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James "Mark" Wilson (born 11 April ) is an American magician and author. He is widely credited as becoming the first major "television magician" and in the​.
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To suggest that a kind, gentle, and, yes, depressed man only realizes his life is worthwhile after he dies, or that his journey had nowhere left to go? It's irresponsible and downright chilling. There is always a journey left to make, and life is worthwhile while we're still living it.

Magic, Miracles, and The Gospel

Piling on top of that: Q gets to watch his friends memorialize him around a bonfire and see how much they miss him, which is a popular element of real-life suicidal ideation i. The sequence is exquisitely, realistically filmed and acted — which makes it all the more frightening, or borderline triggering, to real viewers. To add insult to injury, the death in question is painted as a "white dude hero dies, isn't that innovative? The perfect storm of circumstances surrounding Quentin's death has turned what was once a funny, smart, emotional show for the misfits of the world into another show that turns those same misfits into tragedies.

And make no mistake, by taking away the possibility of a happy ending — or implying that death is a happy ending — that's just what The Magicians has done. TV doesn't need more aesthetically pleasing tragedies. What it needs is more stories that remind us that the work of mental health is hard and treacherous and sometimes almost impossible, but that every single one of us is more than just a tragedy or "miracle cure" waiting to happen. The Magicians almost was that show — but it's not anymore, and that's a grief even bigger than losing a single character.

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We're Hiring! That means they're not working in the field, that means they are not doing the work, and they're not being productive human beings because they're not out in the field been a mule.

And as an entrepreneur, there's nothing wrong with working as long as we know we're working towards a goal. My biggest fear, as you're listening to this, depending what age you're at, I guess age doesn't really matter realizing what I'm sharing here with you how big it can be, is that as a magician I was 12 years old being a magician and didn't even know it. People'd be like, "Oh dude, you're lazy. You're always looking for the angles to get out of work. Is that the whole fucking point?

See, there's no shortage of mules. Like I said, you're actually, people are bragging about it and getting praised about it. And his buddy literally said, "Dude you think that's bad, I think I've been working like 18 hours a day. No time off. Now I'm not afraid of work by the way, I actually love working. I'm a hardcore mule by the way. So I'm talking to myself right now, I'm just sharing it out loud to you, but I'm a hard fucking worker. I love it. I can't wait to wake up and I don't want to go to sleep, but it's different types of work. I remember when I used to do construction, up at 4, bed by 11, seven days a week.

Not five, not six, seven days a week because I had work to do.

'The Magicians' Cast on Season 4's Fresh Start and Alice's Guilt (VIDEO)

Now I'm not saying you shouldn't work, so don't stop everything you're doing. I'm just saying you need to become conscious of what you're doing. See, mules are thinking, "How do I protect and grow and put myself in this box? And then the mule says, "Fuck that. I'm keeping all this money, it's all mine, I worked really, really hard. I'm putting in the hours, damn it.

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Thinking you're going to want to wake up every day like you are now excited at your age ready to tackle and kill the world. What happens when you get 50? Guys, this is no secret. The average person in this world is financially done. They're one week away from devastation. Guess who's out there giving all this financial advice? Guys, I know this because this is how I grew up. When I was 12 years old everyone said, "What are you thinking? Why aren't you working?

Get outside and work. Working is relative, it depends what you're thinking "work" means, well define that. But the people telling me was trying to protect me. I love my family, I wanted to go see my grandmother, take her out to lunch and celebrate if you will.

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I pull up all excited in my jeans and T-shirt, three checks in my pocket, a smile ear to ear and I walk in and she says, "What the hell are you doing here, Mark? Don't count your chickens before the eggs hatch. You have to work, Mark. Thank God I used that conversation as fuel, not defeat. See, a lot of times you guys are hearing this shit like, "You cannot do that. No, no, no. See, if our family knew the shit I'm sharing with you, we wouldn't be talking about it.

It would just be the norm.

The Real Work of Magic | The New Yorker

So the thought on the thought, or we call it the tot, the tot on this is where did this conversation come from? My mom and dad are amazing people, my grandmother was an amazing person, but the conversations that they were raised, what they saw in their world, how they grew up, how they were trained, they were just carrying on the conversation to me that they felt fit the ideal picture of what they knew.

I'm not knocking it, I'm just bringing it to the surface so we can conversate about it. I can tell you this, I make a whole lot more money being the magician than I ever did as a mule. There's no way you can even compete with a magician as a mule. It doesn't exist, because you only have so many hours in the day. This is a real thing.

See, as I'm talking to you today, literally as I'm talking to you today I have many things moving. Here's a magician thing. I have a book coming out, another one, this will be number 11 or 12 or something like that, and every time I write a book, number one, all the profits go to charity, so I'm excited about that because we get to give back. Two, I work once, it works forever. My first book was November 21, , and still every single month we sell those books. I work once and it keeps getting paid forever.

As a mule we work once for an hour, we get paid for an hour, period. I don't know. So one hour, downloads equals hours, 10, downloads is 10, hours. I can't talk one on one to you, I just don't have time, enough time in the day to do that. I would love to, the mule and me would love to, but the magician mindset doesn't allow for it. It's true, the time constraints don't allow for it. Not that I don't love you, but I'd much rather hang out with my family, my wife, my kids and my parents and such than to hang out with every Tom, Dick and Harry to talk about the same bullshit.

Hence why this show exists. I want this show to be inspiring and powerful and enlightening you to share bigger picture stuff. So I work for an hour, it gets heard tens of thousands of hours. It inspires someone. See, as a rule, magician, I have sales guys working right now, their conversating about our company because I had a top down visual model, hire people, guide people, inspire people and make an impact by leading.

Back in the day used to get a hard on saying, "I did everything, I do it all. What do you got? Send it to me, I'll do it. Right now I have, like if you look at my chart, I'm in my office in the Shaker Heights, Ohio on the third floor, have a whiteboard, you can hear me hitting on it. I have a picture of my daughter, picture my son and I have the things that I have going.