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The First UK STALKER Event, 9th, 10th & 11th of August Exclusive first (COSPLAY, LARP, AIRSOFT) event from STALKER UK Story: The Chernobyl.
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I could walk along the jogging trail that would lead almost directly to my apartment. I breathed a sigh of relief when I reached my apartment complex, letting the tension flow out of me. I crossed the park to the back door of my building and put my key in the door. A sound, or maybe just a feeling, caused me to turn. A person stood less than ten feet behind me. I pulled power from the ley line that ran parallel to the creek and through the apartment complex and braced myself for battle.

Stalker - Trailer - New Release

He—at least six feet tall, so I assumed it was a man—just stood there and watched me. He was shrouded in a black cloak with a peaked hood that shadowed his face. Quickly turning the key, I hurried through the door and pushed it closed behind me. I climbed the first flight of stairs but hesitated at the top, peeking through the window on the second floor.

Lawriter - ORC - Menacing by stalking.

A dark figure stood amongst the trees running along the creek, watching my building. A few weeks before, a Hunter had watched my apartment from the same copse of trees, repeatedly testing my wards. He had also terrorized not only me but the paranormal and supernatural inhabitants of Westport for months.

That man was dead, and very few people knew about him stalking me. Over time, they amassed wealth and power, and worked their intrigues inside of governments, religions, and corporations, always advancing their agenda to someday rule the world in a magiocracy.

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That artifact had destroyed the Order, burning their City and all of its inhabitants in a magical apocalypse. Only those outside the City had survived that night, and I had run, knowing that if I was ever found, death would be the reward for my treachery. I went back down the stairs and walked the length of the hall to the stairs at the other end.

After climbing to the third floor, I walked back to my apartment overlooking the creek. I crept to my bedroom window, looked out, and saw the man still standing there. I could call the cops, or some of my friends, and try to trap him. But would he stick around and wait to be trapped?

In the end, I checked my wards again, and satisfied that no one would be able to get through them, I undressed in the dark and slipped between the sheets. His survey stopped, and his eyes widened slightly. He had made it through the door, though, so nothing on the list of rules should have come as too much of a shock. I sized him up while I poured his drinks. Tall, with broad shoulders, and a weathered face that was crowned with grizzled salt-and-pepper hair. I shrugged. They get all upset when citizens find headless bodies in the morning.

After a while he ordered dinner, had another couple of drinks, and paid out. Late thirties, with olive skin and short dark hair, he was good-looking and also entirely average. I shook my head.

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  • Trickster - 4. Tasted the flesh of the Angel.
  • Stalking and Domestic Violence: The Third Annual Report to Congress Under - Google Books.

I think hanging out here has infected you with the blarney. Coffee or alcohol? I gave him a menu and went off to pour his drinks. I scowled at him. He sighed. Blair chuckled. He was a mountain of a man, a head taller than six feet, and well over three hundred pounds.

I Am Stalker

With his bald head, mutton chops, and an open vest over a white shirt with bloused sleeves, he looked like the innkeeper in a medieval play. When I went into work the following day, I told Sam about the guy who mentioned vampire bounties, and what Blair had said later. Someone needs to control the young ones, and right now, no one is doing it. Please subscribe or login to access full text content. If you have purchased a print title that contains an access token, please see the token for information about how to register your code.

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Stalking-Horse Bid

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