The Heart Speaks to The Mind

Milan Kundera — 'When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.'.
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We simply want to move in the direction we want our relationships to go, the direction we want our lives to go, aiming for the results we want. I often hear couples say they want to create a healthier, more harmonious relationship, but say or think mean and judgmental things about their partners. This is an example of the action steps being out of alignment with the goal—rocking the boat, so to speak.

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We all think a lot of things that probably should not even be thought, much less said. Your opinion may not be purposeful to anyone else and it may be completely inaccurate.

When you speak your mind without forethought, you back yourself into a corner that does not allow you the freedom to easily retract or change your mind. It also gives others the freedom to have a different opinion. Remember, too, that consciously or unconsciously we teach with our words.

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Our children are watching us. When we simply say what is on our minds without any editing for kindness, truth, compassion, purpose or clarity, we teach them that inflicting their words on others without forethought is acceptable behavior, too. My opinion is that rather than unconsciously speaking our minds, we should reinforce responsible communication as an admirable quality and imperative relationship skill.

When the heart speaks, the #mind finds it indecent to object.

In Real Love with Eve , she shares skills, principles, and tools for creating healthy, harmonious relationships—with friends, family, lovers, co-workers, and the world at large. Her uncommon approach to common sense will help you sail away from ego battles and into the calmer waters of real love. Learn more about Eve's Heart Path retreats at sacredmauiretreats. The Sounds of Silence. Why Learn to Ski at 50 and Beyond. Find us on instagram SpiritHealthMag. Each issue provides inspiration for conscious living, healthy diet and lifestyle, social action, spiritual wisdom and sustainability.

We see things as we are. Know that when your mind chatters different scenarios and what ifs to you day and night, you are being delayed on your path to enlightenment. Hold it and ask it to speak to you of fear for it is only fear that asks what if.

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You heart knows that the past and the future are happening now. Be in this moment and feel the whole truth of your heart. Place your choices in my care and trust! Ask yourself when you are uncertain, do I feel love in my heart when I think of this or that or does my ego start its dialogue of deception to keep you from your power. I know not the word safety for your Divine Self is the source of your supply and that source lives within your heart. I will call you to risk and invite change to become your playmate as you dance the dance of life.

Change is the source of my expansion and I will sing to you of dreams that call you into action. Impossible is a word created to limit the heart and I die bit by bit when any of you move into complacency, feeling your dreams are impossible. Any action taken with loving intent fortifies me and creates life force within me that I might expand so you can feel my power in ever cell in your body.

I call you now deep into your body so together we may heal your emotions. Sometimes you feel as if you heart is breaking when a source of love is withdrawn from you. What you are actually feeling is the void within me where I have not been loved and called forth to co-create joy, grace and abundance in your life. I am so gripped at times by your pain that I take on the pain you refuse to feel for you and it physically attacks my ability to pump life through your channels.

Feel you own pain so that I do not have to.

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Through that experience you will find those parts of me you have forgotten and wounded. Where I have not been heard from for eons of time, I am in a state of cryogenics. I just need you to feel all your emotions again so I can enliven and reactivate my power and strengthen my life force. To find me within your being and feel my expansion within your body, stop trying to figure me out and simply love me awake and alive within you.

Quote by Milan Kundera: “When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indece”

Open my door wide and invite all humanity to find shelter within my unconditionally loving vibration. There is no need to be afraid that I will be harmed for an open heart is the greatest power in creation. Only you can find the courage to empower my portal that together we may change the world.