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In this highly anticipated follow-up to The Renegade Server, author, speaker and consultant Tim Kirkland examines how leaders can focus on creating stronger, more engaged teams and motivating them to improved performance daily.​ Cultivation - The first responsibility of any Coach.
Table of contents

The independent aspect in coaching makes this style excellently suitable for independent teams. As stated above, the goal of coaching is to develop qualities and competences. A task-mature employee is sufficiently self-reliant, willing and able to perform tasks independently. Because coaching and leading are certainly two different matters, the leader must have a number of additional competences. The coaching leader is closer to his employees than the authoritarian leader and will probably know his employees better. The coaching leader looks where opportunities exist for employees to improve themselves, but also takes their preferences into account.

By taking this into account, everyone will be working in the right place, which will advance productivity. A requirement is that the leader knows exactly what is happening on the workfloor and what the role of the coached person is. Social skills and tact. When the leader functions as a coach, the employee can call on him in case of personal problems.

In doing so, various privacy-related situations may be discussed, such as financial problems, relationship problems or health problems. These sensitive matters must be handled with tact and professionalism so as to create a safe climate for the employee. For this reason, it is important that the coaching leader has integrity. Good communicative skills are invaluable in each leadership style, including in the coaching leadership style. Objectives and expectations must be discussed, so everyone is clear on his role. When the team starts working, the leader only has to set the pace occasionally.

There must be enough time for feedback and reflection in order to coach effectively. Feedback must be provided based on concrete points for improvement. This constructive feedback must be purely professional and may not include any personal judgements or attacks. Feedback is often only half understood and processed and therefore it can be valuable to recheck whether the person receiving the feedback actually understands it.

Asking questions.

A good coaching leader only gives limited instructions and lets the employees think for themselves about a possible solution to a problem by asking questions. In this way, the employees are encouraged to work in a responsible manner and creativity is encouraged as well. Carrying out responsible work ensures that they will remain motivated, and this means there will be less or no compulsory advice or suggestions needed towards the employee.

Good questions to make employees think about task-oriented matters can be drawn up by means of the GROW Model. As in every leadership style, it is important that the leader works in a result-oriented manner. This result-orientation arises from the established objectives. Because the coaching leader is particularly aimed at developing and improving qualities and talents of the employees, this is oriented more at development.

A good balance between these two visions will therefore have a favourable effect.

Coaching Over Managing: Motivate Your Team

The road to task maturity is not equal for everyone and so there are various situations in which certain leadership styles are more effective than others: Two key questions from the Situational Leadership Model SLM of Hersey and Blanchard are:. When a person scores low on one of these two questions, coaching leadership could be an effective leadership style. When the employee is sufficiently motivated but simply does not have the knowledge or expertise, the leader must adopt a guiding role.

The leader will then show the employee that the required capacities can be learned. He does this by having the employee ask questions and building on the answers to those questions. Read More. Lolly works with a blue-chip roster of clients, from c-suite executives in Fortune companies to government leaders, to entrepreneurs, to nonprofits.

She serves organizations of all sizes in a wide range of industries including biomedical, energy, pharmaceutical, technology, and finance. Lolly Daskal is one of the most highly regarded thought leaders in business today. She has enthused audiences around the world with her innovative perspective and provocative challenges of conventional wisdom.

Her engaging talks on leadership, peak performance, and business growth have motivated and inspired audiences to unleash their greatness. After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits. But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.

Coaching Leadership Style

For the first time, Lolly Daskal presents a remarkably powerful system she uses to help top executives harness the virtues of their leadership style. She illustrates how leaders embody seven archetypes and how each archetype has powerful abilities and hidden impediments.

Join 1. I enjoyed the structure of her compelling talk the most. I was able to follow along without getting distracted. I really appreciated the real life stories she shared about each archetype. I felt honored to have been apart of the event where Lolly Daskal was the guest speaker! Again very relevant and she is so genuine! I also liked how she wanted to be right in the midst of all of us as she spoke. Lolly Daskal is so motivating and she gave a clear, usable ideas for dealing with my team!

Lolly Daskal is so real and down to earth! It was very thought provoking and helped me handle a situation that came up back in our center while we were away. Lolly allowed me to realize that i am the only person who can change me, and I should not compare myself to everyone else. Thanks so much. As my coach, I appreciate your honest and candid feedback and am certain that the skills you have instilled will be used professionally and personally. Excellent instruction, positive reinforcement, I will be utilizing over and over again for years to come.

And I must say, she did not disappoint working with Lolly was a game changer. In a very short time, I got my groove back and my business was back on track. Thank you Lolly. I want to pass it along to others. It provides the skills needed to have an impact in the workforce and turns values into behaviors and performance.

In addition, the skill and expertise of her workshops and coaching was exceptional and effective. And her methodologies were a practical fit for our culture and people. It is the best use of our time that I have ever experienced.

Stay Informed

We truly appreciated how you designed the custom program to maximize the time learning and practicing techniques, while also reaching each individual with targeted feedback. Lolly your dedication to delivering a high-quality program and genuinely supports every individual in their journey for improving their leadership development, was and is invaluable. It is always a pleasure to work with you and your company. She is unbelievably smart at crafting programs that can change a company's culture and set people in motion to do great things.

9 Tips to be a Better Leader - Leadership and Management Skills and Qualities

Her passion and caring are palpable and infectious. She is very insightful and shares her experience and knowledge freely.

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She has inspired me to be a much better person, leader, and friend. Building on seemingly small wins she brought heart and soul into our team. Working with her has been one of the most inspiring and prodigious leadership development moments in my career, and look forward to our continuing interactions. Before Lolly came to work with our company we were experiencing some very challenging times. I'm going to work with others. I'm going to have them listen. Then, I'm going to teach somebody else to do the same.

Remember, everything is in degrees, not absolutes. Think about what percentage you are a coach, what percentage you are a manager, and what actions you take in each role. Be aware of when you need to coach and when you need to manage. Then, we identify the principle or strategy that could have avoided this error. The hardest part about making mistakes is being accountable.