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Table of contents

Develop a plan for reuniting after the disaster in case family members are separated from one another during an earthquake. Ask an out-of-state relative or friend to serve as the family contact. After a disaster, it's often easier to call long distance than locally. Make sure everyone in the family knows the name, address and phone number of the contact person. Make a plan for reuniting after the disaster in case family members are separated from one another during an earthquake a real possibility during the day when adults are at work and children are at school.

Publish a special section in your local newspaper with emergency information on earthquakes. Localize the information by printing the phone numbers of local emergency services offices, the American Red Cross, and hospitals. Work with local emergency services and American Red Cross officials to prepare special reports for people with mobility impairments on what to do during an earthquake.

Interview representatives of the gas, electric, and water companies about shutting off utilities. Stay as safe as possible during an earthquake. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually foreshocks, and a larger earthquake might occur. Minimize your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place.

If you are indoors, you should drop, cover, and hold—drop to the ground, find cover under a table or other sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops. Stay inside until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe. Once outside, move away from buildings to an open space.

After an earthquake, it is most important to get to a safe location. Take your disaster supplies kit with you. Check for injuries and hazards, then help others. Once you are safe, follow the emergency earthquake plan that you have prepared to communicate and reconnect with family members.

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This material is also available as a free iBooks textbook and iTunes U course. Get a new perspective on earthquakes with this rich collection of multimedia resources. You'll learn why earthquakes happen, how they've shaped the Bay Area, and what you can do to prepare for the next one.

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Doomsday prepping for less crazy folk

Plan a little, save a lot! Donate Join Tickets. California Academy of Sciences. Toggle Close. Search calacademy. Before: Are You Ready for a Rumble?

Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich

Six Ways to Plan Ahead. Therefore, it might be necessary for those in the areas with highest radiation levels to shelter for up to a month. The heaviest fallout would be limited to the area at or downwind from the explosion and 80 per cent of the fallout would occur during the first 24 hours. People in most of the areas that would be affected could be allowed to come out of shelter within a few days and, if necessary, evacuate to unaffected areas. Keep listening to the radio and television for news about what to do, where to go and places to avoid. Stay away from damaged areas. You have got to be kidding me….

This is ridiculous! The CDC has been watching way too many cheesy old horror flicks. All the advice in this article can be applied to ANY diasater situation. Now back to zombies, I would also include some kevlar gloves and even sleeves if you can afford them so you dont have to worry about getting bit on the hand. Really, people?

These digital tips can provide peace of mind during an emergency

Lighten up. This is wonderful. Now if only we could find a fun and innovative way to stress the importance of reading comprehension, so that the poor souls who have been upset by this blog post will have some hope of someday getting this joke. Or any joke for that matter.

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For the negative complainers, the CDC really got their bang for the buck on this twist. It is the same basic disaster preparedness information that the CDC has been making available to the public, but with some tongue in cheek humor added to make it a little more enjoyable and get the public attention. In trying to get people to read the information available, this zombie twist hit the jackpot. In all seriousness, the preparedness information contained is valid useful information.

Read it. Understand it.

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Use it. You will not be sorry. The emergency preparedness kits should also be useful during the next Rapture scheduled for this October and the cataclysm associated with the end of the Mayan calendar in December C does act fast to something so critical and crazy as something like this i would survive to the fullest. Sanitation is an important factor to keep in mind since public water supplies might not be operational during an extended power outage.

Earthquake preparation tips so you have the disaster kit you need when no services are available

Thousands are suffering and this really does not humor me. You may also want to stop asking people for their psychiatric problem in the Oils spill also. I wrote to Joe Biden and your head of the CDC sent a tepid response to me that there is no danger in the spill and no danger in the dispersants. I think you might want to have a chat with the people because we are slammed with blood levels of people with hexane, benzine, mercury, 2 and 3 Methylpentane above the 95 Quintile, Issocatane and now Cesium 99 this is nothing to be ignored. People are very ill all over the coast of the Gulf and this is not National News.

I guess these workers and humans are delusional like Morgellons patients. This is a horrific lack of oversight and compassion on the part of the CDC and yes while the world is awash in Environmental Armegeddon you put out an article that you think is cute. Bicycles would be essential for getting around fossil fuels would definitely run out in an Apocalypse situation.

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Motorcycle jump suits would provide decent armor as they can stay intact after an accident it would be hard for teeth or nails to get through. Brick walls would make a decent defense. Definitely invest in solar panels for electricity main power grids would probably go down. This is an old article. I read it a couple months ago. I have seen this apocalypse coming.