e-book All In This Together?: Identity, Politics, and the Church in Austerity Britain

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And even after Calvin«s death in his church retained its international character. () were all attempts at creating greater international Calvinist solidarity. with particularities that often reflected domestic political developments. fled to the Continent where they often congregated together, as in Frankfurt.
Table of contents

Case study 3 Management consulting knowledge and English health care organizations. Case study 4 The high impact of privatesector management knowledge in an independentsector provider. Knowledge leadership Securing organizational change. Concluding discussion Management knowledge politics policy and public services organization in times of austerity.

He has published widely on themes of change and reorganization in public services settings, especially in health care and higher education. He is also interested in the tension between the logics of professionalism and managerialism in these settings. His work seeks to characterise high level narratives of public services 'reforming', including New Public Management and post NPM narratives of reform, which includepolitical, ideological, and technical components.

She is a noted specialist on the personal and organisational dimensions of leadership and transformational change.

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Her research centres on transformational change and knowledge exchange in the public and healthcare sectors, and she currently represents the University of Oxford as Non-Executive Directorof the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. Chris Bennett is an independent research psychologist. Most of her research and publications have explored different aspects of change within the NHS and other public sector bodies. Trained as a business school social scientist and clinical group analyst, his research has a strong empirical focus on the practice-level microsociology of organisational change in research-intensive settings, especially in healthcare.

Hespecialises in ethnographic and comparative case studies, analysing intersubjective relations, emotions and power, and their potential to mobilise organisational change. These and other problems have made it difficult for claimants to navigate the system and receive needed funds. Joanne, a year-old single mother of four, interviewed at Wisbech Food Bank in Cambridgeshire on May 23, , described the impact of benefit cuts on her ability to ensure her children are fed adequately:.

Emma Middleton, a welfare adviser with 15 years of experience in Hull explained to Human Rights Watch what has happened since austerity programs were implemented:. One particularly troubling aspect of the overhaul of welfare and tax policy over the past decade has been the way the government ignored growing warnings and evidence from a range of expert sources that these policies are exacerbating poverty. It is only recently, after almost a decade of implementing these measures, that it began to acknowledge these problems, including for the first time, in February , admitting a possible link between the rollout of Universal Credit and increased food bank use.

However, the government has not established a cumulative impact assessment of its welfare and tax changes as recommended by three UN committees in and and repeatedly by its own domestic national human rights institution since There is no clear policy or department that is responsible for ensuring that no one in the UK suffers from hunger as a result of inadequate or curtailed social security benefits or other government policies, or for monitoring food poverty and developing a national anti-hunger plan.

In , the government also did away with previously existing child poverty targets and the requirement to develop a child poverty strategy, as part of its broader post legislative overhaul of the welfare system.

Now it’s official: the less you have, the more austerity will take from you

The current government appears to now be taking some steps to address these critiques. In February , the Work and Pensions Secretary acknowledged that problems accessing welfare payments had led to an increase in food bank usage. The statement was a marked departure from the previous position to deny any link between changes to how welfare worked and food poverty. In March , the government committed to improve its measurement of household food insecurity but did not take on board other suggestions by anti-poverty campaigners contained in draft legislation to make this a statutory requirement with an annual report to Parliament.

Nevertheless, this represents an important step since the government does not systematically gather such data across all parts of the UK at present.

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Separate pilot schemes have also been funded by the Department for Education and Minister for Children and Families to address children showing up to school hungry in the mornings, and those going hungry during the holidays. Although a further, larger-scale pilot project is now planned, it remains unclear whether the lessons from these projects will develop into more systematic efforts to combat childhood food poverty.

Universal Credit itself can be improved to better respect the rights of people, including those living in poverty, to an adequate standard of living. The government should also ensure everyone has access to adequate food, including in emergency situations through a system of grants.

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It should introduce technical changes such as paying benefits in advance to avoid debt from the outset. It should review the excessive use of punitive sanctions, reducing repayment rates on advances, and hardship payments. And it should improve processes by which people in financial crisis can access emergency assistance. The government should accept the right to food as a basic human right, equivalent to others, and ensure everyone in the UK has access to an adequate remedy for violations of the right to food, including legal remedies and compensation. Parliament should quickly pass proposed legislation to measure household food insecurity, which would require the government to do so and report annually to Parliament, and consider establishing a national mechanism for mapping and monitoring food insecurity, food poverty, and vulnerability to food poverty.

The government should also establish clear responsibility and coordination on a national anti-hunger strategy between the various government departments, and should consider reintroducing a definition of poverty, for example as proposed recently by the Social Metrics Commission, and, on that basis, developing a proactive anti-poverty strategy. The government should also give serious consideration to taking on board recommendations from international bodies to conduct a broader cumulative assessment of the impact of post austerity-based tax and welfare changes on people living on low incomes including the benefit cap, the uprating freeze and the two-child limit.

The cost of inaction is high. The government will have to re-evaluate the harsh caps, freezes and limits on benefits that have hurt the poorest residents of the UK. The problem of escalating food poverty in the UK can be fixed. But it cannot be fixed without concerted effort by the government to take clear responsibility in developing solutions to the problem, to gather better data, and to muster the political will to revise or change the policies that have led to people going hungry and not being able to realize their right to food.

Ensuring that vulnerable people in society do not go without food on the table for their families, and that their basic rights, including their right to food, are protected is a legal duty that the UK government owes its least well-off citizens and residents. This report is based on research conducted in England between December and June Human Rights Watch selected these regions and local authority areas out of an initial, open-ended, interest in investigating links in areas which had high levels of relative deprivation, which had seen rapid increases in levels of immigration, and where populist political positions such as those expressed during the Brexit referendum had enjoyed support.

Social history of the United Kingdom (1945–present)

During a scoping exercise in early , the research centered its attention on the all-too-evident poverty in the areas visited, with a focus on food poverty among families in receipt of welfare benefits and obstacles people face in securing their right to food. The research also examined data and national trends regarding reliance on food aid by consulting available statistics and relevant expert NGOs and academics.

Three sets of interviews were carried out as group discussions with established groups of young women familiar with each other, many of whom experienced food poverty. Some interviews were conducted by telephone, and these are indicated as such in footnotes. Where interviews in person or telephone were not possible with service providers, NGOs or officials, or where a query could be resolved without a full interview, Human Rights Watch sought responses in writing, and these are also indicated clearly in footnotes.

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  • Austerity, Welfare Cuts, and the Right to Food in the UK | HRW.
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All interviews were conducted in English. Interviews were semi-structured and covered a range of topics relating to welfare, rights and access to food. All interviewees were told they could decline a question or could end the interview if they chose to do so. Interviewees did not receive compensation or remuneration for participation, but in some cases the researcher provided a modest sandwich meal and drink when the interview took place during mealtimes. Real names of interviewees are used, except where the interviewee requested that we use a pseudonym or refer to them simply by their professional role.

Those who opted to use a pseudonym largely did so owing to the stigma associated with being identified as poor and reliant on food aid. Pseudonyms are indicated clearly as such with quotation marks on the first use in relation to each interview requesting anonymization. In addition to interviews, Human Rights Watch examined other reports, legislation, policy documents and publicly available data and statistics held and provided by some of the organizations interviewed.

We received replies from the Department for Education, HM Treasury and the Department for Work and Pensions, which we have aimed to include in the report. Human Rights Watch will publish copies of the responses received from government departments on its website. The issues discussed in this report arise within a UK public policy debate about poverty among families with children.

HBAI is an important basis for understanding UK data around how families are understood to fall within certain income brackets. The approach uses a measure of equivalized household income before and after housing costs as a proxy for living standards. The data are updated annually. This statistical information in this report was accurate as of April 4, It includes developments as of May 10, Tens of thousands of families in the United Kingdom UK every year do not have enough food to live on, and are turning to sources of non-state, charitable aid.

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The right to food is a fundamental human right contained in treaties the UK has long signed up to, and remains unrealized for the increasing numbers of people living on the breadline. A series of studies carried out between and by domestic anti-poverty organizations, non-governmental food aid providers, and parliamentarians have documented how growing numbers of children and families in the UK have begun to depend on emergency food aid, a phenomenon which was largely unknown in the country prior to The pantry receives redistributed food from a local scheme and makes it available to community members at low cost.

This human rights crisis affects families and children, and Human Rights Watch research from the field, focused on three communities in England, bears this out. Families with children are facing significant challenges in being able to access their right to food, as an integral and essential part of their right to an adequate standard of living. They are going hungry in a country with ample resources to make sure that does not happen. The UK felt the crunch of the global economic crisis beginning in and lasting into the early s.

It was no exception to the global trend.

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The recession and the decisions by subsequent UK governments to manage growing budget deficits through a program of public spending cuts is critical background for this report.