Dreams in which ashes are seen can have various meanings, but often they are a sign of becoming at ease with ones past and focusing attention more tow.
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The camera closes in on one of the many terraced houses to reveal a drug dealer Lee playing computer games with his friends and attempting to pass a cannabis joint to his pregnant girlfriend. Lee has just left prison for the second time and is now living in a council house courtesy of Leeds City Council. He lives there with his girlfriend Carol, who at the start of the film is pregnant with their unborn daughter Lily.

When Carol miscarries her baby, she blames Lee and their lifestyle for the loss and leaves him. Lee seems unaffected and continues his lifestyle of dealing drugs, intimidating others and getting into fights. Lee is pushed the drugs by his mother, who seemingly cares little for him. She introduces him to a new drug called "wax" which begins to give him hallucinations of his dead child.

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He tries to ignore the hallucinations as a side effect of the drug, but they increasingly occupy his thoughts. Carol is now going out with a local hard man called Tommy, who traps her in an abusive relationship.

Carol calls out to Lee for help and so Tommy challenges Lee but to no avail. Lee shuns Carol and does not fight Tommy, despite still having feelings for her. Lee is becoming increasingly confused about what is important to him and the repeated hallucinations of his baby become more vivid.

Ashes of Dreams

Lee is arrested after a nightclub fight with a rival drug dealer, but is released without charge. When he goes to his mother's house he discovers that his mother has been supplying his rival and is also having a relationship with him.

This pushes Lee over the edge and he turns to his hallucinations as the only reliable constant left in his life. Through visions of his baby he realises that his love for Carol is never going to leave him and he sets about getting her back.

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In a violent confrontation with Tommy at the end of the film, Lee finally challenges his own perceptions of life and the realities he has built around himself. Alternatively, ashes indicates that you are dwelling too much on the past.

Agony Aunts

You need to learn to let go. In particular, to see or clean ashes in a fireplace or stove indicates that you are unsatisfied with aspects of your life. You may be in a rut and feel trapped by your daily routine. Carwash To dream that you are at a carwash indicates that you need to clean up your self-image.

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You are ready for a fresh start. Eyelashes To notice your eyelashes or dream that they are growing indicates that you are trying to express yourself in some subtle or covert way. It also signifies good luck. It may also mean a loss in your feminine power. If only one eyelash falls off, then it also signifies good luck. Leash To dream that you are holding a leash indicates a need for more control in your life.

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You need to take the lead in some projection or situation. To dream that you are wearing a leash suggests that you need to show more restraint with regards to your sexual urges and desires. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are too easily led or too easily influenced. You are letting other people control you and take you in a direction that you do not really want to go. To dream that the leash is broken or that your pet has broken free from the leash implies that you have successfully broken away from somebody's control and influence.

Rash To dream that you have a rash indicates repressed anger, frustrations and annoyances. You may be holding in your anger and frustrations, instead of expressing it. Alternatively, the dream suggests that others are trying to put doubt in your head about some decision or choice that you are making. It may be a pun on a "rash" decision that you are making.