e-book Sleeping Sound: Getting The Rest You Need For Good Health

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Sleeping well directly affects your mental and physical health. Fall short If you'​re getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm. If you need Try listening to music or audio books instead. Don't read.
Table of contents

Mayo Clinic Minute: Sleep spoilers - tips for a good night's rest

If "staying on track with a calming bedtime routine is virtually impossible for you, consider setting yourself an alarm -- to go to bed," suggests HuffPo. You're not designed to digest and sleep at the same time, so do your best to make sure you either indulge in that heavy dinner early in the night or stick to lighter foods if you'll be eating later.

#2 Turn Your Bedroom into a Sleep-Inducing Environment

Feeling peckish around bedtime? Turkey and warm milk contain tryptophan the precursor to melatonin , while honey contains orexin, which reduces alertness.

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Marmite, almonds, chamomile and oatcakes are also good, and bananas have high levels of serotonin and magnesium," The Good Sleep Guide author Sammy Margo tells the UK Telegraph. You're no doubt aware you need to be careful about not consuming caffeine later in the day if you want to get a good night's sleep, but did you know alcohol can also disturb your sleep?

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That nightcap might make you feel drowsy at bedtime, but it'll make the second half of your night more disturbed and less restful. So have that glass of wine early enough that it's out of your system by the time you turn out the light. The blue light emitted by your computer and other gadgets can keep you up , so switch them off a good hour or two before bed this will also help you clear your head of the day's concerns before you hit the hay. Or try F. It's a free app that "makes the color of your computer screen resemble the current time of day, helping your body recognize that bedtime is drawing near," explains Dr.

Your body's ideal sleeping environment is cool, dark, and quiet, so do your best to eliminate noise and light from your room and hey, you can save some money turning down the thermostat too. If your home is loud at night, "use a fan, an air-conditioner, or a white noise app or machine. You can also try ear plugs," suggests Web MD.

A comfy bed is also obviously essential. That might mean splurging on a better mattress or pillows science says that your pillows probably need replacing every 18 months thanks to an accumulation of dust mites. And apologies to your furry friends, but if you're aiming for the ultimate sleep experience, they're going to need to find their own places to snooze away from your bed.

Your sleeping subconscious is a powerful tool that can help you make difficult decisions and dream up innovative ideas. But in order for it to do that, you have to ask it for help and take time to listen to its answers. Or try a simple meditation practice. Whatever method you choose, your goal is to have a clear mind before you settle into bed.

Then go to bed," Michael A.

How to Sleep Better

Your body and mind need a signal that it's time to sleep, so develop series of relaxing actions you perform each night that act as your own personal off switch. Reading is good, so is taking a hot bath. Insomnia can last for days, months, and even years. Having trouble sleeping can mean you:. Often, being unable to sleep becomes a habit. Some people worry about not sleeping even before they get into bed. This may make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Some older adults who have trouble sleeping may use over-the-counter sleep aids. Others may use prescription medicines to help them sleep. These medicines may help when used for a short time. People with sleep apnea have short pauses in breathing while they are asleep. These pauses may happen many times during the night. If not treated, sleep apnea can lead to other problems, such as high blood pressure , stroke, or memory loss.

You can have sleep apnea and not even know it.

1. Set a schedule

Feeling sleepy during the day and being told you are snoring loudly at night could be signs that you have sleep apnea. If you think you have sleep apnea, see a doctor who can treat this sleep problem. You may need to learn to sleep in a position that keeps your airways open. Treatment using a continuous positive airway pressure CPAP device almost always helps people with sleep apnea. A dental device or surgery may also help. Restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder, and rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder are common in older adults.

These movement disorders can rob you of needed sleep. People with restless legs syndrome, or RLS, feel like there is tingling, crawling, or pins and needles in one or both legs.

Top 25 Sleep Hacks for Better Rest: How to get the Deep Sleep

This feeling is worse at night. See your doctor for more information about medicines to treat RLS. Periodic limb movement disorder, or PLMD, causes people to jerk and kick their legs every 20 to 40 seconds during sleep.

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Medication, warm baths, exercise , and relaxation exercises can help. During normal REM sleep, your muscles cannot move, so your body stays still.

Healthy Sleep Tips

But, if you have REM sleep behavior disorder, your muscles can move and your sleep is disrupted. Some people wake up many times during the night; others wander or yell at night. Caregivers may have sleepless nights, leaving them tired for the challenges they face. Try to set up a safe and restful place to sleep.