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Oct 18, - The Times asked men to share stories of past bad behavior toward women. I also recall making an instantaneous calculation: Maybe I can get away with this. I wasn't drinking that night and I was totally in control of what I was . Then again, I was generally not sexually attracted to women, which is one.
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He rolls from side to side, whimpering and heaving in panic, grasping at small cuts and lumps on his arms. They are not deep like stab wounds; they are shallow and there are many. Under them there is a multitude of tiny scars, cut crosswise—the trademark self-mutilation of the sexually abused. Just calm down. When the crowd around him clears, I am shocked. The guy on the ground is probably about 25 years old. A couple of officers look down at the young man disdainfully, pull him off the ground, and take him away.

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Brick beat him with a lock in a sock. He was angry because the young man had stayed in Cypress for seven months, partly by his own choice. He was supposed to come back to Brick. Did the young man stay in Cypress to escape Brick? Does he belong to Brick like a sex slave? Or would he say the relationship is consensual in the way a battered woman might say she stays with her husband because she loves him?

Did he agree to exchange sex for protection?

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Did he understand that once he crossed that bridge, there would be no going back? Once a punk, always a punk. Guards here do not turn a blind eye to overt rape, but the more subtle abuse of punks is accepted. Inmates and COs know a punk when they see one. He will do menial tasks when someone demands it. He is expected to keep his face clean-shaven at all times. He has to pee sitting down or by backing up to the urinal with his penis tucked between his legs.

He must shower facing the wall. At Winn, this includes teaching new cadets about the law. Even consensual sex could lead to time in seg. Nationwide, as many as 9 percent of male inmates report being sexually assaulted behind bars, but given the anti-snitch culture of prison, the real number might be higher. According to the Louisiana budget office, Winn reported sex offenses in the fiscal year, a rate 69 percent higher than that of Avoyelles Correctional Center, a publicly operated prison of comparable size and security level.

Inmates like Brick rarely see themselves as gay and typically go back to pursuing women once they get out. Self-identified gay or transgender prisoners are, however, often on the receiving end of abuse: Federal data shows that 39 percent of gay ex-prisoners reported being sexually assaulted by another inmate. But not all sex in prison is violent; many of the letters from male lovers I read in the mail room were full of tenderness and longing. Take, for example, this one from a man in Angola, written to one of the most flamboyant men at Winn:. You are the only same sex person in my life.

So you have to never worry about anyone taking your place, not even a female…Sweetie, you are a good wife.

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To truly understand you was my hardest goal but when I did our relationship got so good. An hour after the young man who was attacked went to the infirmary, he walks into Ash, his arms still bleeding.

How to be more disciplined (animated short story)

Now, he has no protection. A couple of well-muscled inmates stand at the bars and look at him lustfully, telling him to try to get placed on their tier. Inmates have complained to me about this sort of thing; even people who have stabbed each other are sometimes put back in the same dorm. I open the gate and watch him walk down the tier. Minutes later, he asks me to let him out. He talks to Miss Price, telling her that he is in danger.

Maybe they think he snitched on Brick to get away from him. When I open the door, a large, bearded man inside pushes him back out onto the floor. The young man has two options: Go back on the tier or go to the count room, where they will assign him to another unit. He thinks they are going to put him in protective custody. Consider the options swirling in his mind: He could go back to his tier, where a man twice his size has made it very clear he is not welcome. There, he would risk nights as a punk without a protector. He might get robbed. He might get raped.

He might get stabbed. Then there is the alternative, the only one that Winn, like many other prisons, offers to inmates like this: the protective custody wing in Cypress. He would be put in a cell, maybe alone, maybe with another man, for 23 hours a day. He would be branded a snitch just for going there, which means that when he eventually left, the odds of getting stabbed would be high. He storms past me, back to the key. Real talk. During our training, Kenny warned us how easy it was to be manipulated into sex by inmates.

A federal institution. This story came up several times as an example of a guard who had to face the consequences of his weak will. Nothing was ever said about the inmate who gave Roberts blow jobs. She had identified as a girl from age Her father beat her repeatedly, and by the time she turned 13 she had left home and begun stripping on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. During her first year, she was serving a stint in seg for a dirty urine test when, she later testified, Roberts shackled her, brought her to an office, and told her to give him a blow job. Over the next two years, China said, she was raped several times by inmates, but she kept it to herself.

There, an officer ordered her to take another urine test by peeing in a cup while standing. After a long standoff, Roberts showed up and told her she could sit on the toilet. The other guards left. As she peed, Roberts entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Roberts slapped her in the face. She dropped to her knees and did what he asked.

She held the semen in her mouth and spit it out onto her shirt. An agent came to the prison, took the shirt, and interviewed Roberts. She was released from prison 11 months later. Roberts also denied her allegations when the FBI interviewed him, but the bureau found that the semen on her shirt was his.

I have not been able to track down China.

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Roberts served his sentence and was released in Nearly half of all allegations of sexual victimization in prisons involve staff. In the BJS survey , CCA prisons reported a rate of substantiated staff-on-inmate sexual assault similar to that of public facilities. Another federal report found that former inmates of private state prisons are twice as likely to report being sexually victimized by staff members as inmates who were in public prisons. Prisoners also sexually harass and abuse officers.

A recurring issue is inmates standing at the bars and masturbating at women guards sitting in the key. I regularly see the macho culture of prison transcend the division between guards and inmates—male officers routinely ignore the harassment of their female colleagues. Man, you was down here every day shaking your stuff! Not long afterward, the inmate was released, and he sent a letter to the prison, telling them to look at the surveillance footage from that night. CCA fired the guard for sleeping on the job and for leaving the tier door open, Kenny recalled.

He gone home. He got her for us. It worked out on both ends. They are frustrated because no one is doing it.

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Why should the guards put themselves on the line? You guys ever heard that term? We want them institutionalized , not individualized. Is that sort of a mind game? But you know what?