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How to achieve a believable belief or a rational philosophy of life? This booklet describes how everyone can develop their own. It should be in accordance with.
Table of contents

The distinction is also described as that between epistemic rationality, the attempt to form beliefs in an unbiased manner, and instrumental rationality.

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Theoretical rationality has a formal component that reduces to logical consistency and a material component that reduces to empirical support, relying on our inborn mechanisms of signal detection and interpretation. Practical rationality is the strategy for living one's best possible life, achieving your most important goals and your own preferences in as far as possible. As the study of arguments that are correct in virtue of their form, logic is of fundamental importance in the study of rationality. The study of rationality in logic is more concerned with epistemic rationality, that is, attaining beliefs in a rational manner, than instrumental rationality.


Rationality plays a key role in economics and there are several strands to this. Secondly, there is an axiomatic concept that rationality is a matter of being logically consistent within your preferences and beliefs. Thirdly, people have focused on the accuracy of beliefs and full use of information—in this view, a person who is not rational has beliefs that don't fully use the information they have.

Debates within economic sociology also arise as to whether or not people or organizations are "really" rational, as well as whether it makes sense to model them as such in formal models. Some have argued that a kind of bounded rationality makes more sense for such models.

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Others think that any kind of rationality along the lines of rational choice theory is a useless concept for understanding human behavior; the term homo economicus economic man: the imaginary man being assumed in economic models who is logically consistent but amoral was coined largely in honor of this view.

Behavioral economics aims to account for economic actors as they actually are, allowing for psychological biases, rather than assuming idealized instrumental rationality. Within artificial intelligence , a rational agent is typically one that maximizes its expected utility , given its current knowledge. Utility is the usefulness of the consequences of its actions. The utility function is arbitrarily defined by the designer, but should be a function of "performance", which is the directly measurable consequences, such as winning or losing money.

In order to make a safe agent that plays defensively, a nonlinear function of performance is often desired, so that the reward for winning is lower than the punishment for losing. An agent might be rational within its own problem area, but finding the rational decision for arbitrarily complex problems is not practically possible.

The rationality of human thought is a key problem in the psychology of reasoning.

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Some scholars hold it indispensable. He further argues that when it comes to concrete security and foreign policies, IR employment of rationality borders on "malpractice": rationality-based descriptions are largely either false or unfalsifiable; many observers fail to explicate the meaning of "rationality" they employ; and the concept is frequently used politically to distinguish between "us and them. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the set of numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, see Rational number. For other uses, see Rational disambiguation. This article needs additional citations for verification.

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Main article: Logic and rationality. Philosophy portal Psychology portal. Cognitive bias Coherence linguistics Counterintuitive Dysrationalia Flipism Homo economicus Imputation game theory individual rationality Instinct Intelligence Irrationality Law of thought LessWrong List of cognitive biases Perfect rationality Principle of rationality Rational emotive behavior therapy Rational pricing Rationalism Rationalization making excuses Satisficing Superrationality Von Neumann—Morgenstern utility theorem.

Encyclopedia Britannica. July Journal of Economic Psychology. Republished in: Etzioni, Amitai Essays in Socio-Economics. Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Brandt Rationality and Society. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, Foundations of Rational Choice Under Risk. Oxford University Press. Hillsdale: Erlbaum. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. April Rational Choice and Security Studies". International Security. A little but minute observation will prove that it is a misconception.

Actually philosophy springs directly from man's life and its needs. True philosophy is nothing but a general theory of human life and its environment. There is no choice between philosophy and no philosophy. Philosophy is the rational attempt to have a world-view. Philosophy springs directly from man's life and its needs. It endeavors to reach a conception of the entire universe with all its elements and aspects and their interrelations to one another. Philosophy is the criticism or interpretation of life.

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Philosophy is regarded now more as an interpretation of human life, its source, value, meaning and destiny than as an enquiry into the nature of the world, soul and God. It tries to understand the universe in relation to man. It seeks to give a rational conception of the reality as a whole, which satisfies man's deepest intellectual, moral, aesthetic and religious aspirations.

Philosophy is considered to be the ultimate enquiry about life and its existence. It is a pursuit of knowledge dealing with the principles, causes and laws regarding life, human nature, creation, principles of living and the conduct of human activity. Most of the real progress which the world has made in every field has come through the medium of reflective thinking, especially the thinking of the great men of all times.

When it becomes serious, sustained and logical and directed towards questions of life and values, it becomes philosophy'.

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Life and philosophy react upon each other. Thoreau said, 'To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live, according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity and trust.

What is life, and what is death?

One's philosophy of life is connected to one's world view. Again the connotation of the term 'outlook' suggests the synthesis of beliefs and attitudes. A person can realize his concrete existence when he is able to develop a philosophical outlook. Sometimes philosophical outlook has been confused and identified with otherworldliness, asceticism, mysticism, theism etc.

Therefore, we must be clear about the positive configurations and contents of the philosophical outlook in life. We find that this outlook consists of four constituents: 1 metaphysical, 2 psychological, 3 ethical and 4 religious. The metaphysical foundation lies in the individual's deliberate views, beliefs and attitudes, regarding the nature of the universe and the place of human life in it. The main metaphysical questions are: Is the universe a mechanical interplay of material atoms?

Or, is it the manifestation of some kind of purpose? Is the universe the manifestation of dead physicochemical processes, or the operation of a spirit? Is there nothing but matter and energy? What is life? What is death?

What is Self? What is consciousness? Every human being tries to fit suitable answers to all these questions. It proves that an individual is not the result of dead mechanism. The second constituent of the philosophical outlook is the psychological basis of life.

What is it and Does it Work?

Psychology is the study of mind and of behavior as the expression of mind. Life must have a psychological basis in the form of belief, attitudes regarding the nature and functions of the mind that, directly or indirectly, shapes all human life and behavior. What is mind? What is its nature? And what is the practical bearing of all these on the conduct of human life?

Every human being living meaningfully in the society tries to answer all these questions in his own way.