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Nyx is the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified  Roman equivalent‎: ‎Nox.
Table of contents

He was appointed king of the islands of the blessed, the home of the favoured dead, by Zeus after his release him from the prison-house of Tartarus.

Erebus – Greek Mythological God of Darkness

She was connected with the Eleusinian Mysteries. She was the bogey-monster in Greek fable. He was related to the Oneiri or dream-spirits.

Greek Mythology

Like the other protogenoi he was elemental, being the substance of darkness, rather than a man-shaped god. His mists encircled the underworld and filled the hollows of the earth. They were called forth from the underworld to inflict suffering and madness upon the evil-doer, to bring drought and famine to nations, and punish the souls of the damned in Hades. He was described with blue-black skin and was possibly imagined with a vulture's head.

She was the wife of the River-God Acheron. He received his dark domain when the three sons of Cronus drew lots for the division of the universe.

Dark Goddess Magick

She who issued forth from the underworld with a train of torch-bearing Lampades, demonic Lamiae, ghosts and hell-hounds. Hecate was the minister of Persephone.

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He issued forth from the underworld with his mother Nyx the Night. They presided over the battlefield carnage, driving the weapons of death and tearing free the souls from the dying. They were vampiric monsters who assumed the forms of beautiful women to seduce and devour young men. They may have guided the spirits of the blessed dead initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries to their final resting place in Elysium.

Nyx | Greek mythology | Britannica

The souls of the dead tasted her waters to forget their former lives. She was a daughter of Hades.

Hecate: Goddess of Witchcraft & Necromancy - (Greek Mythology Explained)

One side of her body was coloured pitch black, the other was stark white. She was probably identical to Hekate. He was wrestled by Heracles who cracked his ribs. He was originally a king of Crete, who was awarded his position in Hades as a reward for the establishment of laws on earth. In Greek mythology, Nyx is the Goddess of the Night. She is usually seen riding in a chariot, trailing stars and painting the night sky accompanied with her two sons, Hypnos and Thanatos.

She was actually not born on this Earth. She was born before the Earth, Gaia, was created.

Basic information

Nyx's parent is Chaos, and her sister is Gaia, while her brother is Erebus. Together they were the universe to the ancient Greeks. Nyx is the the only goddess that Zeus feared because she was more powerful and older than him. As a Protogeno, Nyx is mother of many deities. Some stories say she conceived Khaos the air with Hesiod. Others say she was a daughter of Khaos. Nyx's home is a gloomy house located in Tartarus in the depths of Hades' underworld. During the day, Nyx stays home take care of her many spirited children.

In the evening every day she leave her home to start her nightly journey.

He travels cover the day with darkness to allow the world to rest. Nyx is very different from most goddesses. She can either be helpful or harmful to mankind. Nyx can bring you either sleep or death depending on the situation.

Agate represents Nyx because it's great for keeping bad dreams away.