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While quitting smoking is a very personal decision, and one that only a smoker can make, certain life changes, like starting a family, can affect.
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As you decide what to get dad for Father's Day, you might want to consider what he gave you when you were conceived. If he smoked, your genes are likely damaged, and your odds for cancers and other diseases throughout your life could be increased. A new research report appearing online in the FASEB Journal , scientists show for the first time in humans that men who smoke before conception can damage the genetic information of their offspring. These inherited changes in DNA could possibly render an offspring in the womb susceptible to later disease such as cancer.

This provides evidence showing why men should be urged to stop smoking before trying to conceive in the same way women have been urged to quit.

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Interestingly, a fertile sperm cell takes about three months to fully develop; therefore men would ultimately need to quit smoking long before conception to avoid causing genetic problems. We hope that this knowledge will urge men to cease smoking before trying to conceive. To make this discovery, Anderson and colleagues used DNA biomarkers to measure genetic changes in the paternal blood and semen around conception, as well as maternal and umbilical cord blood at delivery in families from two different European regions in central England and a Greek island.

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Information regarding the lifestyle, environmental and occupational exposures of these families was taken from validated questionnaires. The combined analysis of exposures and DNA biomarkers was used to evaluate the role of exposures before conception and during pregnancy in the causation of genetic changes in the offspring. These results have strong implications for the prevention of disease.

If dad uses cigarettes, his kids will be affected even before they are born," said Gerald Weissmann, M. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. Science News. Journal Reference : J. Laubenthal, O. Zlobinskaya, K. Poterlowicz, A. Baumgartner, M. Gdula, E. And yet almost one out of every three kids in this country still lives with at least one smoker. Of course, being a smoker doesn't make someone a bad parent.

Most moms and dads really want to quit, but smoking is a powerful addiction. Believe it or not, inhaling nicotine has an even stronger effect on the brain than injecting heroin or snorting cocaine.

I felt like I was married to smoking. For stressed-out parents, giving up smoking can seem particularly tough -- but it's also especially beneficial. The odds of getting lung damage from secondhand smoke are much higher. Almost 40 percent of women smokers stop during pregnancy, but up to 70 percent relapse after their baby is born, says Cheryl Healton, DrPH, president of the American Legacy Foundation, a nonprofit organization devoted to protecting children and adults from smoking.

Most smokers actually try to quit between eight and 11 times before they succeed. Healton, a former three-pack-a-day smoker. To help you triumph over tobacco, Parents has teamed up with Legacy to create a special quit plan for moms and dads, powered by the group's online cutting-edge program, Become an Ex. Continuing in our March and April issues and at parentsquitforgood.

Going cold turkey isn't the most effective strategy: Research has shown that you can at least double your odds of success if you plan ahead before you quit, take advantage of nicotine replacement or other medications, and get support. At parentsquitforgood.

Whether you smoke a pack a day or light up only occasionally, there's never been a better time to quit -- and start spending all that money on something worthwhile. Not only does smoking cause lung cancer and heart disease, but many of the 4, chemicals in cigarettes increase your risk of stroke, breast cancer, secondary infertility, low back pain, and heartburn and then there are the premature wrinkles and bad breath.

If you think you're healthy, ask your doctor to do a spirometry test that measures your lungs' functional age. Many year-old smokers have the lungs of a year-old. Inhaling secondhand smoke -- which contains arsenic, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde -- is undeniably risky for children. Smokers' kids have higher rates of respiratory infection, ear infection, severe asthma, and even SIDS.

Even if you never smoke in rooms where your children play, tiny particles cling to your clothes and circulate through your house. And while no parent wants her child to become a smoker, kids whose parents smoke are twice as likely to light up themselves when older. Quit now to break the cycle.

Quitting Smoking Timeline - Short-Term and Long-Term Effects

With all the time commitments and craziness that come along with raising children, how can you handle giving up smoking now? Cigarettes may seem like an integral part of every aspect of your life -- influencing your identity, your choice of friends, the structure of your day, and the way you manage to squeeze in a little "me" time. But when she quit last February, she found that she actually had more energy for the evening routine. It's understandable to worry about what will replace a drag during those times when your kids are acting up, you're late to work, or you're panicked about your credit-card bills.

You can learn healthier ways to cope. The first step is to set a quit date and write it on your calendar in ink. Even if you're psyched to start today, it's best to choose a day between two weeks and one month from now. Then follow this series' essential preparations. Going through this process will make quitting easier, but you should still expect the first weeks to be tough. Increasing your daily exercise by taking brisk walks or bike rides is one of the best strategies for several reasons.

It will help you sleep better, boost your mood, focus your thinking, burn calories, and remind you of what you're moving toward: a healthier future.

Trying to stop smoking – Brian’s story (2019)

Experts say that tobacco dependency is a medical problem like high cholesterol or high blood pressure, and it should be treated like one. Therapy: Nicotine patch nonprescription Action: Provides steady dose through your skin.

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Pros: Avoids peaks and valleys; helps you wean gradually. Doubles success rate. Cons: Side effects may include irritated skin, muscle aches, insomnia, and nausea. How you use it: Put a new patch on your back or arm daily starting with full strength 15 to 22mg for four weeks, then reducing, for a total of three to five months. Therapy: Nicotine gum or lozenge nonprescription Action: Delivers nicotine through mouth membranes. Pros: Gives immediate relief; keeps mouth busy.

Doubles your chance of success. Cons: Possible side effects for gum: mouth sores, racing heartbeat.