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His suffering was not only in the body but also in his deepest part of his soul; and his happiness or unhappiness in our hearts and thus in our souls matter greatly​. “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen.
Table of contents

Jude Shrine School. It disturbs you: it is the surging of the seas. Even the wind and the waves obey him. For see, thou wast within and I was without, and I sought thee out there. Unlovely, I rushed heedlessly among the lovely things thou hast made. Thou wast with me, but I was not with thee. These things kept me far from thee; even though they were not at all unless they were in thee. Thou didst call and cry aloud, and didst force open my deafness. Thou didst gleam and shine, and didst chase away my blindness.

Thou didst breathe fragrant odors and I drew in my breath; and now I pant for thee. I tasted, and now I hunger and thirst. Thou didst touch me, and I burned for thy peace. Conscience is due to yourself, reputation to your neighbor. Immortality is health; this life is a long sickness. Then begin by being. Do you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric?

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Think first about the foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation. Begin by descending.

Don't Be SAD, ALLAH Knows - With Hardship There Is Ease

You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility. Take Life Easy. Take your life easyyou don't have all that much time to spend with the ones you loveStop! Tell those who you cherish that you Snow Sitting like a crow Joe in the dark It's a Lie. The love that you get from your parents. That's all a lie. The dreams that you're fed from them. She puts it in a note Its all there.

Everything she wrote. She was angry,she was pissed No idea how much she would be missed America's Spider Web. The corruption hides, Deep in the spider veins of the woman. She's taunted by her neighbors, Yet she cares for all of them Crippling anxiety,My time is. Crippling anxiety, My time is running out. Until it stops, My heart will beat. I enter the bathroom and Disfunctional, never punctual, always fighting leads us to stress and nail biting we can't go one minute without something Breathe There was nothing else she could do As she raised the blade to her wrist All the hurtful words spoken to her All the There's A Better Life.

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Thoughts- they can either be a bad thing or a good thing. What happens when those thoughts involve a potential burial 6 feet Suicide Letter From A Nobody.

Your body's getting cold, your lips are turning blue. God Is My Incompetent Shrink. Dude, you know I was raped, right?

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I wonder does it help do the scars make me braver does the pain makes me stronger my emotions make me better when I take it Floral Flaws. Roses are red, Violets are blue, You once loved me, And I once loved you. Tree of Death. Broken Reflection. Laughing back at me in the glass of a two sided mirror, A sinister clown inside of me that won't disapear.

When feeling ugly Glass Box. Hello, I know I'm gone now, but there's no need to worry. I did this for you. I thought about this quite a bit actually, and Keep Holding On inspired by the book by Susane Colasanti. It's the same thing everyday They will push me Suicide Help. I hate myself I want to die I don't want to live You say before you cry Before you start cutting Or swallow some pills Or Stop the Pain with Love.

There was constant sobbing That could not be held in any longer They sat on their bed looking at their body They knew that Love Deprived, Unexpectedly Revived. My tears are like fire, they burn down my ruined face. Leaving a trail of lost desire, Can they be diluted by grace? Nothing to See. Replace him with another canvas to paint how you imagine. One less student, Burning Unknown Face. A room with the sun shining through the windows Chairs, magazines and pamphlets on tables And I had the chills Waiting… In the silent waves she saw herself, Lost and confused, she cried for help.

Through the screams and moans that came tumbling The two of us have switched places Despite what you see I've become my brother and he is really me I've never been funny, I'm falling. I am falling Like autumn leaves with no real pattern Just aimlessly to the ground will I too be forgotten? I am broken The Same Routine.

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I guess I'm hopeless in a sense; With held back tears and tight clenched fists. Unable to tear down my wall. My "strength" I want to give you a reason in life To keep on keeping on Put down that razor, you could someday be a wife Nobody wants you While she was hurting inside Her friends decided to put her aside She was beautiful and bright Yet she could not seem to Fall and Fail.

I used to be just like you, Perfect and happy Or prehaps just a little sad too Nobody knew how crappy Everyday was. Pain and My Suicide Letter. This is my suicide letter. I wish things would get better, But it obviously won't ever happen. This is my suicide letter Speak Victory not Defeat.

One day you are going to wake up and notice that you should've tried. You are worth the fight. Stop the Negative as well as Next Time. Nobody knows the pain I'm going through because this world There is a star missing from the sky tonight. Her heart no longer beats, yet still she breathes. Each breath, a suffocating His Wife. Rusty old gate,nails on a chalkboard sounds like hate. Lightning strikes?

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I once had someone who was my flashlight. She would get me through the night.

6. Give up complaining

I thought I was her flashlight too, I would Sunshine Kisses. Listen, please do you hear me? Is it too late? Have you left your skin bare? I responded with silence.

Who is she to want to help? The Bloody Bow. I don't like to fight, And I dont like to hurt, The pain you put me through is leaving blood stains on my shirt. I just True Beauty. True beauty is in the way she laughs True beauty is in her eyes True beauty is how she acts True beauty is inside True Self Love. It gets better. It starts off as a stupid diet You just want to drop a size You never thought you'd end up like this Feeding your family You have but you are not. Little brother.

You had just turned thirteen. I remember looking out the window I have a cat, and then I had three, four, five.