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Risky Assignment (LIVE! From Brentwood High Book 1) - Kindle edition by Judy K Baer. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or.
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The truck company operating that stream was unsure why they were being asked to shut down their operations due to the lack of communication of the MAYDAY. Luckily, this one had a positive outcome with no injuries or fatalities. The organizations can use this event to improve upon in the future at little or no cost. This report was published in but also was a highlight for Report of the Week this year, leading to over views as well. The fire chief who fielded the call sent two hazmat awareness level firefighters in a tanker to investigate. On their arrival, they confirmed a chlorine tank was leaking from a two-inch line that could be controlled by throwing a quarter-turn valve.

The fire chief, via cell phone, directed the firefighters to don full structural turnout gear with SCBA and shut the valve to control the leak. Later that afternoon, the firefighter began complaining of rashes on their skin and soar throats.

Series: Live from Brentwood High

The turnout gear and SCBA were removed from service. The fire chief resigned shortly after the incident. The report also describes a lack of leadership. However, another critical takeaway to this report is to work within your scope of training. With this near-miss, the firefighters were notified of a downed power line on initial operations, but later into the event, stepped on the downed lines, causing an arc and electric shock. The firefighters were on the scene of a small single-family home with heavy fire involvement.

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Their first assignment was to set-up RIC on the bravo side. The RIC officer conducted a and notified all firefighters of a low hanging clothesline on the charlie side and that the electrical mast had fallen from the home. Power and cable lines were down in the yard.

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As fire operations continued, personnel were removed from the interior, and suppression activities continued only from the outside. The interior crews were recycled to rehab, and the RIC crew was reassigned to fire suppression. One of the firefighters moved from the RIC staging area to assess the house and conditions before operating one of the exterior hose lines.

As they walked towards the delta side, they stepped on the downed line, which caused an arc. The firefighter also stated he felt a vibration under his foot. No injuries occurred, and the firefighter was able to continue suppression activities. The firefighter did know downed powerlines were in the vicinity, but due to poor light conditions and visibility, he never saw them. Luckily, he did not contact the live power lines that were hanging by the fence just a few feet away. Visibility and task saturation can easily distract firefighters from hazards that may have been identified during initial s.

However, it may not be enough.

Live from Brentwood High | Awards | LibraryThing

As soon as feasible in fire operations, it would be beneficial to mark hazards with traffic cones or caution tape to help jog the memories of firefighters who either arrive later in the incident or who have operated there for some time. There are several ways that you can be more engaged and learn from near-misses. This email distribution is different from reading standard submitted reports. Subject Matter Experts review these reports and create a learning platform that includes discussion questions, take-aways, leading practices, and other resources to capture further information.

This can be done in a company dynamic or during evening drills at the volunteer firehouse or can be done individually. If you prefer audible books or podcasts , you can also listen to a narrated report of the week. The topics range from emergency events such as structure fires and hazardous materials responses to non-emergency near-misses that occurred at training or during other station duties. If you are working on a more substantial research project, we also will collect a grouping of reports for you.

Simply contact us and let us know what you are looking for , and we will do the searching for you. Our reporting system is a national system that ensures anonymity, security, and no disciplinary action. This is accomplished through a stringent review process that vets all information submitted before a report is published. We are happy to help. Finally, Dr. Rich Gasaway, with SAMatters. He has several podcasts, blogs, and other training material that can promote concepts that address human error and human performance improvement.

These concepts can help you prevent near-misses, injuries, and accidents in your department. Visit Dr.

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Reading this article has provided valuable insight into real events where firefighters almost perished. The challenge has now been passed to you. John also has worked for numerous career and voluntary fire and emergency service providers to include pre-hospital emergency medical service providers, specialized technical rescue organizations, along with risk management and prevention entities.

John also is a veteran of the United States Marine Corp s. No categories have been created yet. Chief, are you prepared for a hazmat incident?

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By getting ahead of the call, you will be keeping your community and your firefighters safer. All Rights Reserved. Lessons Learned from the Report Overall, units did an excellent job of communicating and adjusting to the situation presented to avoid a potentially negative outcome. Size-up is critical to identifying a basement fire and, when one is indicated, every effort should be given to make fire attack directly into the basement to avoid a situation similar to what occurred on this incident.

That being said, there was little to no indication of a working basement fire during the early stages of this incident. Given the time of day and the fact that no occupants were home, it is believed the fire had significant burn time before the fire department was dispatched. This true ordinary construction home was built in , with interior framing of dimensional lumber.

While houses of this construction type and era are typically very stable under fire conditions, with the extended burn time, significant portions of structural floor members were either partially or wholly burned away, leading to the hole on the first floor. The Hazmat team erred on the side of safety and voiced that a longer and safer approach was best. Other on-site SMEs felt the tank would "likely" hold.

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Catastrophic failure was not an acceptable outcome for the Hazmat team. However, they were overruled. Preparations for catastrophic container failure were made.

Brentwood High School

Airspace was cleared, neighborhoods were evacuated, and highways were closed. Minimal personnel worked in the hot zone equipment operators only.

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Lessons Learned from the Report It is helpful for the IC to have an aide, so there is more than one set of ears listening to the radio. The RIC needs to be actively involved in accountability. Place a RIC member at the door to count the number of people entering and exiting when operating with a department that assigns tasks by individuals instead of by crew number.

Repeat the Mayday announcement on the radio, so everyone on the scene is aware of it. Clear the Mayday on the radio, so all units are aware that it has been solved. The department has learned a valuable lesson.