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The Extra Requirements of My Life Philip Wu, Philip Po-Him Wu Meanwhile, my daughter was growing from a little girl in to a teenager; from a kid who her physics and Chemistry tutor, and my best friend and townsman Qiu Guangxu gave.
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As far as ethnicity is concerned, I have almost equal numbers of indigenous and ethnic minority children. This is an affluent suburb, but I imagine my clients have a range of financial means. There, the focus was on ensuring school access and on ensuring requisite grades were met for tests, to ensure children arrived in the correct sets at new schools, and so on. The tuition was fantastic fun as a tutor; this shouldn't be overlooked.

Being a private tutor can give great job satisfaction.

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I became a primary teacher after graduation and began tutoring at my school, a large and successful state school in an economically stifled area of East London. The school puts on a tuition service - free for parents, with tutors paid by the school - to support children who are falling behind academically at school, or who would benefit particularly well from the extra support.

This has meant I have been able to work on a Saturday, tutoring pupils from my own classes who would not necessarily have accessed tuition otherwise. Being the teacher and the tutor allows me to get a clear grasp of what needs to be worked on. In the local community, tuition appears to be booming - the catchment area is culturally and linguistically diverse - and parents' high aspirations are being directed towards the new agencies which are sprouting up.

In truth, I feel suspicious of some of these agencies, which emerge in tiny shop fronts and seem not to require much qualification to become a tutor. There is probably some truth in the claim that the 'one to one' support is more crucial than the teaching ability or subject knowledge of a tutor, in some cases, as the dynamic of tutoring allows a level of personalised learning which is difficult to attain when teaching 29 other children beside them. Although they understand the course contents, they feel disadvantaged against the other students because they think they lack the literacy skills necessary to achieve the high grades.

They are incredibly focused and work extremely long hours to produce the assignments. Mainly from A level students. I think with recent tuition fee increases, and the scarcity of jobs, young people feel under pressure to invest in their education. They're generally on low incomes many living in social housing but see extra tuition as a priority.

Most are hoping for a grammar school place or scholarship at private school. The children always work hard doing far more homework than I set them and, so far, have been very successful. I now get most of my business from recommendation as their friends seem to want to jump on the band wagon! Currently I teach four students, two of which are from immigrant families.

Their parents have told me that although their children have thrived in the education system in their country, to give them the best possible chance of employment in skilled and 'prestigious' positions in society e. Doctors, Orthodontists, Dentists, Lawyers schools are not sympathetic to the language barriers. They feel that the perception of their child is that they are lacking in intelligence, however the pace of the class leaves them confused with certain English words, and too shy or intimidated to ask questions or admit they're struggling. I personally feel that it is this shift in aspirations, from merely getting a job in Britain, to actually wanting to start a career with transferable skills both immigrant students have expressed a wish to take there skills back to their country which has partially led to the tutoring boom.

I tutor wealthy pupils, but their parents have received limited education themselves.

Russell Tutoring & Consulting, LLC | Your child's future matters to us.

So they employ me to do their kids homework with them, tutor them for exams etc. Although there is an element of learning, and interesting conversations. Their A grades are purely down to me most of the time. As a result of the rising demand, I have a waiting list which is fully booked 6 months in advance. One of the most common requests is for tuition for eleven plus exams largely because the content for the exam is not taught in schools.

I've also noticed a rise in the number of requests from international parents who live abroad but want their children to obtain places at top private or grammar schools. Competition for a place in a good school in London is fierce and to be honest I think it is not fair to a 10 year old child. Convinced the mainstream school is hopeless for teaching someone with extra needs, I have pulled in all my friends to tutor him, and paid for a tutor in the one field he really enjoys, Geography - with his Autism he is fascinated by maps.

In that subject, he went from an E to a C in one term. His tutor is great and understands what and how he needs to learn. He wants to do Geography A level so he needs at least a B. I am having to negotiate with the school to get him on Higher papers rather than Foundation. My son thought he was being told he had to get Ds and Es until I reset his target grades. He wants to be a civil engineer. I am a widow living on my savings and scraps from writing as no one wants to hire a single mother with a disabled child.

My son's DLA pays for some of the tutoring, along with other activities that he needs to manage his Autism. She had a tutor for about a year in years , chosen based on personal recommendation. Her primary school had 2 maths sets- each of which seemed to teach to the middle of the set. She was in the lower set, and just covering very basic maths.

She is now in Year 11, and again is having 1 hour tuition in Maths per week- to help her get the best GCSE grade possible. This time the tutor came from an agency. We are a white British middle income family, and I suppose my reasons for using a tutor could be summarised as 'lack of confidence in school maths teaching and awareness of how important maths knowledge and qualifications are'. However, I have noticed that children from immigrant families are more likely to have private tuition, and go to organisations like Kumon.

It was not surprising to us to have to do this as we both came from musical families, where it was always expected that you would have to have extra tuition to learn an instrument. But for our son, private tuition has been crucial as he is one of the one in 7 boys, who have some form of dyslexia. My wife requalified [sic] as a special needs teacher on top of her normal diploma, to get him through the first years. Since then, it has been important for him to have tutors as an alternative to what we can help with, again to go over all the work, to build methods of writing.

At each stage - now at A level - he has had new fences to jump. He also has had massive help from the voluntary organisation Dyslexia Action. In the meantime, he also has singing, piano and clarinet teachers, which nobody finds is odd. Although he is at an excellent state school and was working hard, he didn't seem to be doing as well as everyone else seemed to be doing.

We didn't want him to be at a disadvantage so used savings etc for tutors. He made huge leaps forward. So glad we were able to afford it. My daughter received a lower grade in maths SAT's than all her other results. I knew from a friend who also has a daughter at the same school that her daughter ended up in bottom set when she went up to Middle school.

Your child's future matters to us.

I didn't want this to happen to mine and was anxious that she would not move up the level before leaving the school next year to go to middle school. I decided to hire a tutor for her once a week, but found that 1 hour was too long for her after a full day at school so she shares the session with her brother. She has been seeing the tutor who is a lovely lady and teaches in a local school for 6 months now. At the last parents evening, her teachers said "I don't know why but A has really improved in maths, she has already gone up one level and by the end of the year I think she will be on level 4" I was so pleased, but didn't tell the teacher she had a tutor as it was nice for her to feel she has made the difference and I didn't want A's progress to be some how negated as ultimately she did the work.

My son went from struggling with math concepts to scoring in national math competitions in the first month of working with Tatum. As I reflect on all of the progress my son has made over the past year, I am grateful for all of the support and guidance Tatum and Tutor Time Now has given to help him gain confidence in himself both as a student and a maturing young man.

He went from struggling with math concepts to scoring in national math competitions in the first month of working with Tatum. By taking the time to understand my son, she was able tap into the best ways to reach his mind. Tatum was able to teach him to believe in his abilities and this gain in confidence has been reflected in his overall demeanor. I believe every child deserves to be heard and understood for who they are as that empowers them to hone their strengths and support their weaknesses.

Tatum does a magnificent job at seeing the facets of children to help them understand how they learn and how to manage situations where they may have challenges. This is a direct result of her willingness to give the time needed to get to know her students as well as teach them. I feel very fortunate to have Tatum as a partner in helping my son achieve his academic goals as well as teaching life long skills that will benefit him well beyond the school years. Parent of Woodland Middle School student, To the moms out there who need a tutor for your child: look no further.

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We hired Tatum last year for our 13 year-old son who was nearly failing at the end of sixth grade. He insisted he did not need a tutor. Well, he absolutely fell in love with her during their first session together. Tatum has worked patiently and tirelessly with him and he now has a B average with potential to make the honor role.

He used to dread his homework, especially math, but now looks forward to it and cannot wait for Tatum to arrive. She is phenomenal with him and I cannot give a higher recommendation. As a parent, I couldn't be more than happy with the outcome that Tatum has helped with my daughter with helping her prep for the SAT and the results.

She compassionately cares for your child's understanding and grasp of the materials. I have already recommended Tatum to many parents and will continue to highly recommend her. Parent of Burlingame High School graduate, Tutor Time Now took control of a downward spiral and turned the direction completely around Tatum created a team, and that team created a winning record. Tatum Hutton, with Tutor Time Now took control of a downward spiral and turned the direction completely around. She did this by using not only her own know-how, but by also referring other professionals whose expertise deal with organizational and executive function deficiencies.

Tatum herself was very reliable, positive, and upbeat, and inspiring, which created a sense of confidence in my son that very few other teachers had truly afforded him with regards to his academic potential. This was a real plus, and even when not needed, created a sense of calm knowing it was always at our disposal.

Delegans Parent of Burlingame High School graduate, My son enjoys and even looks forward to the time he spends with Tatum. She is helpful, knowledgeable and caring. She just "gets" my kid and that in itself is priceless.

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Tatum Tutor Time Now has been the best thing we have done to help our son. Being a "Learning Differenced" child it has always been a challenge to find someone that can work with him in a way that he can understand what is being taught. Even with resource teachers in school this has been a challenge.

Grades and enthusiasm is getting better. Thanks Tatum Tutor Time Now. We had the good sense to sign our son Wyatt up with Tatum early on, commencing sessions in the summer following sophomore year, something I would highly recommend.

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