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There are three main kinds of poetry: narrative, dramatic and lyrical. It is not always possible to make distinction between them. For example, an epic poem can.
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Subcategories of the lyric are, for example elegy, ode, sonnet and dramatic monologue and most occasional poetry:. More broadly defined, the term elegy is also used for solemn meditations, often on questions of death, such as Gray 's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. An ode is a long lyric poem with a serious subject written in an elevated style. It originated in Italy and became popular in England in the Renaissance, when Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey translated and imitated the sonnets written by Petrarch Petrarchan sonnet.

Definition of Rhythm

From the seventeenth century onwards the sonnet was also used for other topics than love, for instance for religious experience by Donne and Milton , reflections on art by Keats or Shelley or even the war experience by Brooke or Owen. The sonnet uses a single stanza of usually fourteen lines and an intricate rhyme pattern see stanza forms.

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Many poets wrote a series of sonnets linked by the same theme, so-called sonnet cycles for instance Petrarch, Spenser , Shakespeare , Drayton , Barret-Browning , Meredith which depict the various stages of a love relationship. In a dramatic monologue a speaker, who is explicitly someone other than the author, makes a speech to a silent auditor in a specific situation and at a critical moment.

Without intending to do so, the speaker reveals aspects of his temperament and character. In Browning 's My Last Duchess for instance, the Duke shows the picture of his last wife to the emissary from his prospective new wife and reveals his excessive pride in his position and his jealous temperament. Narrative Poetry. Narrative poetry gives a verbal representation, in verse, of a sequence of connected events, it propels characters through a plot.

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It is always told by a narrator. Narrative poems might tell of a love story like Tennyson 's Maud , the story of a father and son like Wordsworth 's Michael or the deeds of a hero or heroine like Walter Scott 's Lay of the Last Minstrel. Sub-categories of narrative poetry:. The mock-epic makes use of epic conventions, like the elevated style and the assumption that the topic is of great importance, to deal with completely insignificant occurrences.

A famous example is Pope 's The Rape of the Lock , which tells the story of a young beauty whose suitor secretly cuts off a lock of her hair. A ballad is a song, originally transmitted orally, which tells a story. It is an important form of folk poetry which was adapted for literary uses from the sixteenth century onwards.

Types of Poetry

The ballad stanza is usually a four-line stanza, alternating tetrameter and trimeter. Descriptive and Didactic Poetry. Both lyric and narrative poetry can contain lengthy and detailed descriptions descriptive poetry or scenes in direct speech dramatic poetry. The purpose of a didactic poem is primarily to teach something.

But it can also be meant as instructive in a general way. Until the twentieth century all literature was expected to have a didactic purpose in a general sense, that is, to impart moral, theoretical or even practical knowledge; Horace famously demanded that poetry should combine prodesse learning and delectare pleasure. The twentieth century was more reluctant to proclaim literature openly as a teaching tool. Alfred Lord Tennyson: English poet.

Poet laureate Thomas Gray: English poet. William Wordsworth: English romantic poet. John Keats: English romantic poet. Here are the five types of rhythm:.

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This is the most commonly used rhythm. It consists of two syllables, the first of which is not stressed, while the second syllable is stressed. Such as:. A trochee is a type of poetic foot commonly used in English poetry. It has two syllables, the first of which is strongly stressed, while the second syllable is unstressed, as given below:. Spondee is a poetic foot that has two syllables, which are consecutively stressed. For example:. Dactyl is made up of three syllables.

Anapests are total opposites of dactyls. They have three syllables; where the first two syllables are not stressed, and the last syllable is stressed. There are ten syllables in iamb pentameter , where the second syllable is accented or stressed.

II. Examples and Explanation

In the above lines the stressed syllables are expressed in bold. Milton has used spondee in this entire epic poem. Stressed pattern is shown in capitals. Prith ee why so pale? Sir John has written this poem in trochaic meter. Here, the stressed or accented syllables of trochaic pattern are shown in bold-face type.

This poem gives a strong rhythmical effect. Ty ger!

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Trochees are perfectly used in this poem by William Blake. This single line is an example of dactylic pattern, as one stressed syllable is followed by two unstressed syllables, the stressed syllables noted in bold above. Is there such a thing as day?