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Note: This is a guest post by Vlad Dolezal of An Amazing Mind. While explaining stress management to an audience, the lecturer raised a glass.
Table of contents

Wake up and take control of your destiny, starting with what you focus on and allow into your life regardless of your age.

  1. 9 Ways to Find Peace of Mind in Tough Times;
  2. Follow the Author.
  3. The Wood Fire in No. 3.
  4. The Century Cook Book;

To find inner peace, we must also find inner silence. Silence is often underrated and almost impossible to find in this day and age.

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There are many ways to go about this, either through meditation, visualization , or other means. One way to clean out the clutter in our inner space is by guarding the garden of our mind. Being conscious of what we allow inside, starting with our own words, thoughts, and attention. We may not be aware of this, but we spend so much energy on gossiping, bad-mouthing other people, judging other people, finding faults in others, and consumed in negative thoughts like jealousy, guilt or fear, and making excuses to cover up how we actually feel.

Do THIS For Your Peace Of Mind - Pastor Steven Furtick

However, if we truly observe ourselves, our thoughts and our words, we will notice that at some point every day, however subtly or unconsciously, we are doing several of these things. Have you found yourself making up excuses to avoid fully dealing with a potentially uncomfortable situation? For example, your friend asks you to some social event.

  1. 13 Steps to Better RelationshipsAnd Peace of Mind | Psychology Today.
  2. How to Still Your Mind and Find Peace in 4 Easy Steps?
  3. Dian the dog: english;

Another example, someone asks you for a favor that you do not wish to comply to, but you feel guilty for rejecting him, so you either avoid that person i. It is not that you cannot do something, as your excuse suggests. The truth is that you have chosen not to do something, but the act of creating an excuse or avoiding it initiates a stir in your inner space, and it takes energy to maintain. When you are about to say anything, make a conscious decision to say the absolute truth, or what you actually mean. The words come so automatically now that they start to lose their true meaning.

We may think that these casual comments are harmless, but we know deep down that they are not true. They become little lies that we internalize, and over time they will develop into a guilty conscience that distracts you away from this moment. Make a conscious commitment to yourself to mean everything that you say, and not to make empty promises that you cannot, will not, do not intend to fulfill. Whether we admit to this or not, most of us love some form of gossiping myself included. We are also quick to notice the fault in others, and then talk about them with our trusted allies.

When we got home, we immediately told our spouse about the drama. Another example: Pat was fired from his job. Once we heard about it, we called or text-messaged our best friend Jane to tell her about it. In both examples, we cannot repeat the same things to everyone, especially Jenny or Pat. When we consciously observe such a conversation, we learn that we have accomplished nothing that feeds our soul.

All we did was spread drama and created negative energy and inner conflict that polluted our space and stole our inner peace. Commit not to say something to one person, unless you can announce it to the world. Commit to stopping the spread of drama and bad energy.

Council Post: Four Ways To Find More Peace Of Mind In Our Always-On Work Culture

Most of us are extremely critical of ourselves. Because we would never tell the world what we say to ourselves, in the privacy of our mind, we believe that we are the only ones affected by negative self-talk, low self-esteem, and anxiety. We all have inner chattering. Problems arise when we start to believe in our inner chattering and false beliefs about ourselves.

These false beliefs become detrimental to our spirits and future wellbeing unless we do something to unlearn these beliefs.

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I am exposing you, for you are not real! From today onward, I am free from you. Keep your inner space clean.

Observe the people who talk on buses, or love to chitchat at work by the water fountain. If you observe and count the things they say that are useful or truly interesting, it will be a low number. Not only is this distracting for those around this person, but it also takes an enormous amount of energy for this person to keep talking. Recall the last time you talked for a long time about something random, and how drained you felt afterward. Plus, the more useless things we say, the more useless things we feedback into our heads.

And at the end of such a day, they feel a tremendous sense of inner peace, space and energy bubbling inside them. This post was born out of 4 simple sentences someone gave me a few months ago. If you give this simple 4-line guidance a try for 21 days, you will notice a beautiful transformation; from noise to stillness and inner peace, from chaos to clarity.

The world tells us that peace of mind comes from money and success. If we work harder and run ourselves ragged, maybe we will find peace of mind and some security to fall back on. And we might, just might, find a little bit of peace in these worldly things. But instead of turning ourselves into workaholics or new age gurus, we have another option available to us. The Bible is very clear about where peace comes from and how we can get it for ourselves. Here are four easy steps to finding peace of mind in your life today.

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in you. Isaiah Perfect peace only comes from Jesus.

3 Steps to That Unplugged, Peace-of-Mind Vacation People Talk About

If we know Jesus, then we know peace. Because He is peace itself. When we put our trust in the Prince of Peace and focus on Him continually, we will find a perfect peace that only comes from knowing Him. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John The world says that if we want peace we will find it in ourselves, either by achieving our goals and aspirations or through other religions.

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This type of peace that the world gives, only takes us farther and farther away from the truth of who Jesus is and leaves us feeling empty. Things the world offers, like money and meditation only serve to distract and confuse us. But the perfect peace of Jesus is different from anything we can find on our own. It takes us directly to the heart of who He is and gives us abundant joy. The peace of Jesus takes away fear, confusion, worry and strife and gives us the safety net we are looking for.

It sets our minds at ease and gives us a safe place to rest. I will both lie down in peace, and sleep: For you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Ps Worry is bound to catch up with us at some point. But when it does, we can take all of those anxieties to Jesus. He cares about everything in our lives. The really big, earth shattering things that cause doubt and fear to rise up inside and threaten to overtake us.

And the little day to day worries that we all experience too. Whatever roadblocks are preventing us from having the peace of mind we desire, Jesus wants to hear about it and lift that burden from us. So, take your worries to Him because He cares for you.