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2, April Monthly Magazine Devoted to Social Science and Literature [Various] on Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used.
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Religion is sacred, eternal Nature. Placard your social philosophy so that it may hide the sun! Your economic problems are among the glorious preoccupations of the nineteenth century. I who speak have consecrated to their investigation, if not their solution, all my atomic strength, and I know few questions more serious and more noble; let us suppose them settled; behold the creation of material prosperity, a significant advance. Is that all? You give bread to the body; but the soul rises and says to you: "I am hungry too. To be well dressed, well fed and well lodged, to live cheaply and well, to buy salmon at a sou a pound thanks to the well-stocked rivers, to eat white bread, to have a good fire to warm you and a good bed to sleep in, to owe all this honestly to your own labor, to send the rays of your prosperity out beyond you, to see the smile of your prettily-dressed wife, to see your healthy children growing up about you, never to lack anything, to prosper in what you do and by what you do, to drink well and eat well, all this is much, indeed; but if it is all it is nothing.

Let us go further. Realize on this earth all the Edens, all the Elysiums, all the Atlantides, all the triumphs of matter, all the glorifications of enjoyment, all the Walhallas of the flesh, all the gardens of delight, Catholic, Hindoo and pagan; set the paradise of Mahomet in the. What do you need? Four meals a day? Here they are. And you? As much champagne as you can drink?

Hold your glass, and drink. Palaces of marble, gilded halls, parks full of swans and peacocks, symphonies, festival joys, who wishes them? What servants will you have? All the forces of Nature? Come, forces. Obey man. Steam drives his ships, the wind pushes his aerostats, the lightning carries his letters. Very well; and here is science to offer him a potent hygiene, to restore his stomach, to strengthen his vertebral column, to bring his longevity back to the normal; so that if Nature wills it, youth endures for seventy years, and a man is a century.

Better and better.

Let us drink and eat. Luxury, pleasure, ecstasy, drunkenness, felicity, health. And concord as well. Peace on earth, and universal fraternity. One restriction only; my ego will die. The tomb is a door. The circle of eternity is a zero.

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I shall never see again the children who are my own body; I shall never see again the helpmeet who is my life. Away with you! Your Eden horrifies me. I tremble. I have sold my soul to my flesh.

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I will have none of such a bargain. Nothing but the soul can satisfy the heart. Very well! Your satisfied stomach fills me with horror. I would rather have black bread and a blue sky. There are tombs, there are mounds where the grass grows above those we love, there are old men who die and go we know not whither, there are children who are born to us we know not whence, there are waves on the sea, there are breaths of wind in the trees; let us take care!

Take care; this flower becomes a fruit, this butterfly flutters about with millions of plumes on its wings, this coal and this diamond are the same material, this planet turns, this woman weeps; there are matters we do not understand, I tell you! And do you know what the other world is, the unknown world?

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I know; it is the necessary world. Let us combat fanaticism, let us unmask imposture, let us censure hypocrisy, let us stand up stubbornly against the ferocity of dogmas, let us crush all that looks askance and all that lies, let us stamp out idolatry; but let us respect prayer. Prayer is the outgrowth of Immensity. And as long as there are mothers it will be so. And as long as there are eyes open to the daylight, as long as there are breasts, as long as there are mouths waiting for the eternal kiss, as long as half-naked babies play before the doors, as long as lovers walk in the evening under the shady mmumuring leaves, as long as men and women live, it will be so.

Oh human impotence, and what a sad problem, to suppress this evil without wounding the good!

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No, no, fight religions to your last breath, and I am with you, but respect religion. In any case, I promise you that you are wasting your effort. Close the parish church, if you will. Stop the lark's song, the fly's buzzing, the lion's roaring, the ass's braying, the oak's leafing, the salt's crystallizing, the water's flowing, the wind's blowing, the unknown fearful mass it repeats in the depths.

You have torn in pieces this hideous book where so many monstrous things were mingled with a few bits of inspiration. Up there above our heads is a great blue book full of flame; in this book the zodiac is a sentence; now tear this book in pieces. Although we have no wish to connect matters which have no relation, permit us here a remark which has its significance. The attack being made on God is like the attack being made on man. There is the same inconsistency and the same prejudice.

The reactionary proceeds exactly like the skeptic.

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One treats the Revolution as the other treats the Creation. Refusal to see the whole; limiting of the premises; negation of the infinite in one case, of democracy in the other. Attempt to overthrow the ensemble by attacking the detail. What does this mean? Explain the contradiction for me. This is what disgusts me. The second of September. Why the blood? Why this crime? Then, after the indignation, the mockery.

This is ugly, this is grotesque, this is foul, etc. Success seems easy, but nothing results.

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Victory,-not at all. Neither the people nor God destroyed. One secure in their right, the other in His Heaven. Certain philosophers, some from excess of love, are obstinate in their doubt and reason thus: "Explain evil to us, and we will believe. Tell us the reason for the tiger, the reason for the spider, the reason for the hemlock, the reason for Commodus, son of Marcus Aurelius, the reason for.

A God who creates or who permits evil is incomprehensible.

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Evil exists; then God is not. Now let us have an understanding as to the relation between incomprehensibility and non-existence. If it is sufficient for a thing to be incomprehensible in order that it be impossible, the negators are right. But if the incomprehensible can exist, they are wrong. Let us examine: Infinity is scientifically demonstrable.

Ask algebra. Now what is infinity?

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  4. It is the incomprehensible. Then the incomprehensible can exist, since it does exist. Raise your eyes to the starry Heaven, and see it. Take up a flv, and you touch it.