would in fact go after the raw cranberry crops, or the plants, or both.

To be honest, im just not sure that raw cranberries would be something ducks would eat? I know geese and other waterfowl can also be good pest control so im open to any option.

A Frog in the Bog

Think guinea fowl would work?? I know chickens are not an option, this is my forte and i havent known a chicken yet that wouldnt wreak havoc on my garden at any given chance : little buggers Just brainstorming here Wish me luck!!! Travis Johnson. Ducks eat a lot of strange stuff. I had ducks because they took care of the ticks on my lawn , as well as toads, frogs and snakes. But keep in mind, I live in Maine and so they are not poisonous, nor are they really big.

I have never seen a snake where the ducks roamed, other then watching a duck swallow one down. I also used them to keep the insects that come out during the day, and fly low: in check. For insects that come out at night, and fly higher, I put up bat houses. I am not sure how the ducks would do in a cranberry bog. They make a mess, call "Gleeing" which puts a slime-surface on the lining of the pond. It helps seal the pond , but I would be hesitant to buy cranberries off a farm that had duck turd growing in the same water.

That is just me though. I would check USDA requirements though first.

FROG IN A BOG by John Himmelman , John Himmelman | Kirkus Reviews

I do not have cranberries, though they are common here in Maine. That was in the mid's so I am sure the snake has moved on, but I am not going to take a chance!! I know that I might be a wee bit leery of eating fruit anywhere near duck waste. It stinks. Ben Faulk uses baby ducks in his rice patties. So maybe if you raise baby meat ducks for slaughter yearly with the cranberry plants it'd work well. Jen Fan. I've had experience with a few different kinds of ducks.

Hi Michelle, Im not a cranberry expert, but from all my experience studying them. Beth Johnson. I saw the title of this thread and I was thrilled. Removing the dam will help a diverse population of fish and strengthen the river against climate change. The land deal, secured by the Buzzards Bay Coalition and The Committee Land Trust, protects undisturbed wetlands and coastal forest, including over 2, feet of shoreline on West Falmouth Harbor and a salt pond.

Explore the wetlands and vernal pools at The Bogs in Mattapoisett to find frogs on this fun, family-friendly evening walk with the Buzzards Bay Coalition. Discover Buzzards Bay next Things to Do.

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