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You just need to put more of your attention on them. Even during the storms of life, you should make a decision to focus on the beauty of life. You need to keep your focus on all the right things and leave out the ones that are hard. To help make this and every day of your life special, below is our collection of beautiful and inspirational blessed quotes, blessed sayings, and blessed proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years.

The Simplest Way to Find a Blessing in Every Moment | UnTangled

Be sure to also check out these religious quotes that will inspire you to be grateful. All will be in my thoughts daily. I am grateful and happy to be able to share this. I have been blessed to have been in the right place at the right time. If you can think about a situation, you can deal with it. The big struggle is to keep your head clear enough to think.

Find something to replace it, and acknowledge the blessing you have. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence. Seize the blessings of today! Make something happen, enhance your life, make someone laugh, help a friend, love, love, love. So every chance I get to share the gospel or uplift people, I will take full advantage of that opportunity. Appreciate all the blessings in your life, take none for granted.

There is something in all of us that is useful to humanity.

You're A Blessing, Mini Figurine

I had to work at it and learn from mistakes. Plus, he blessed me with a good work ethic and a drive to want to be the best. I really am so blessed. All of this has been a great experience and I thank the American public so much for putting me in this position. I appreciate every second of it.

We have life. I feel God has blessed us with a great love and I am so thankful. Focus on your character, not your reputation. Focus on your blessings, not your misfortunes. Do you sincerely care for her enough to listen as she vents? Because in my experience, that might be part of what she needs…someone she can trust enough to talk to in depth. Then perhaps you can steer her onto some self-help books or sites. But it takes time and emotional commitment you may not feel is yours to give at this time…. As Mary said, if the situation is right there are some resources you could pass along to her, but she may not want or be able to receive them.

In the spirit of the post, I suppose the best thing you can do in any moment is to be mindful of how you might be a blessing to her. Anger pulls for either anger or withdrawal from the other. When you do neither, but find a third way of blessing, something new is born.

Blessed quotes celebrating your everyday blessings

It is up to her to receive that new thing. You are such a blessing, not just on my Wednesday mornings but in the perspectives you sharpen and change for the rest of my moments, too. I have been pleased, grateful even, for the perspective and soothing that a gratitude focus can give in the midst of unresolved and tempestuous anger. But it does feel like self-soothing rather than a self transformation when compared with the anger-devouring power of becoming a blessing in the myriad small ways available to us. There are opportunities I realize I only have now by the grace of those very things I harbored, fed, and nurtured my anger over.

Shel, you always bless me with your perspective, as well! Thank you! Happy Wednesday, Kelly. Great point about differentiating between resentment and anger. As far as getting free, forgiveness is a powerful tool. Sometimes it is others, but most often I have to forgive myself. The need for self forgiveness continues to take me by surprise. Mike, this is so right on.

Why am I angry, and how do I need to forgive myself? Maybe he was angry at the moment. And yes, Touching Spirit Bear is a good read for adults, too!

God is so GREAT! You are Blessed!

Hi Kelly, I just would like to express my gratitude for your honest and genuine expression of life as it is. It makes me feel very connected to you in your struggles. The sense that I am not alone in these feelings of frustration is very soothing. I look forward to a new post each week.

Thank you for saying so, Nyein. The feeling is entirely mutual. Thanks for sharing that gift here. Such impeccable timing!! Thank you for the reminder that I have the opportunity to be a blessing and appreciate the blessings of those people who choose to be in my life. I really liked the story of the elder and the angry young man. Hi Sheree, yes!

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Thank you for giving me this stick to attack my life! I have always tried to make the world a better place for everyone around me, but never looked at the effort quite this way. Perspective makes such a difference! You have a gift for framing human actions in such a variety of ways that everyone can gain insight by just reading your words. Keep giving and having a blessed day. Blessings to you, too! I soooo needed to hear this today!

Things are being re-structured at work and it is causing a lot of grief and insecurity in many people as well as me. I so appreciate your steps to take, especially 3. I plan on focusing on feeling my anger and allowing it to teach me whatever it is trying to teach me at the moment. I see it more as a blessing that way instead of a curse and something that I need to get rid of. Thank you again for sharing your great wisdom! Blessings to you! Jenny, I once heard the Dalai Lama interviewed. The interviewer said they would like to follow him around for a week because he was so peaceful.

He told the interviewer, if they followed him around for a weak, they would see all of his anger and irritability and sadness and so on. His peace comes not from not having them but from learning to observe them. May you do the same this week! After having my heart and spirit broken by someone I loved and trusted, I had a choice: start down the path of forgiveness and stay to attempt to heal the relationship or remove myself to heal alone. I chose to stay.

It has not been easy and after five years I still feel anger and resentment occasionally at the injustice and humiliation that was perpetrated against me. I read your article with interest, recognising that I have examined my anger to the 10th degree and understand what is perpetuating it but seem helpless to stave it off.

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I have also recognised my own faults and the need for self forgiveness. But can one truly say they have fully forgiven if they still feel anger and resentment?

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I continually remind my self of my blessings and feel grateful for them and try to see the good in the people who have hurt me but still the background noise of grief and anger that I usually can ignore surprises me at times with its permanence. Perhaps I have not given enough time to allow the process of blessing you describe take full effect? Mary, these are exactly the kinds of question I look forward to discussing in therapy.

Unfortunately, in this medium, with so little background information, it would be unwise of me to make suggestions about why you feel stuck. I hope you have or will find a counselor you can ask them of, because they are very wise questions to be asking! Loved the way you put this. Really hits home to a few things going on with and around me.