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Changing your perspective is like changing the window through which you view the negative in everything, including my ex-husband, my life circumstances.
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There is a world of spirit and purpose underneath it, and no matter what it looks like on the outside, there is much more going on beneath the circumstances we perceive as negative. If I can remember that and tap into the deeper meaning behind what I am experiencing, then I can accept what I am going through with greater ease. Today, I look back on all that I have been through in the past year and instead of feeling angry , bitter, or consumed by it, I feel that so much has come from it. I started a second job to help with the bills and consequently I have found my passion in teaching, something I have always had a desire to do.

I have built wonderful relationships with the friends that supported me through the tough times and I know that I can go through tough times and not break. Take a look at your life and think of the many tough times you have endured and the many blessings that have arisen from them. You have a chance to find the bright side to your situation, no matter how tough it seems, by only changing your view and identifying the positive of every experience.

There is a lesson in the pain and there is a beautiful rose in your thorn bush.


Remember, changing your perspective is like changing the window through which you view the world. When you change how you view the world, you change how you feel about it. Woman looking out window image via Shutterstock. Gina Petty is an insanely candid social worker and educator that believes that genuineness and laughter have the ability to infect humanity and open your spirit to the lighter side of the hard parts of life. This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice.

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Change Your Perspective; Change Your Results

Tell your past self what to expect, both good and bad. He says this will help you gain insight into what you could have done differently that may help you influence your future decisions.

Looking back, you will realize that you can survive just about anything that comes your way. Next, look to your future. Imagine that you are talking to a version of yourself five years from now.

Change your perspective, change your life - Harvey Mackay

Think about where you want to be and what advice you might give yourself. This exercise will help you form a positive vision to work toward your personal and professional goals from a new perspective. George Bernard Shaw, the famous Irish-born playwright and critic, was a popular worldwide seer in the early 20 th century. Here are some of his views of the necessity for a man to have perspective on his life:.

And he cannot discern any meaning in life beyond the crassness of superficial existence. Please log in again. The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Letting negative thoughts consume your mind and feeling stressed on a chronic basis can be tough to handle, and so it's important to know how to instantly change your perspective in order to be more positive and feel happier , as explained by experts in an interview with the Huffington Post.

Feeling happier will not only influence your day, as you'll be in a better mood, but it can have great effects longterm, leading to more satisfaction and greater wellbeing longterm.

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It can also influence others, as people enjoy being around positive elements more than negative, moody vibes. As a certified health coach , I work with clients on being in tune with their bodies and emotions in order to better control them and manipulate when getting rid of negativity and fostering a more positive attitude is required.

Changing Your Perspective Will Change Your Life

No one likes feeling sad and unfulfilled, and it can be quite common in this world's busy, hectic cycle of work, stress, and more work, that is so prevalent. When you notice a bad mood hitting you, look to these 11 ways to change your perspective as soon as possible and start feeling happier and more relaxed with whatever lies ahead of you.

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  6. Trust me, it'll be worth it for all those peppy, mood-boosting points. I Can Meditate! Avoid this perception for greater happiness. If you're interacting with someone else, think of his or her perspective and how it compares to your own, advises Goldberg.