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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Rose Armentano is a former dancer, English teacher, and sometime painter. She currently teaches fitness and yoga in Vero.
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Gaston Leroux

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  1. Bone-In at The Burger Shack: Part I.
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  3. The Phantom of the Opera Synopsis.
  4. Phantom (Kay novel) - Wikipedia.
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Sign In Forgot password? Don't have an account? The tone of the book is at once antic and professorial, as if a very smart middle-aged academic were working his way through an absurd and elaborate parable for his kids. They interrupted, teased, and shpritzed each other as they recalled having blundered into a classic. The kind of book that will be interesting for kids. I applied to the Ford Foundation for a grant—old saying, when God wants to punish you, he gives you what you ask for!

Phantom Dancer

And so I took a vacation with friends, at the beach, Fire Island. It was Milo!

At that point, I just kept writing. When I finished the book, I felt very worried and very guilty. I thought the Ford Foundation was going to demand the money back. Long time later, I found that they were delighted about it. I knew it was about this little kid named Milo, wrote bits and pieces everywhere. At a certain point, I needed something to tie it all together.


It was all so haphazard. Judy took it to Jason Epstein, a real major player. The Looking Glass Library.

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  • He was a wonderful editor, and he used to scare the hell out of me. Do what you want with it. Two childhood experiences shaped the book. One was a curious mental condition. The other shaping experience was listening to the radio. As both artists stress, having a pure stream of sound as your major source of entertainment meant that your mind was already working imaginatively, without your necessarily realizing it.

    And what you get from the kids is almost exactly what comes out of the TV set. The kids have very few images of their own. We came home from school, listened to hours of fifteen-minute serials, Jack Armstrong and Don Winslow, and it was great.

    1. Best of Dayton.
    2. Phantom's Dance!
    3. The Phantom of the Opera Performance Information;
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    The book was published in , and no one had much hope that it would find an audience. The distinctive quality of modern civilization, after all, is that children are subjected to year after year after year of schooling. The child being read to and the adult reading is persuaded that self-reliance is a better model for learning than slavish obedience. Each story of self-education has, to be sure, its period slant. Milo is the most watchful and passive of classic protagonists, the hero as freshman.

    An American boy of the late fifties, he is very much an empty vessel. Juster said he was actually concerned, when he was halfway through writing the book, that Milo would seem too empty—too socially isolated and too apart from the world.