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My Seven Deadly Sins. Copy link. My Seven Deadly Sins Be the first to rate. Add Rating. Content Ranking. Let me get devoured by the yin Give me the power to commit a sin. I'll swim in the ocean of greed For I'm not someone who follows any creed. I'll indulge in the poison of pride Since I don't have any intention to get off this deadly ride. I'll play the role of the sloth Who killed the goodness that was hiding under the cloth. I'll drown in the pleasures of lust Because love isn't meant for those who can't give their trust.

I'll burn with unrestrained envy As you flirt with her coyly. I'll let her suffer with gluttony It's a small price to pay to continue with the journey. The Burning launches an arsenal of nuclear weapons, seeking to ignite the Earth and asexually reproduce. JLA 87 L JLA 88 E Scorch sacrifices herself to consume the Burning's flame and allows J'onn to break free. J'onn destroys Fernus' physical form and emerges with some invulnerability to fire. He remains vulnerable to psychic forms of fire, including love. JLA 89 L JSA 54 Jan.

After witnessing many possible futures, good and bad, both heroes conclude in the end that they would not sacrifice their friendship for the potential downfalls of a relationship. JLA 90 Jan. The squabble is stopped by Nightwing, who helps the teams make peace with each other. Teen Titans v. He claims he is responsible for monitoring the development of life on Earth. JLA 91 Feb. He is traumatized when the last real monkey is killed which contradicts his sacred text, the Book of Lol. He requests a tour of the planet.

JLA 92 Mar. He decides to leave Earth, but his ship explodes. His fate is uncertain; he expressed sadness for being the last of his people and may have committed suicide. JLA 93 Apr. This happened when the Spectre removed the knowledge of Wally's identity from the world. They summon Wally to the Watchtower, and he re-reveals his identity to him.

Doing so automatically restores people's memories. Flash June In his search for the origins of the universe, Krona destroys Qward where the Crime Syndicate are battling the Weaponers. The JLA encounters Terminus, a being from another universe. Likewise, the Avengers stave off the Star Conqueror.

Read english poem My Seven Deadly Sins by Mansi Topa

The teams are told by the Grandmaster and Metron, respectively that they must assemble twelve items of power in order to prevent the collision of both universes. NOTE: These kinds of stories always fall questionably within continuity because they involve every hero possible. The Grandmaster, however, then uses the artifacts to twist reality to his whim.

The Phantom Stranger ultimately leads them to the truth, where they witness all the tragedies of their real lives. Though difficult to imagine, the JLA and Avengers decide to put things back the right way. His essence is condensed into a cosmic egg. The Spectre separates the two universes. The teams restore the realities that had been destroyed.

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Later JLA , they will begin to notice evidence of some cosmic changes, and that their universe is settling into "different patterns. JLA Dec. When Captain Marvel Billy refuses his offer, his sister Mary accepts instead. With much persuasion, Blue Beetle is also convinced to join despite his heart condition.

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  • Read their full adventures in the Cosmic Teams! Formerly Known as the Justice League Sept. Superman encounters a group of metahuman teenagers, including Grunt and Nudge , who are recruiting other meta-teens for service to the vampire, Crucifer.

    Chronology Part 7

    Nudge mentally ensnares Superman and he is taken to their base. Crucifer then orders Superman to capture his ultimate prize: Faith. The other JLA members begin noticing the child abductions and their signature mark of "X. But due to poor sales, its continuity was reversed in Teen Titans v.

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    This reestablished the original Doom Patrol's existence in current continuity. Later, this incarnation of the Doom Patrol was explained as a "pretend version," created to ease the newly-resurrected Elasti-Girl back into life Doom Patrol v.

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    JLA 94 E5. The Atom journeys to another dimension via Manitou Raven's telling stone. JLA 95 L5. JLA 96 E6. With the help of his teen minions, Crucifer takes over the people of Barnes, Saskatchewan, for use as vessels for his vampire brethren. Raven makes contact with Nudge, who with the help of Vortex, escapes. The Atom encounters a benevolent alien race. JLA 97 L6. They learn from the aliens there that Crucifer uses the place as a dimensional nexus: for teleportation. These aliens are also the caretakers of Crucifer's heart, which makes him unkillable.

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    Crucifer initiates the transfer of his brethren from Hell into the bodies of his metahuman subjects. JLA 98 E7. He set about finding a way to return his brethren, but needed metahumans as hosts. The Atom and Elasti-Girl destroy the vessel containing his heart, returning it to his body, and leaving him vulnerable to Superman's final killing blow. JLA 99 L7. He loses his empire and goes underground. Pete Ross is sworn in, but drops out of the reelection campaign. Amanda Waller and Sarge Steel are jailed for treason.

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    Much of the kryptonite is recovered by Kord Industries and S. The suit reappears in Identity Crisis 1. JLA Aug. They became a sort of "not-exactly-sanctioned don't-ask-don't-tell covert operations unit," designed to hunt and eliminate extranormal threats to the Earth before they go public. This new undercover branch of the League is barely tolerated by the main team and operates in secret from the world. To help keep them in check, Vera recruits Naif al-Sheikh to be their coordinator. In their first mission, they infiltrate The Blood Brothers , an organization of assassins their field leaders are men named Tomas and Lars.

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    Al-Sheikh addresses an assembly of powerful individuals who will spread the word that the Elite do not exist. Strangely, both teams want to put an end to Atwa, but the Brothers' plan extends to the nation's genocidal leader, Hi-Shan Bhat. The Brothers enlist another freelancer called, Wolfwood, whose heightened senses compromise Vera's disguise as Deathstroke.